I feel like genrushing is worse then before



  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    In smaller maps you can just aim with the mouse and press w to find survivors on gens. Indeed, smaller maps makes that much easier, I do not understand the source of complaint.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited April 2020

    If the survivors do that things then the game is not that quick and there are no genrush.

    I say genrush when three gens are done in very few minutes and you still have only 2 - 3 hooks. Almost no totems done, almost no opened chests, if the survivors are good at looping and you are not using a top tier killer, alea jacta est. Why do you think in red ranks the people carry corrupt intervention and/or Pop goes the wessel and are meta and use only 5 or 6 viable killers? the main reason is because there are a lot of killers who cannot put enough pressure in the map. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Who do I have to pay attention to? You, a random in a forum or to main killers with 4k+ hours which say that genrush exist?

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    After 3 days of testing, i have to say i see really no difference. Even if some complain about dead zones, there are enough options left to keep the killer busy throughout a match. And the bad matchmaking, especially in the evening and night hours in my region, makes it nearly unplayable, except if i just play to try out silly or funny stuff without even attempt to "win".

    Against red rank squads, you have to end chases super quick to have a chance, and maybe get someone out of the game as soon as possible or try slugging when everyone is injured. hit & run and hook juggling doesn't work really because they don't bother to heal and just run back to a gen if you leave for another gen to add "map pressure"...

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Well I certainly wouldn't listen to someone who "mains" killer for the simple fact those kinds will moan about gen times even if it took 40mins per gen. It will never be enough for some. Loads of people manage just fine in red ranks with the current times.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You can't make reliable observations in two days.

    Like seriously. Is the urge to complain this intense?

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    It seems like people are stuck in this NO HEAL - GEN! mentality. I've had several games where I simply can NOT get a single teammate to heal me, so for the first time I have to run Self Care. I like games where lots of stuff happens, not these 4-injured running around blitzing gens and dying to NOED because people freak out if they catch you Cleansing. There's also been a lot of insta-unhooks as if all of us injured people with no pallets have anywhere to go instead of back to the hook. A lot of games end with only one or two gens done because of this, and getting killed by survivors who are supposed to be on the same side really bites. It's not your obligation to see me escape but you could, at the very least, not be a direct hindrance.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Survivor objective is to try and escape. They are doing what they need to do to power the gates. There is no gen rush in my opinion.

    You want survivors to just run around the map like potatoes?

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Agreed. The gen nerfs didn't do squat, and with the original intent was too give killers more time too pressure early on but every game the first hook always costs 1-2 gens. Gen's rushing need heavy nerfs or they need too add more objectives.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    yes, and it wasn't even close too enough too fix gen speeds. I feel barely a difference in gen speeds and I've played the new update for an entire day as killer only.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Using two matches to judge anything is ridiculous. I can tell you from many matches that things are better

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    I understand that i can get a 4k easier than i can escape. I have 13 4ks in a row as killer. I played 5 games as survivor last night and escaped 1 through the hatch as last survivor and im rank 1.

    You must be killer sided based on your complaints. Which means you don't understand how much we prefer to get out then get a totem. Thats like survivors telling you to try and get hooks in the basement every time. It's not necessary for you to win, but it gives a bigger accomplishment.

    I play am down to rank 10 killer and continuing to work down. 13 4ks in a row proves gen rushing isn't that bad. Oh by the way, i play killer now because its easier.

  • yikers
    yikers Member Posts: 94

    Just wait a week or two until most survivors catch up and adjust to the smaller map sizes.

    Then you'll see "gen rushing"