Doctor is broken

  • The Doctor is good killer but after they changed his abilities they made him hard to play against. From what update 3.5.0 Patch Notes said (Added a 3 second cooldown to Shock Therapy. This means it will take 3 seconds before The Doctor can hit with his primary weapon, use Shock Therapy or use Static Blast.) 3 sec cooldown!! I DONT SEE THAT!!!?? All I see is he prevents me as survivor from vaulting, dropping pallets or even Dead Hard for 3 SECONDS. And he still can go back to primary weapon and down survivors!!!?? Most Doctors mains do it this why because they know they can stop the normal gameplay. This is broken and must be fixed, seriously it make no sense after being shocked and screamed still I cant do ANYTHING.
  • All killers have either perks to prevent you from vaulting a window or traps by the pallets, but wait THE DOCTOR can bring 4 perks at the top of preventing you form vaulting, dropping pallets, dead hard!! DEAD HARD!!! Wow
  • Not all Doctor mains are good but most of them, I’am a Rank 1 survivor and I am literally sick of playing against a broken killer with what I called BUG and its killing t he fun of every game against Dr. For me personally I will start to DC against Dr, no matter how long I’ll be banned or hours or days It doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna let a rank 10 Doctor killer get 4K just because he can prevent survivors from doing what the game is all about chasing and surviving.
  • just bring the shock therapy effect the way it was before, we had no problem before but now!!! Its not fun at all.




  • Criminal_89
    Criminal_89 Member Posts: 9

    sorry buddy its not about skills here. I used to play Doctor I was like main Doctor when it first came out on 2017, shock therapy will not prevent you from any action for 3 seconds, thats how it was before. After the rework they said 3 seconds cooldown, while there is like 1.3 seconds cooldown only.

    like the way you trying to show-off :)

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    • Where are you reading about the 3 second delay? I'm looking at the 3.5.0 patch notes right now and I see it says 1.5 right there.
    • He can't shut down every loop. He also slows down when charging his shock.
    • Where's the bug? And how does this make him stop survivors from being able to be chased?
    • What "shock therapy effect" are you referring to? Shock therapy works the same as it did before, the only difference being that you had to switch stances.
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I think he is super annoying to go against and he could use some adjustments. I hate the slight pause while screaming and wish there was a small moratorium on screaming within X seconds of being rescued.

  • Criminal_89
    Criminal_89 Member Posts: 9

    I mean when you get shocked you still can vault after like 1 second, but now You scream and you can’t vault a window for 3 seconds!!! Thats what I am talking about, I agree the Doctor “WAS” perfect and the most balanced killer in the game until the made the survivor unable to vault for 3 seconds!!

    its in the MID-CHAPTER UPDATE 3.5.0

  • Criminal_89
    Criminal_89 Member Posts: 9

    The main point of my post is “why the survivor is unable to do any actions after getting shocked for 3 seconds” Because the Dr can shock the survivor make you unable to vault for 3 seconds, which I think its OP feature and kinda a broken to pause the survivors and make them unable to perform any actions for 3 seconds!!! Thats not how it was before the rework at all.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    I'm fairly sure the time you can't vault didn't change. You've always been unable to interact for a few seconds after getting zapped. The difference is before he had to swap stances. Now he doesn't.

    Also, those notes are saying originally he had to wait to attack for 3 seconds. They have since halved it to 1.5 iirc, as before the zap and stun were nearly the same time period, and so that plus all the other factors meant he had no real chance to capitalize. Now he gets a 1.5 second window to do so if it hits. The zap can be juked or outsped as it has a delay and paired with latency means you can see survivors scream then vault anyways on killer side.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I think op is referring to Doctor's exhaustion addon in terms of Dead Hard. I could be wrong, though.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You can't dh when he shocks you as much as you can't use vaults/pallets.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Read my points from before:

    -He slows down while using the shock

    -He can't stop every loop

    I've played Doc enough myself to know these two things very well. One example I'm pretty sure of (at least without adding on extra range adons) is the school+picket fence loop. If I recall correctly you can be chasing a survivor through that school, know they're going to go for that fence, and still not have the range to actually shock them in time to stop them before they vault it. There's several places like this and it mostly depends on the position of both the Doc and the survivor, but I wouldn't call it flat out "OP."

