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Ghostface should not have a pointer to the survivor revealing them

bilaueta Member Posts: 341

Im not saying that the killer instinct should be disabled as well, as it should put you at risk to expose ghostface at the expense of avoiding a down. But it happens way to many times that you look at ghostface for half a second and he immediately gets a pointer to your exact location even if you try to look away.

You are forced to stay put and avoid looking at him at the same time that you have to hide from him, which is dumb and only ends up with you getting spotted or even fully stalked just because you were looking at a random place or trying to not look at the killer

He should get notified that he is getting stalked, so that he can hide and figure out where the survivor is. But having an arrow straight towards the survivor makes it a free chase or hit by punishing someone who should have the advantage after spotting him or look at him by accident

If you disagree it is fine, Im willing to have a discussion about this. But think of how many times you were trying to hide or simply move around and suddenly hear ghostface's revealing sound and ghostface does a 180 and finds you immediately without you being able to do anything to hide



  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126

    I don't really pay attention to them, since they're a bit buggy sometimes. If I see them I know someone is around somewhere but that's really it unless they actually fully reveal me.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Most ghostface walk around the entire area and most of the time you won't even get to fully reveal him as he goes from cover to cover directly towards you. You either expose yourself to his stalk or to just get found or reveal him and still get spotted anyways. You are in a lose-lose situation where your best net is praying for his reveal to work

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    On the other side you can counter a whole killer power by looking at him, You got more saying about him about making his power efficent.

    I think it a fair tradeoff

  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126
  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    It would be if you actually got to gain something as well. If you just randomly see him for half a milisecond just because you were looking around and paying attention to your surroundings you are at a disadvantage even though the killer is the one who misplayed

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899


  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Shall we remember the Ghostface from the PTB?

    Getting seen isnt a misplay. Not with a Survivor's 3rd person camera and the random nature of map generation (both in terms of getting a certain map and generator/tile placement). If there is no "revealing buildup", then GF becomes literally its PTB version, which everyone agreed sucked ass. Add any kind of penalty or benefit to spinning around your camera and we go back to that GF again.

    You are supposed to be spotted. The actual misplay is getting spotted and failing to conceal yourself properly. The benefit of spotting him beforehand is already there. Its knowing where he is.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    I do agree, I makes the choice not to fully reveal him to avoid being revealed not a choice at all as every glimpse is immediately revealing you. I haven't had the pleasure of playing Ghostface as of yet though so I'm not sure how much it would hurt him to lose it.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I dont want to appear whinny but I seriously think that this mechanic should be removed as it is unfair for the survivors. Yes, I do sound like your average survivor main but believe me I'm all for the loop nerfs and the buffs to weaker killers as well as the tweak of abusive survivor perks. All I say is that this situation should not occur, it puts a survivor at a disadvantage without them actually making a mistake in any way and it gives the killer a free hit/chase without them having to do anything but walk around every corner and stand behind a rock

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I mentioned that I agree that he could get a warning that he is being revealed so that he can walk behind cover or turn towards another direction. He should know that he is being revealed but not from where.

    Back in the ptb you could reveal him by looking having him in your screen for a milisecond, but now it is different.

    Ghostface has enough time to make a move to avoid getting spotted and the survivor should 100% have the desition to avoid looking at him to not get revelealed at a bad moment, like when you are injured or the last survivor.

    Right now the desition is taken from you as ghostface knows where you are or that you are to his right without you being able to do anything about it.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    ''It would be if you acctually got to gain something as well''

    Jeez not only you cancel a whole killer power you want bonus over that? What next? Hag should be blinded when you destroy her trap?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Sure, except the killer instinct isbugged and unreliable. If the survivor is anywhere on your screen but hidden behind a box, you straight up get no notification except the 'reveal' warning sound. That's without going into the bugged revealing mechanics.

    Maybe if Ghostface had better recharge, but right now that would make him unplayable simply because you don't know where to hide.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    If you are hiding to avoid getting caught and he appears in your screen and you try to look away to not get spoted, ghostface is automatically pointed at your direction. Its as if you had thrown a pebble next to you for no reason. He gets notified of your location and you gained absolutely nothing except a "Oops should have looked at any other way". You did not even attempt to reveal him but you got revealed anyways, see the problem?

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    True, that is a good point (unlike the other guy).

