Respawning Pallets

So... I think it’s time to talk about respawning pallets.

If hooks respawn, so should pallets. Although, I wouldn’t advocate the pallets respawning in the same place they were broken, nor do I think it should be anything like the speed that hooks respawn. Here is my proposal:

Every two minutes, the map generates pallets to the total number that spawned at the beginning of the match. If the map spawns with 7 pallets, and 3 pallets are broken, not just downed, but broken, then at two minutes in, the map regenerates the 3 broken pallets.

This enables the killer to prevent pallets from respawning by leaving them. Not all pallets are safe, so they don’t all need to be broken.

In this way, the fewer number of pallets on maps is fine, but you don’t end up with a whole map that is a dead zone.

Also, 2 minutes is maybe too fast, perhaps it needs to be 3 minutes instead.

