So since new mori animations are a possible project

immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I had a few cool ideas to share

Nurse: The survivor is gripped by the same magical force she uses to break things and pull from lockers, the survivor struggles as their eyes and mouth glow , a sphere of orange light flies into the nurses hand, clenching her fist as she collects another last breath, dropping the lifeless husk afterwards

Doctor: Gripping the survivor by the throat , a humming sound starts to rise as the doctors arm charges with electricity , causing lightning to course and arc off the survivor like a plasma ball, doc pulls them closer to his face as he watches their life leave them, dropping the smoldering remains with his signature laugh

Huntress: A survivor starts to ring forward, huntress hurling a hatchet into the back of their leg causing them to stumble over on their stomach, huntress then raises her axe and cleaves down like splitting a log on the survivors skull, retrieving her hatchet and stepping back

These were just a couple really fun ideas for if and when the devs add new mori animations to obtain..I'd love to see really sweet moris like these


  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    Even though it probably would be difficult to do, I love to see a Moro that uses all 4 of the Legion characters, or even 2 at a time.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    The one of nurse about getting the breath sounds nice.

    For the trapper would be cool that he drop survivor on a bear trap.

    For the wraith is that survivors stand up disoriented and he uncloak and hit him on the head and then quit the weapon from surv head.

    For Oni maybe a Seppuku style??

    For legion maybe grabbing survivor and multiple stabbing? (i really like legion mori hard to surpass 🤔)

    Pig needs a RBT mori for sure!! Maybe like tampering the timer and make head explode.

    Hag maybe somekind of make mud clones hit survivor and eat him??? Or just quit the heart a squeeze it to have blood on her face.

    Billy or leatherface like cutting both survivors arms with chainsaw.

    Spirit like piercing the survivor with her sword (like he does for closing hatch) on the survivor.

    Deathslinger would be very troublesome (no idea)

    Myers maybe an execution from movies.

    Ghostface and freddy no idea but freddy defo need one better.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah I feel ya..lots of room for improvement

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    Honestly, I don't think most of the moris need updating. Ones like Hag, Spirit, Pig (it's a reference to a scene in the movie, iirc) and most of the later killers are all great. Deathslinger and Oni IMO are two of the best moris in the game, I think they're amazing. The only ones that really need changing completely are original killers like Trapper, Wraith and Billy to a degree.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    Well honestly, I dont think there should be a change to the original 4 (Trapper, Wraith Billy Nurse ) Just to keep the nostalgia from when the game first came out although i do agree some mori's are bland and boring such as The clown, And leatherface , Maybe even freddy and there is definitly room for improvement

  • ClumsyBunny
    ClumsyBunny Member Posts: 48

    The legion Susie

    for Susie I have two ideas.

    1.) gets on top of the survivor takes off her mask (without us seeing her face) and kisses them on the cheek and them stabs them repeatedly in the chest area, gets up and puts her mask on.

    2.) she Gets on the ground and lays the survivors head on her lap and slowly starts to slit there neck and closes there eye lids.


    the survivor gets up and the clown brakes his bottle of tonic and chokes the survivor and sticks the bottle in there back and leaves it there and pulls his knife out and cuts there stomach sideways.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The first while interesting I imagine would be difficult as it limits its usage to cosmetics as a factor..but neat , as for clown..damn lol

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Well 1 nostalgia would come from some base designs but the moris are mostly disliked more than thought of for nostalgia..second I doubt it would be an issue as the implication is killers may have moris as a new cosmetic option obtainable via rift rewards