    Either way, Doc is one of those killers that actually will get punished by using his power at the wrong times. Some killers don't have to worry about that but a Doc has to think of if it's a good time to shock or not. If he chooses to shock at the wrong time, even as a survivor is vaulting, the shock won't actually do anything but raise their madness (if it's not already capped) and it will set the Doctor back even further in chase.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Dr is obnoxiously easy and OP, which is why he is a go-to. They aren't gonna nerf him. We thought they were and all they did was buff him. LoL nice thought tho.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    If you think dh is a trash exhaustion perk then I dunno lmfao. It's exactly the perk perfect for doctor/freddy/clown considering other two slow you down while this one stops you from using vaults/pallets. If the doctor knows how to time shocks over and over on an open filler pallet ur screwed unless you have dh. Most docs use the disciple carter notes and the green one to increase range. So essentially ur blind in a chase because you can't see the stain and ur hearing the tr the whole time while he can keep shocking ya and its just a matter of time before you go down. That's just how it is against GOOD docs,he keeps shocking you perfectly stopping you from using a vault/pallet over and over until he has enough distance to just smack you.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2020

    Let me ask you a question. How can you as a survivor prevent him from getting you at an open loop except for pre dropping the pallet? Or any pallet for that matter,as he can just shock over and over again until he closes enough distance to smack ya. Talking about decent docs here,just an fyi. What do you do when he keeps shocking you on a loop till he gains enough distance without dh?

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2020

    If he spams his shock till he gets a hit, then he has lost precious time instead of patrolling the gens

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I guess that's the argument,but the problem is you can't do anything about it. I could care less about doc myself,but I can see why a person would make a post saying he's "broken"(he does lack a ######### ton of map pressure). Essentially he's guaranteed to get ya and you can't do really much against it except dh once but wastes time with it. I still don't like it that way personally. I'd face freddy over this guy. I'd rather get hit by a huntresses hatchet 2 times in an open loop and get downed cause I KNOW it was a misplay from my side,I didn't crouch in time(except for some ######### loops where she can hit you even when you crouch lmao). I guess that's why the op thinks he's broken but he still needs alot of muscle memory and has pretty bad map pressure imo,and I guess you can predrop pallets against good docs,don't see anything else that would work consistently.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    He can't prevent dead hard cause that obedience add on is gone.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Might be old but it true. This was about doctor when he first got released.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
    • The informations of your patchnotes are from the PTB. The cooldown after shocking got reduced to one second on live to make sure that it's not longer than the actual effect of shock theraphy.
    • Well, other killers got other abilities. Most of those abilities do you way more harm than just preventing you from doing things for 2.5 seconds. Take huntress for example. She just downs you from a distance. Really unfair and op, i know. (someone said it already, stop relying on DH, it's inconsistent with dedicated servers)
    • Exactly because of players like you that start to weaponize dcs the dc penalties were created. Enjoy your bans, that's all i'm gonna say.
    • The effect didn't change at all. Now what?
  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I actually like going against Doctor. Its a game of minds when you loop him. Try dropping the pallet as he static shocks you and guess which side he's gonna move towards. Its a great feeling when you guess the right side and drop the pallet on the side he moves to and now you're in a position to dance around the pallet. If he wastes time static shocking you to prevent you from jumping over the pallet that's just another free walk around the pallet. If he bloodlusts you though there's really not much you can do, but you've wasted a TON of time for your team.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Obnoxious? Yes. Easy? Kind of......... he's easy to pick up, but not easy to do well with in higher ranks, unlike SOME KILLERS who will remain unnamed. OP? Far from it. He is literally an M1 killer with zero mobility options, and his way of ending a chase more efficiently requires him to be essentially next to a survivor.

    If he is to be considered OP, it's against lower level/rank survivors who rely more on stealth and are lacking in terms of chase ability.

    As for the OP, I'm actually happy to go against Doctors because they are actually rather easy to avoid. There is also a massive telltale sign that he is about to use Static Blast or Shock Therapy. If you hear the windup but no TR, you're fine. If you do hear a TR, then either run away or go towards a locker. Just vault/throw early and watch him cry. Also, don't forget to watch him occasionally during a chase since there is a delay between him WAVING HIS HAND and the Shock Therapy effect being applied.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    His slowdown is not enough at all mate,dunno what you mean when he can just keep shocking over and over again gaining distance on you. Predropping is literally just boring af gameplay(literally 0 interaction if you just predrop pallets),and his addons make it even more boring and obnoxious.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    May I ask if you watch any dbd players on YouTube?

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Dro the pallet lol? Same for Freddy. Or if you can’t reach it avoid the shock beam. Normal gameplay you talk about. You mean braindead pallet looping? Well every killer should be able to counter that to a certain extet. Nothing is broken about the Doctor he even sucks. So your statement is absurd.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    That’s his power. And that’s what it always was. What do you want him to do? Waste time shocking you while it does f.cking nothing?

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Yep mate,except i have a friend who plays competitive dbd and is a doc main lmao. Guess he is wrong,after all and shocking is a waste of time. And no I don't do that at all,. I just try to go for unique plays and stuff like that because it's the only thing that barely works,cause looping against actual good doc players won't work for long. And I'm not complaining either,I'm just stating why I think the op finds him broken. His map pressure is garbage,but if you actually manage to get extremely good muscle memory with timing shocks,survs are ######### at many loops.

