Why do people use the same killers ALL the time?!! RANT

Batman781 Member Posts: 93

Just for kicks I kept track on a notepad of my last 100 games as a survivor as to who the killer was every match, this is what I found...

19 Doctors, 17 Freddys, 16 Ghostfaces, 13 Spirit, 11 Legions, 8 Michaels, 6 Huntresses, 5 Trappers, 4 Pigs, and a Wraith.

So not only are merely half of the killers on this list, but the the top 3 are the 3 least fun to play against(in my opinion). And the number 1,the ol' Doc, is not only the least fun to face, he's not fun at all. In fact he's downright annoying and so are his mechanics. 75% of survivors are probably like "Seriously, not this guy again." and have (at least a slight)thought of DCing right then. I bet if we could track the killers who were most DCed against he would be at the top of the list(I'm guessing).

Then we have Freddy, who not only excels at slowing the game down but can teleport to ANY gen on the map with minimal cooldown. This combined with BBQ and Pop Goes The Weasel makes it seem like some games we spend 9 minutes working on the same gen for a total of 215% progress needed to complete. Now we have his portals, which get spammed in every chase making looping far more difficult(at least to a reasonable percent of players) and rescues as well(since it slows the process and makes camping a little easier and a more frequent tactic). Speaking of rescues, Borrowed Time doesn't proc if the rescuer is asleep, what a hum job that is. Maybe its me, but I feel dream pallet Freddy is more fun to face(as well as a little easier).

Ghostface, don't even get me started. A tea-bagging Myers in a women's bathrobe. Not knowing where he is, being able to expose people limitless times, being a bit more difficult to keep track of in chase when he actives Night Shroud(for me at least), are some kinks I have with him. Gameplay he's not more difficult than Michael, I don't think. But a great many people who use him are toxic, taunting, A... hole-in-ones.

Can we see some buffs/changes to some lesser killers to give everyone some incentive to switch it up? I'm not saying changes these killers(as Doc just got reworked, obviously), but I miss having a variety in my matches. I guess this goes along side most of my posts that request my martini shaken, not stirred... but I digress. Thoughts anyone?


  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Perhaps killers should have flashing lights on their heads and hand out refreshing lemonade so you can see them coming and also quench your thirst from the exhaustion caused by holding m1. This sounds like it would fix everything

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    Doc will always have insane pressure on the map and punish you for not paying attention to your skill checks, no amount of changes to wraith or whoever will change that. Some killers are just better for dealing with more skilled survivors. But you are right in the sense that some killers need changes to be seen more.

    Sad clown noises

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2020

    Clown- probably currently the worst killer right now. His only useful perk being pop so not even a starters choice. His own skill denies him hits.

    Cannibal- a lame billy who is decent but is only highlight is camping...

    Trapper- The OG so he is a little aged. Not to mention that pig can bring 5 traps but trapper can only carry 1 at a time

    Nurse- high skill cap and most of those killers left. On console she is horrid

    Oni- sucks on console. High skill cap on pc to be effective

    Plag- gimmicky

    Post edited by Feiten on
  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Wish I get to see as much Spirits as you, bud :(

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    The plague is now my favorite but the build I'm running isn't really fun for survivors tbh and have been told a number of time (Thana + dying light + increased time corruption stays on object + high corruption rate) . I mean to each their own.

    But I'm now running calm spirit on almost everything because ######### the doc.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I don’t think that any killer specifically needs buffs in all honesty. I think some tweaks?

    but what the issue actually is with the three that you’ve mentioned is the fact that they all have overloaded kits.

    Freddy can teleport, place traps, put false pallets, a long lunge, and is a second-objective killer.

    Doctor distorts the screen, messes with skill checks, stuns survivors out of actions, can find survivors easily and is a second-objective killer.

    Ghostface is a small, fast stealth killer, who can gain the ability to instadown.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Been ages since i seen a spirit on the survivor side. They are fun to play against.

    Well i have no idea what the op thinks about t bagging but from what i seen in general, it normally seen as rude or simply a taunt. Depending on how you view it. Of course what counts as rudeness seems to widely depend on the person in general. Since well i know i have different standards than other people, when it comes to certain things that might be seen as rude or bad sportsmanship.

    Yeah i love playing ghostface. It fun sneaking around, hiding behind walls while crouch, if they are big enough, that and crouching can stop you from being revealed if you are quick enough and in a good position. Some of the map changes, have made him more fun to play on certain maps. Of course Ghostface is not the only killer i play, i do play others like Spirit or when i get a daily for them like clown. Of course on ghostface i like to horde my recovery add ons. For i'm cheap on blood points. For i have used recovery add ons a few times on ghostface and boy. Is it night and day between playing with recover add ons and playing without them. You can do so much more with recovery add ons, that you could not dream of on a ghostface without any recovery add ons. Of course i also find ghostface fun to go against. Have not seen any of the ghost faces i have personal gone against t bag but i am aware some do it. Since there is video proof of it happening on youtube. So maybe i'm just lucky when it comes to the ghostface players i go against.

    Which yeah people will wanna play killers they have the most fun with or ones they are good at, due to say wanting to win the match. Of course i can also understand the Op. Like if i faced nothing but Trapper for my next 1000 games, i most likely would get tired of facing Trapper and want anyone else beside them. Yet there is well little one can do to get people to play other killers, beside maybe working out a effective build for that killer, people can use while playing them in hopes of getting more people to play that certain killer or say a rework that brings them up to par. Of course i'm also a special person that likes to go against spirit, so i might be a bit crazy.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I play all of the killers, but I've been on a wraith and deathslinger kick lately. The common thing about the killers you face is their ability to shut down toxic behavior. Weaker killers get bullied, which leads to them playing stronger killers.

