The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Create A Set of Perks!

Shaun Member Posts: 28

You have been challenged to create a set of killer/survivor perks! Give the name of the perks and how they work. Also, remember to be kind to others; instead of saying that a perk idea is bad, try adding on to it!


  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    Killer perk set for a magician killer:

    Hocus Pocus: each time you hit a survivor with a basic attack, apply a random status effect for 15 seconds. When you hook a survivor, each healthy survivor will receive a random status effect for 40, 50, 60 seconds.

    Magician's Secret: whenever a skill check appears, it has a 5%, 10%, 15% chance of being cursed. Getting a great on a cursed skill check does nothing. Getting a good reveals the survivor's aura for 2 seconds. Failing a cursed skill check reveals the aura for 6 seconds.

    Final Act: if the killer opens the exit gate, Final Act activates. While Final Act is activated, the killer's aura is revealed to all survivors for 30, 20, 10 seconds. All survivors will have one of these three effects happen to them: their aura will be revealed to the killer for the rest of the match, they will have the exposed effect for the rest of the match, or they can be moried.

    This perk set allows for powerful advantages on the account that chance determines how they activate, leading to a high-risk, high-reward game.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Set of perks for a killer called The Freakshow:

    Whack-A-Troll -- Each time you hook a survivor, you have a 15% chance to teleport another random survivor to within 15/10/5 meters of the hook. This perk has a 60 second cool down and cannot be used once the End Game Collapse has been activated.

    Wham Bam! -- Step right up to the feat of strength! Hitting any survivor twice activates the perk. Once activated, the killer's hammer does AoE damage. Any survivor within 5/8/12 meters of the killer when they slam their hammer down is hit and any injured survivors will be put in the dying state.

    I could only think of two perkss. Feel free to add another.

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    edited May 2020

    Kleptophobic killer:

    Hex: No Swiping

    Up to 1/2/3 Chests will be protected. If a survivor tries to open a protected chest, a trap will spring out, injuring the survivor and notifying the killer. The chest will close again immediately (I'm not sure if the chest should then become normal chest or stay protected).

    Cleansing the hex will immediately open all protected chests.

    Safe Deposit Box

    When you open a locker, all other lockers within 20/28/36 metres of the locker will be locked for 30/35/40 seconds. Survivors can't get inside a locked locker, but survivors that are already inside can get out. Have a cooldown of 40 seconds (maybe longer if it's too strong).

    Thief Catcher

    Survivors that carry item breathe 0/25/50% louder, their grunt of pain is 25/50/75% louder, their footstep is 0/25/50% louder, their blood stains are considerably more discernable, and their scratch mark spawn moderately closer together. (Is this too much? Maybe a hex?)

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    I wanted to originally have it affect injured survivors, but then I thought 'Why punish those who are already disadvantaged?' By having it affect healthy survivors, it would punish those who are staying away. I do see what you are saying about the second perk needing to be a hex, but the percentages would need to be changed, perhaps 10, 15, 20. That would make up for the fact that it could be deactivated. I think Final Act should stay the way it is though; you open the exit gate, forcing end game, and the aura revealing would let the survivor's have time to prepare. Maybe it would deactivate it the other gate opens to balance it, or maybe after the end game timer gets to the half way point... Just a thought though. Glad you like the perk idea!

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    I love these ideas! An idea for a third perk;

    Test Your Strength: for each pallet you break, gain a token. For each token you have, deal an additional 2%, 2.5%, 3% damage to any generator you damage. Damaging a generator consumes a token.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    Loss of blood----

    when you injure a survivor and they haven't healed in 1 minute they are affected by "light headed"(giving them drunk controls from time to time",cleansed on heal.

    they're coming get you barbara---

    Every time you hit a survivor you put a token on them that slows them for 1%(stacks up to 4).Stacks are halfed when said survivor is hooked.All stacks are loss if the survivor fully heals.

    Reader beware you're in for a scare-----

    adds goosebumps to the game, Hell yeah brother

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2020

    A Set of Perks for a killer known as the crypt-keeper (flavor text too, woo!)

    Among The Dead: the killer can see the aura of all dull totems. When a survivor cleanses a full totem, a notification will play where the totem was and the killer will be given the undetectable status effect for 20, 25, 30 seconds.

    "They meddle with the dead, unaware that I'll soon add them." - The Keeper

    Sealed Tomb: whenever the killer receives blood-lust, Sealed Tomb activates. While activated, the killer can see the auras of all survivors in lockers within 8, 12, 16 meters.

    "In their tombs they reside, ignorant of the others sealing them in." - The Keeper

    Stay In Your Grave: whenever a survivor is hooked, receive a 3%, 4%, 5% haste status effect. While a survivor is in struggle phase on the hook, receive a 5%, 7%, 9% haste status effect. Survivors rescued from struggle phase will be instantly healed. Grants the ability to mori any survivor rescued from struggle phase. Only one haste effect from Stay In Your Grave can be applied.

    "It's my job to put you in your grave, to keep you there; I'll be DAMNED if someone takes that from me!" - The Keeper

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982
    edited May 2020

    Perks I thought of if there’s ever a Shinning chapter which hopefully there will be one. It doesn’t have to be related to the movie but it’s inspired by it 😌

    Dull Boy: After being out of chase for 10 seconds, your speed is increased by 3/4/5%. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” -Unknown

    Redrum: After downing a survivor 5/4/3 times, your next basic attack will instantly down a survivor. “I'm not gonna hurt ya. I’m just going to bash your brains in!” -Jack Torrence

    Hex: Overlook Curse: Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it. Survivors opening an exit gate must hit a slightly/moderately/considerably difficult skillcheck in order for the gate to open. If a survivor fails the skillcheck, progress will be reset by 50% and you will be notified *The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is still standing.*

    ”I want you to like it here. I wish we could stay here forever... and ever... and ever.” -Jack Torrence

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Hex: don't touch my totem.

