Why do I Want to Subject Myself to This?
Is there a date to fix matchmaking? This is my 7th time as killer and 2nd time trying out this specific killer and this does not make it fun! Yes, I know it's a known issue, and I've bitched about it before, but when?!!!
Well you're only running 2 perks...maybe the game thinks you're confident enough to go up against the big leagues 🤨
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Dude, you're playing killer. Thus, like the rest of us killer players, you're a masochist!
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Not joking here, but go and do some Survivor Archives, grind up some easy BP and level up killers in the background if you have a decent Survivor build. It'll make it a bit easier to have Killer games, and get into the mind of a survivor.
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Having a decent level killer doesn't even the skill gap. Rank 19 is essentially a new killer and they should be matched against people of similar skill. I know if when i started and matchmaking was this borked I would have just deleted the game and moved on.
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I also thought that people below rank 15 were generally locked into playing each other, rather than mingling with the rest of the ranks, and having more powerful perks and a wider variety of them can help.
And again, getting into a survivor's mindset.
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I don't think I've ever seen a screenshot without DS
Seriously whats the stats on the amount of games that have this perk lol
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Playing low rank survivor does not equate to playing against purple rank as a new killer. I'm currently green rank killer and have yet to have a game in the last two days where I don't have at least one rank 1 and have had only 2 games where there were ranks other than red, both of those games also had rank 1 present.
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That's exactly how I leveled a new killer to 15. I burned a sheetload of survivor BPs, daily rituals and tome BPs. This won't stop me from continuing with Killer but the Level 7 looper with a flashlight got really old really quickly. Thanks for the advice!
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Ironically enough, I'm also back in green ranks, versing red survivors, and I actually do BETTER in those games where I'm versing red-ranked survivors. Games for me with 2 Reds, a Purple and a Yellow are easier for me to do well in than a game with 3 Greens and a Purple/Yellow.
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For a second there I thought I was in the picture because I just had a game just like this against a super low rank killer. Ya matchmaking is a trainwreck.
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But DS helps against tunneling!
Or, you know, the instant I get hit with DS the kid gloves come off and now I will tunnel that person out of the game.
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DS needs a nerf big time. Should be on a survivor for no more than 30 seconds after theyre unhooked. Shoot, make it 20 seconds and up the stun to like 8 seconds to punish Tunneling Killers specifically.
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Yep xD. When i play killer, if a surv plays dirty by baiting a Head On or DS, i tunnel them until theyre dead, idk about the win anymore lol.
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As much as I hate ds as killer, this would be a terrible idea to implement. Slugging for 20 seconds is nothing. The perk would be near useless
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Any killer who is good plays around DS. Its the killers at low ranks versing higher, more perk farmed survivors that are at a huge disadvantage. I slug regardless as a killer now after downing a survivor that was recently unhooked. Theyre being slugged regardless. DS nerf would make survivors actually have to play like a survivor, instead of "in the killers face". I dont think the devs planned for dbd to be a "tease the dog" type game, but a "cat and mouse" one..
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I'm glad I'm not the only person who responds to the "Did you have fun?" in the top right. I doubt they do anything with the data though, even though it would be extremely useful to them.
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I don't see any perks. Hex perks are dead.
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I only ever use haunted grounds, never get use out of it but hey its fun to imagine dem big brain olays
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I'm not trying to dismiss the fact that you're having rough times, but the devs themselves say that rank really doesn't mean anything other than how much you play the game. Play more games and "git gud" and you'll naturally have an easier time against these kinds of players.
I'm not even trying to say this to be mean. Just simply put, when rank doesn't mean anything really, the only thing you can rely on to win is yourself and your skill. Try not to focus on the number on your screen too much.
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I am no longer suprised when i see the match results screen. I will get all red ranks or all brown rank, and everything in between...which makes me think they are testing the new mm system.
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Happens to me as well from time to time. Today I had a rainbow of ranks verse against me.
Though they were most likely swf because they all had the same offerings and were very coordinated.
Usually I manage well enough, but there are instances where I definitely should not have matched against certain players.
My most embarassing match was against 4 rank 1's as a rank 16 killer that tried out the Doctor for their first time. All of them got out in minutes...
Second match as doctor I get another bunch of red ranks. They were what most would call a "bully squad". That match got me fuming (because I don't have any good perks unlocked while I face 4 people with meta perks and more experience...), still got a 3k because they were overly altruistic.
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Sorry to say, get used to it bud. The dev's arent exactly what I'd call reliable.