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    I mean the game isnt designed for survivors to get away. The game is designed to allow survs to stall for as long as they can but a dedicated killer will get you eventually even if they lose the game for it. All the best killers in game have ways to shorten the time it takes to down survivors. Doc isnt even the best at that imo, hes just more consisten, but a better nurse, billy, huntress, spirit, or an oni will end chases far faster with the proper skill level. I will say that doc has an easier learning curve then all the top killers, but he also has a lower skill ceiling so I'd say that's a fair trade off.

  • Martesa55
    Martesa55 Member Posts: 208
  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Doc's a noobstomper. Pounds the ######### out of new players who are too invested in hiding and crouching around the map and can't even hit regular skillchecks to save their life.. Against high rankers though, his skill checks aren't that hard and his shocks are mindgameable as they'll set him behind if he ######### them up.

    I've been recording the stats as SoloQ Survivor and I'm up to about 40 games. I've run into 2 docs and they both got 1Ks. I'm not even running super tryhard perks in these stats. Just Kindred/Spine Chills/Small Game/Resilience.

    Going up against Doc is fun. He changes things up. Catching the skill checks are fun. Dodging and Mindgaming his shocks and winning chases is fun. All the ######### fake pallets and ######### when your madness is up is hilarious.

    I feel like Doc is in a pretty good place. He's not OP and he's not exactly underpowered either and he brings a completely different experience from the other killers.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2020

    So the survivor should just die with no actual way to drop the pallet except for using a exhaustion perk(bare in mind from my experience it takes around 20 secs for a GOOD doc to get a hit on a pallet,especially an open one where he has LoS on you)? When I get downed by a nurse/billy/huntress/spirit/oni i actually feel outplayed. With doc he can just force you to go down with time. And you can't do ######### about it,EXCEPT play in the most boring way possible so you have no fun and so doesn't the killer either by just predropping pallets and have him play pallet break simulator. Windows aren't the best idea either,as they put you into 50/50 situations quite often aswell.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Don't know why comp dbd was always funny to people lmfao. Tournaments have rules exactly cause of the inbalance of the game and 4v1 isn't the only way tourneys can be played. It can be BP based aswell,like 2v2 or 1v1v1v1 or just 4v1 BP based instead of escape based. Or it can just be a sandbag tourney,there's many other possibilities.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Dbd isn't a competitive game at all. That why it funny to hear and see the word competitive with dbd in the same sentence.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Glad you have an explanation,unlike most people who go "comp dbd lmfaooooo". It might not be a competitive game by default,but with rules you can make it :F

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    The doctor is the one who can't act for three seconds after he uses shockther

    The doctor can't hit for 3 seconds.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    Of all the major talking points in DbD, Doctor being high tier is probably the most baffling one to me. You guys know you can just run to the other side of the loop when he shocks you, right? Like you don't have to stop and wait at the pallet while you're stunned? And you don't have to continue looping the same side so he gains distance on you? And if neither option is available, you can drop the pallet early? This is legitimately a case of learning the counterplay. Doctor has plenty of it.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    If you can't loop a doctor, you need to get gud. Drop pallets early, make an effort to dodge his shocks, or run Calm Spirit if you hate him that much

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I felt the same way for a while and I even posted my $.02 on it in some older post where someone was saying the same thing. I got tired of being roasted by him as a solo survivor.

    Then I played as the Doctor. Against a 4 player SWF. Changed my mind about the doctor permanently.

    If anything his cooldown on his static blast at default is too long.

    Try playing as the doctor up until about rank 16, which is when the trash matchmaking system starts to kick in to full effect.

    You'll see what I mean. Have fun!

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Ah yes, a perk that corrects a mistake that the killer can do quite literally nothing about is so trash. If you're using it to dodge a swing then yeah it's not a good perk because of the servers, but when you use it for distance to get to a window or pallet like most competent players do you can't do anything to counter it unless you're deathslinger or maybe Huntress. You're literally getting outplayed by a single push of a button.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    If the doctor couldn't use his power to stop you from vaulting or using a pallet and then hit you, it would literally be pointless. It slows him down to use the power, if it didn't do that, his power would literally have no point and he'd just be an m1 killer with madness. Yeah, some killers have traps, trapper also has 4 perks, is he OP too? I don't get the point here. You can call it a "bug" all you want. Shock therapy is actually basically the same now, he just doesn't have to switch stances.

    YOU = GIT GUD.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2020

    Well do you want me to ######### introduce you to him lmfao? By any chance,considering you're tryna say I'm lying. Could care less but I could prove you wrong if ur willing.