    But there is a thing about that, if you are trying to sneak around the entire map, you should be ready to crouch and hide from a survivor. If you are not near any cover, that is a misplay from your part as you are making it easy to get revealed.

    Idk about the killee instinct bug rn tho. From what I've seen from other players you still get the killer isntinct no matter what. I dont play or have ghostface so there is probably more to the situation than I can see as the survivor

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Yea I see the problem, Your seeing a Ghost face building up stalking and you try to hide when you should be looking at him. You got no one to blame but you, You want killer using their power to help survivors and that survivors also be rewarded for canceling these power. You might as well turn all killer to M1 killer with no power.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I literally cannot understand your point of view.

    You are claiming that I want all killers to be a M1 machines, which has nothing to do with the discussion

    Now you say that my idea is helping the survivors, which is exactly the point of a nerf for one side, to favor anyone but the thing being nerfed.

    I want you to understand my point of view, his power is completely fair and balanced. It offers a high risk high reward, for both the survivors and the killer. You risk having your power deactivated while the survivors risk getting spotted after fully revealing you.

    Now thats where my problem lies, you should get revealed when you reveal him, not before since it makes the whole risk of being pulled out of your power pointless. You are punished as a survivor for something you not always have control and therefor you are forced to stay crouched behind your rock until he finds you since you can't look at him while you sneak away because you are revealed to him. The ghostface is rewarded for doing absolutely nothing, or even for playing wrong. Why should the survivor get punished if ghostface just so happened to walk past him in a completely open area with nowhere to cover himslef?

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    I think think it's a fair trade off for his power to be honest, that's all he has and if you reveal him he lose part of his kit for awhile and become a M1 killer plus that's like his "Spidey sense" he sense someone is looking at him and seriously in first person and on some map I can't find the survivor even if it's giving me pointer but then again I barely played him but I think that would be a nerf and he doesn't need a nerf.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    The thing is, if he goes around looking for you he will still probably lose his power by either you revealing him or him throwing an attack when he finds you.

    He would still get notified that someone is looking at him (senses) but he would not just be able to point at your exact location, just like spinechill does. In some situations the killer could obviously know from where he is being spotted just like you know exaclty from where the killer is coming in some situations with spinechill. But it would not guarantee you to find that one survivor immediately, defeating the whole purpose of not getting spotted as you go out of of your way to be seen. You could still do it, but it would feel more fair as the survivor can walk away unnoticed and leave ghostface aline if he decides to do so

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The killer instinct is kind of pointless when you've already forced to me out of my power and I have to wait for a cool down.

    If I'm in the middle of stalking somebody and you force me out of my power I'm not going to be like oh well at least I have killer instinct I'm going to be very irritated because you pulled me out of my power without me being able to counter it killer instinct is not what worth the constant uncounterable power exits

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    You want to nerf a killer power who already one of the weakest due to the simply fact you can already disable it. There a reason Ghostface know the direction on who looked at him, his power need to compensate for the fact you can disable it. Remove that he just become a Myer who can't stalk if you look at him. You just want him nerfed cause you got no idea how to play around it power. Im not a ghostface main or anything but I found your sugestion ridiculous. All you have to do is look at him DONT HIDE IF HE BUILDING STALK

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Ok bucko at this point I think you are actively trying to not understand me

    Im talking when you are not being stalked. When you are looking at some direction im which ghistface just so happens to be, you barely reveal him before he gets behind something, turn around and walks your way, getting behind every single object ariund him and you cant do anything to not get found since he knows where you are even if you did not fully reveal him

    Of course when he is stalking you you have to look at him or run away, Im not stupid. But on many situations in which it is conveenient for you to avoid him you can't because, again "oops you barely looked at him now you are f*cked"

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    That is a problem with the power, not the fact that you can see from where you are getting revealed. What I suggested is not having an indicator from WHERE you are getting revealed, not to remove that warning entirely.

    If you still get reveales at that point you've got killer instinct which would have been exactly the same as knowing where you were being stalked from but still not being able to hide

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Its the same as asking "What is the point to know that the killer is coming in your direction if you don't know from where?" when using spine chill. Sometimes you will know exactly from where and play around it based on context and sometimes you will have to simply have to react accordingly while still remaining behind cover every few moments

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited May 2020

    It’s one of the reasons why he sucks β€œbad word”

    You see him, it starts revealing, hes constantly moving because obviously hes not going to stand still, a single blade of grass gets between you and him, it now cancels your reveal resetting it completely but now hes turned around and is coming for ya. Better yet is when he then exposes you in return. You’re basically punished for trying to play the game. As you say the alternative is to take your eyes off the killer, which is generally a really bad thing to do.