    As long as the hex totem remains active, any totem cleansed causes the exposed effect on the survivor for 60/70/80 seconds.

    Don't poke the bear.

    Any survivor that crouches more than twice in a row can no longer run for 10 seconds.

    Midnight special.

    Upon hooking a survivor, get a 20% move speed bonus for 30 seconds.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    And on survivor side.

    Now you see me.

    If the killer is not in chase and within 24m of the hook for more than 20 seconds, you will teleport to the hook furthest away from the killer.

    Not today.

    If you're unhooked inside of the killers terror radius, for 15 seconds any attack inflicts deep wound status.

    Profit from loss.

    Gain 25% bonus blood points and a 5% bonus to repair speed for every dead survivor.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I got some perks for a stealthy/trickster survivor :)

    Path Maker:

    Press the active ability button while running to activate Path Maker for 8 seconds.

    While Path Maker is active, Your scratch marks will not fade away and all other survivors can see them.

    Scratch Marks retained by Path Maker will immediately fade away after reactivation of Path Maker.

    Path Maker has a cool-down of 240/230/220 seconds.

    Hold Your Breath:

    While standing or crouching still for 3 seconds, Hold Your Breath activates. Hold Your Breath can also activate while in a Locker.

    You make no breathing sounds or grunts of pain.

    Hold Your Breath's effect persists for 1/2/3 seconds after moving again.

    Long gone:

    While within the Killer's Terror Radius and not in a chase, Long Gone activates.

    While activated, loud noise notifications caused by your actions will appear 5/10/15 seconds later than normal.

    Just some ideas I made up on the spot so some numbers could be off.

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    The killer name: The Psycho

    Perk1: Tattle Tales: whenever you hit a survivor, anyone on a generator with get a three row skill check each one harder than the last. If succesful, boost the repair by 30%. Radius is 50 meters.

    Perk2: Psychosis: when ever a survivor completes a generator and has failed at least one skill check, they gain psychosis. This changes your control scheme to a random one. Can be fixed by completing 5 skill checks in a row.

    Perk3: Murky eyes: Whenever you are in a chase and you hit the survivor once and they escape, they will gain the blindness effect and you gain the undetectable effect for 30 seconds.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

     Killer Convict Perks:

    Wicked Game: Pressing the active ability on a regressing gen causes the next 1/2/3 people to touch that gen to lose a health state (does not inflict dying and only applies to one gen). Takes 1 second to apply.

    Salt: Survivors in the dying state bleed out 30 secs/45 secs/ 1 minute faster.

    Hard Luck: Survivors Luck is reduced by 50%

    Survivor Convict Perks:

    Bully : stunning a killer causes a 150% speed boost for 3 secs. Causes the exhaustation status effect for 60/50/40 secs.

    Take a beating: being both exhausted and injured hides your scratch marks for 10 secs.

    Shy: stunning a killer hides all aura reading abilities for 10 secs

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Isnt Not Today Borrowed Time? Am I missing a difference?

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395
    • Mugger: a survivor can steal other survivor's item when staying behind after a hard skill check for both. Item is stolen only if the robber makes the hard skill check and the robbed fails it. Has a cooldown for 240/180/120 seconds
    • Rugby tackle: a healthy survivor can do a rugby tackle on a killer carrying a survivor, causing a 3/4/5 seconds stun, dropping the surv and exhaustion for 240/180/120 seconds
    • Fight-back: (anti-facecamping) when a killer is closer than 5 metres from a hooked surv for more than 20/15/10 seconds, and you are near 10 metres from the hooked, if you got hit receive the effect of deep wound instead. This can be only activated 1/2/3 times per match

    • Abortion: a killer can unhook a hooked survivor, causing a 5 seconds stun and the ability to see every other survivor in a range of 20/40/60 metres for 60 seconds
    • Remuneration: sacrificing 2/3/4 survs in the basement grants the killer 50/100/200% extra BPs in all categories, and a speed up of 5/6/7% during 30 seconds after the hook
    • Dark friendship: a killer can at any moment open any of the exit gates, granting a permanent 3/4/5% speed boost, after that, the entity provides an extra 50% of BPs for each survivor sacrificed in all categories, and a 100% less for each that escaped. Negative BPs are possible

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    It's close, but you're not relying on some random to be running it for you to be rewarded. It would work on you when you're unhooked, not on someone when you unhook them.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    That's my biggest problem with borrowed time and tunneling. If you've got someone farming you without bt, there is nothing you can do. My perk would solve that.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I hear you, they could just change bt to do that. Wonder why they didnt

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Killer- The Assassin. She's a tall woman with shoulder length brown hair and a bandana covering her whole face except for her eyes. She wears all black.

    TARGET- Everytime a survivor comes within 5/10/15 meters of a hooked survivor you recieve a noise notification. When a survivor is unhooked, the rescuers aura is revealed to you for 10 seconds.

    VENGEANCE- Everytime a generator is complete, every survivor that was repairing the generator when completed is exposed for 5/10/15 seconds.

    HEX: DESPAIR- The first 1/2/3 survivors hit with a basic attack will become permanently broken until the totem is cleansed. When the totem is cleansed, all broken survivors scream and reveal their location. Once the totem is cleansed, all broken survivors can heal again.

    I've also come up with survivor perks but my comment is already long enough lol.