    The atrocious matchmaking doesn't help matters either. People turn to the strongest killers to get help against the survivors they shouldn't be playing.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Instead of complaining, go pick clown and go to some games then. People have their favourite killers, who are you to tell them what to play or not?

    From what I've seen these last months, any killer that poses an actual threat is immediately branded as unfun.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think people not liking them and killers playing them is related. Because they are killers that can keep up with survivors and even set the tone of the match. Yeah, people dont play weak killers as often. Not such a big surprise, is it?

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    I played nurse on my second game ever and all the survivors said i was trash and tea bagged then i tried trapper and had mixed successes. When i won it was half ggs half your trash killer only won because tunneling,noed,slugging,lag,teammates sucked etc etc then i bought doctor and oh boy i won the next like 6 games killing all survivors getting 3k plus and now i dont even care what they think when i play top killers.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    Reading halfway thru I honestly thought u was finna start saying nerf all these killers but u surprised me and said buff the lower tier ones I'm down for this idea I miss playing clown.

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    They do, it's called a red stain. It's probably one of the most minor things that bother me but it's just that a whole lot of little's adds up to a lot.

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    I'm all for having a main and using who you like but the trend is from the desire to win and people use these killers because they are stronger(or have a lower skill cap making them seem stronger). I think some buffs or changes to lesser used killers would give people a reason to switch their choice up a bit. Teg-bagging, for me, because I'v literally never in my career done it to a killer. Not only because I think it's petty and unsportsmanlike, but because having that view makes it something I don't really think of. You can't really say the same about survivors because survivors only difference is cosmetic, killers are all unique in many ways.

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    I'm absolutely not. It took 3 days to play the games, they were not consecutive in one sitting. Maybe it's just the lottery I was given but I do understand why you think so.

  • Ironclad86
    Ironclad86 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2020

    I see your clown and raise you demogorgon who is that weak he’s not even been mentioned in this whole thread xD

    As for the topic, it’s simply because with killer perks being unreliable (being removable with the hex system or no use like unrelenting) whether or not you have good basic abilities on your killer either through synergy with perks or just being plain strong, becomes a hinge pin for success. The killers aren’t that strong that the player can really afford to take a handicap of playing a weaker one, so until the others are brought up to standard I’m afraid you’ll see mostly the same ones.

    Personally however I mained clown through to prestige but once I got to rank 12 and started running into full red rank survivors I had to move on and depip. So now I’m playing demogorgon who I’m having great difficulty with due to his ability not being really suited to the looping obstacles core chase mechanics of DbD. Not to mention the reverse jointed predatory beast runs loud as heck and at the same speed as my fatass in a clown suit xD but I like playing something different for the novelty...me playing at a disadvantage doesn’t stop the survivors teabagging though.


  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Best idea. I don't care what the survivors say, I play who and how I want. Usually the ones crying about you being a trash killer are the ones that run the meta perks and have the most toxic play styles.

  • Batman781
    Batman781 Member Posts: 93

    I'm not telling anyone anything, actually. It's a rant, like an opinion. It's not based on facts, it's just my personal view. The reason for my view is because the chaos and confusion that comes with playing against Doctor is flustering a lot of the time, combined with him(now) being one of the stronger killers makes it a bit much to face so frequently. Freddy slows down games which to me, making things simply take longer isn't fun or interesting. And Ghostface, is because of toxicity. Before you claim how toxic survivors are, know that I'm not, and will never be like that.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Well if you're not toxic than i take my hat off too you kind sir. I understand your opinion, but you also have to understand that killers might be getting sick of being treated like crap if they chose a weaker killer and lose match. I guess it's the price to pay if you're a good survivor

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Maybe because it is not viable to play all killers seriously? I mean, Why play slowdown Legion when Freddy can do it better and passively?

    All killers should be equal strength. But, survivor (only) mains complain when a killer is too strong, and they get nerfed (Nurse and Spirit, anyone?). Billy has been mostly untouched, but that is because the devs like where he is. I find him annoying more so than any other killer.

    I wish I could play Legion or Deathslinger at high ranks, but they suffer massively without the right perks, and I just want to run what I want to, not the meta. But the meta is what you have to play to have a chance at fun these days. : P

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You played 100 matches, with FOUR PIGS and ZERO CHAINSAWS?

    Rank, platform and region please, because this sounds WAY better than what I usually get!

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    I started playing on console again and in all my games I have not seen a billy and I've had 1 wraith. Made me sad because billy is fun imo :(

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Been playing over here on the pc, after the update. I have seen only a few Billys. They seem very rare these days. Like someone hunted them down and reduce their numbers.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Apparently Billy is bugged right now. I've only had two Billys since the update and that is rare.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Freddy have the same lunge as anyone else he is just smaller and he dont have a weapon that why is lunge look like this

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah that is most likely the case, as to why people are staying away from Billy for now. Until he gets fixed.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Lol you're right. But demo is decent at certain maps due to his midgame map pressure. In the end he is rarely used tho.. i myself never cared n for stranger things and wanted our clown to be more of an IT

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    why do all survivors run the same perks all the time ds bt adrenaline

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Some killers are more viable then others

    The only killer I can't stand is ghostface

    other then that everyone is fine

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    People usually have their favourite killer or killers and don't really take consensus of what other people use into account.

    My three main are

    1) Amanda

    2) Legion

    3) Demi Logorgon

    In that order

    However I have very little to no care if the survivors I'm against have faced 15 pigs before facing me. In the same way the Claudette probably doesn't care that she's the 29th Claudette I've gone up against.

    People want to play what they want to play, outside of that everything else is kind of irrelevant.