    Uttery abysmal game design. I hate Ghostface. I hate him so much. He ruined survivor for me more than Legion.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I really like playing against him, but I hate when that constantly happens. You could say I'm kind of an immersed player (not the best at looping) so looking around while moving is something I do a lot. It suck ass to just be looking around to see ghostface just walking around the middle of shelter woods with his power on for no reason and with nowhere to hide and have that little sound play for half a second. As soon as that happens I think "Oh come the f*ck on!" since it's now a game of looking to the ground behind a rock, look back up, then look back down, then crouch around the rock as ghostface gets there and I still HAVE to look at him, revealing me and reseting the reveal everytime a small piece of grass gets in the way. Its a dumb mechanic that just makes playing against him boring and stupid.

    He should be trying to be sneaky, not just walk around and get a premonition + spinechill after being seen for 0.1 seconds

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Considering it can only be activated every 25 or so seconds, i say the indicator is nothing to worry about

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You clearly do not understand how easily Ghostface gets revealed. The bug goes both ways, not that most people care: I've been revealed through solid brick more times than I can count, just because someone caught a microsecond glimpse of me through a window.

    Outside of those extreme cases, you will always be getting spotted as Ghostface simply because ultra-stealth takes too long. It's great when you are in an area that's easy to sneak in, but you have to leave those areas. Should you be getting revealed? No, but you don't really have the luxury of taking it super sneaky-like. At least the reveal indicator tells you the general direction you have to hide yourself from: if you didn't have it, you would basically be powerless the moment you leave the central building.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Maybe if anything widen it? So it's a wider area and not an instant giveaway, but let's you still get out of los possibly. Or maybe make it have a skew, like it can be up to say 10Β° off, so it's not entirely accurate but enough to let you put a wall between you?

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Spine chill a perk that let survivor know if the killer gaze at them

    it a PERK. it need to be balanced

    you get the info that killer probably going for you, so you check around you, giving you anything more than that would be stupid, you aint suposed to know a killer looking at you, that why you spent a PERK to know so, a PERK that wont be used for something else.

    you are a SURVIVOR you PERK are supsoed to be weak cause there 4 of you

    the KILLER is alone and need to KILL

    ghostface has a POWER that give him an edge since he facing 4 people. his GAMEPLAY RELLY ON THAT POWER. his power locate people who look at him because they can disable it, therefore to prevent survivor abusing it weakness, ghostface get to have a decent way to know from where their power are being disabled

    I dont see how you compare a survivor perk to a killer power trying to tell us they should be balanced the same way, you are not a clown, your the whole circus.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Wow, look at that, low tier killer with the weak power ruin the game. Nurse who can ignore everything the survivor does and destroy them not an issue, but Legion who can be countered by not staying in group is op.

    if legion a problem for you your playing in a bad way, even if you dont face a legion sticking together mean you cut your team pressure in half.

    git gud

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Personally they don't help as often as people think. It simply points in the survivors direction but because of how large of a detection range he has it could be 2 feet away or on the other side of the map. The Killer Instinct is much more helpful IMO.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    It 30 seconds, for a Ghostface for a base kit ghostface, to regain his power after being reveal. Unless my information is out of date and they changed it recently. Now with recovery add ons, his two best recovery add ons, i believe that makes it almost half, 16 seconds i think. I'm unsure on that but it is massively faster with his recovery add ons. Opening up many new tactics for ghostface, he couldn't do without his add ons.

    Which yeah, the warning someone is looking at ghostface. I think that leads to the ghostface, trying to avoid losing his power, rather than going oh hey, i know where to look now. Of course, it would be interesting to see just how many ghostface players use the warning to find someone [since getting broken out of your power already does that for you] vs using it to try and stop themselves from losing their power. That and a very useful perk on ghostface, is whispers. Some do replace it with nurse's calling. Yet it rather possible the ghostface is already aware someone is nearby due to perks, without even needing the warning about them being spotted.

    For well, the ghostface will know where they are, the minute they are reveal. That and some maps do not have alot of cover for ghostface to use, so he is most likely going to be broken out of his power sooner rather than later, on certain maps. Of course Ghostface reveal can be buggy at times. Coin flip to see who it favors in that case.

