DBD mobile and Bluestacks

snozer Member Posts: 776

People are using bluestacks to play dbd mobile.. on their pc.

This really does kill the experience since mobile controls are so inferior. I can't see the game lasting too long if you don't keep this in check like IDV did.


  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    But its like the junk that used XIM3 on the ps3 to cheat at cod. Nothing but a hollow victory using things not designed for the game.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    But also, pc inputs don't function very well with mobile. You need both fingers and only have one mouse.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Emulators can bind in keyboard as well. So you'd still use wsad or whatev to move and mouse to look.

    Personally, I won't touch dbd mobile unless it gets full controller supp, because controls are so ass.

    Sadly, we will get told to take the discussion to the dbd mobile site, which has no place for discussion.

  • 1saltypug
    1saltypug Member Posts: 117

    you sure about that? Loaded up bluestacks to see and it says incompatible, downloading the apk and trying to load it doesnt work either

  • Old_Padwan
    Old_Padwan Member Posts: 2

    why not just keep a game made for the Mobile gamers out there , only allowed to use mobile controls , the idea of a console controller being used for Mobile gaming seems to defeat the object of making the game Mobile in the 1st place , leave controllers for console & PC players & stop PC players being able to play mobile on there PCs to me this is just cheating - it will kill Mobile before it’s had a chance to kick off , controllers maybe ok but just defeats the object of it being a mobile game , But using a PC to play mobile is defo cheating to me , same with a lot of mobile games , CODM , Fortnite & PUBG being another’s - let’s just keep the game Mobile

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    But you can't. Dbd mobile uses a touchpad to move that cannot be bound to wasd in any way. It needs a mouse input for a mouse click, and even if you rebind it to instead be a keyboard press instead of a mouse click, you still need 2 cursors which most emulators don't provide--BlueStacks being one of them.

    It doesn't have full controller support because that gives an unfair advantage to everyone. Trying to use a controller nets the same result as trying to use mouse and keyboard; it doesn't work.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    You can not download dead by daylight mobile on bluestacks

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Not sure what you mean by this, exactly. Most games that work similarly have a TouchPad sorta thing for movement, and you bind wsad so thst pressing one of those is equivalent to pressing that section of the TouchPad. I had done that with identity v for a while before I had a phone that would run it. If dbd works differently, somehow, I'll accept that. Just sounds like what you're describing is exactly what works in my past experience is all.

    As far as controllers, if they give an unfair advantage to everyone, then no one would actually have an advantage. Controllers are more and more popular when it comes to mobile/tablet gaming, so, really, it's more just keeping up with the future. Not everyone can have a pc, but just about everyone who can game on a phone can pick up a 8-10$ controller.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    You can connect your console controller to your phone already (needs MFI support for iOS, I think all ps4 controllers support MFI and xbox controllers released after the xbox one s).

    DbD mobile does not work on bluestacks bc it does not have openGL ES 3.1 (at least there is no emulator that I know with x64, android 5 or higher and v3.1). You can install it, but you cant actually run it.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    I got ya. I have a controller I can use, but dbd doesn't support it. I suppose there may be an emulator on Android to use to get the controller janked in as fake touches, but I'm not going to go chugging through that for a cheap port of a game already on my PC. If it supported actual controller input to play, I'd be happy to fiddle with it, as having a newborn has made it a lot harder to hang out at my PC.

  • tuonghoi
    tuonghoi Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2020

    someone please help me

    i want to play dead by daylight mobile on pc but on bluestack on google play it say: Your device is not compatible with this version

    so i can not download it (im from vietnam)

    someone help me fix this

  • omegalulsmiley
    omegalulsmiley Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    This post is literally against playing dbd mobile on pc and you're asking for help to install it? 🤔

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    ShootingPlus v3 is a mapping tool for controllers, you can use your controller on any game with that. But you'll have to map everything by yourself and you need to navigate menus/settings etc with touch screen. You need 1 set for survivor and 1 set for killers, bc of the different button mapping.

    well if you would have checked previous replies, you wouldnt have to post this. 2 post above you I said why it doesnt work.

  • penelopegwen
    penelopegwen Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021

    can anyone give me the link of blue stack latest version?