    Yeah i have played legion base kit aka no add ons a few times, before the current update. Which some of the larger maps, it was easy to spread out and deny legion his power. Allowing you to greatly limit the effect his power has. Since base kit Legion has a very short use of their power and a very long cool down. 10 second use of their power but 20 second cooldown. While in their power, they are at 130% movement speed, which is only slightly faster than cloaked base kit Wraith. Which of course, i don't think you will have much luck reasoning with Clicky. Well in this thread here, he called someone a killer main, due to not agreeing with the ops ideas. When it turns out on page 2, the op posts a screenshot, revealing he has spend more blood points on his survivors than he has on any of his killers.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Ghostface is not low tier and he's not weak. He's no Spirit, of course, but he ain't Clown either.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I try to use the edges of my screen to keep tabs on him, but I very well agree that this is a poor mechanic. πŸ˜•

    Ghostface is one of the main killers that discourages me from playing DBD because of the amount of shenanigans that can happen. His reveal mechanic needs to be looked at in general. πŸ™

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Yeah, I agree with you. It's such a flawed mechanic.

    Great on paper! know.

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    I can agree with that, the pointers are not necessary because you have the instinct that does the exact same thing and it does it even better

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The design of his power is good, but it's crappy coding. If they would polish his power, he woulf be way more fun to play and play against imo.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah, it why i would love to have more data on how helpful the indication has been in ghostface finding someone. If it been helpful or well bloody worthless. Since without knowing that, it seems a bit to early to go time to change it. Since well only a handful of people are in this thread vs the game which has over 30k face playing it as i am currently writing this. Just to see if this is truly the case or maybe it just due to pure luck or something else that lead Ghostface to finding the survivor. Ghostface in general could do with some looking into. Like his add ons. Some bug fixing.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Personally, I don't like this Killer Instinct either.

    Ghostface hunting. He has his power and moves furtively looking for a comrade to kill. He doesn't see me, but I see him. He's not as stealthy as he thinks, he deserves to be punished.

    I decide to reveal it. I am also revealed. Ghostface chases me, he is punished but also rewarded by obtaining the position of a survivor. I am punished for having played correctly, for potentially avoiding the status exposed on a comrade. Playing solo, I guarantee that my altruism has wide limits.

    I prefer that this information is not given, even if it requires a Ghostface buff to compensate.

    Or we keep Killer Instinct, but revealing Ghostface in addition to disabling its power, also reveals its aura to all survivors for a very short time. This has the advantage of balancing solo and SWF players. Again, a buff to compensate if necessary.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    If dedicated servers didnt completely suck, then the arrows wouldnt be a problem. Personally, as a Ghostface main, they dont add much to his power imo. They could be gone, and it wouldnt make much of a difference

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Survivors shouldn't know if they're exposed.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Maybe they could change the killer instinct to also reveal survivor's auras if it is too buggy in order to make his reveal not as much of a pain to ghostface

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    As a GF main this isn't an issue to me. If you don't want him to find you, don't look at him. Why so many people think this is unfair could only be entitlement.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Alright man I made a poor point to try to explain my view, no need to be a d*ck about it

    The point of my argument with spinechill is that there is a balance reason as for why you are not able to tell where the killer is coming from in all situations. As you said it makes the perk balanced for the killer.

    Yes, it is a perk and not a whole power, in that you are right and yes it should be more powerfull. But it definetly should give a survivor the choice to put themselves at risk of being found. Removing the pointers while still maintaining a warning sound makes ghostface aware of someone revealing him while not making it a braindead mechanic of just getting behind a rock and walk straight for the guy 30 meters away who is just trying to heal and accidently looked at you for a second

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Again, many times when you try to not look at him he starts to get revealed anyways and your position is given away before you can do anything to stop it. It's not as easy as just "oh man just don't look at him if you don't want him to find you"

    He should know that he is getting revealed but not from where as it just gives the killer a free chase

    Dammit I'm starting to really sound like a broken record

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You're repeating yourself because you're low on good arguments against this feature. There's nothing wrong with GF having this little bit of extra tracking, it has counters and doesn't throw him into S+ tier.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Or maybe its just because there is only one situation that makes this mechanic annoying and unfair, limiting my argument to just that one case

    The rest of his power is fine IMO, I really like the concept and how you can play around it or how the killer can use it in unique ways