This is absolutely unacceptable!

I am playing solo... my Q time was less than a minute.
Why are there 2 red rank survivors matched with a rank 20? I understand that with both sides as the wait time increases so does the rank range.... but there is absolutely no reason why a red rank should ever get paired with a rank 20. Ever. Is there literally no one in yellow, brown even green ranks that can join a rank 20 lobby on the north east coast at 8pm - where the majority of us under stay at home orders?
This is a epic failure. Killer has less than 50 hours in the game.. and here I am in their lobby. I've seen large rank variances... but this is unacceptable -- and unfair to everyone involved. I didn't have fun... and neither did the poor killer. I literally did gens and left because I didn't want to farm/bm an obviously new killer that had no idea what they were doing.
Do better BHVR.
Matchmaking is borked at all ranks, I've decided to give this update a pass. Rank 12 killer and have had only 2 games in 2 days that weren't entirely red ranks, and every single match at least one rank 1. I'm an average player on a good day, can't be fun for the survivors either
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i've had this happen. being in red rank and had a rank 20 killer. i usually sacrifice myself at the end because i feel so bad. they seriously need to fix the matchmaking.
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What you need to do is some research... Rank is no longer how they match make.... Rank is nothing but a cosmetic number to make you feel good and give you a simple goal to obtain.
Match making is now done in the background. As you play you gain and lose points for the good and bad things you do. This point system is what is now used for matchmaking. So you will be matched up with other players at or around your current skill level. This could be a rank 20 or a rank one.... It all is based off how you perform in the actual game... The more you play the better your matchmaking will be. You do not have access to see what your matchmaking ranking is so just play the best you can.
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I don’t buy that for a second. If that’s the case everyone’s rank 20 skill wise lol
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Ok I know that DbD is using a different match making system now but I think you missed the point where he said the killer had less than 50 hours and also missed the fact that no one died also the fact that he has 2 perks makes me think he is definitely a baby.
How the hell could it be correctly matching this baby killer with people of 15 times his skill level.
This definitely shows that what ever this new system is, it is broken already.
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There was an error rendering this rich post.
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If I had to guess, it's probly because when new systems came out, they start fresh. If there needs to be a baseline to start at, then everybody probly starts at the baseline.
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So how would this matchmaking be explained? We all have 800+ hours while this was that killer's first match ever.
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For those that don't know how MMR works, it starts at the same number for everybody and goes up based on wins (or maybe just emblems in this case) and down based on losses (or maybe emblems again). The chance that everybody have very similar MMR upon the release of MMR is extremely high.
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It happens the skill match isn't infallible
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I feel like I keep repeating myself.
White Ranks has no matchmaking. They will be matched with every rank in the game.
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Wow... That is so dumb. That happens to me as killer as well.
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Not to be rude but you technically are supposed to cover up names. But it is so blurry we can't even see it so I don't think it matters.
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That's not out yet. It's still rank-based. No matter what it's based on, it is still jank as hell. It may be this was one of their 'secret random tests', but it is still awful.
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Instead of being a prat; why don't you answer the question?
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This happen when potato players are in SWF with their red ranks friends.
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I didn't think it was our yet either. I posed a question about mmr for the upcoming q&a. Perhaps b behaviour will touch on it then.
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It doesn’t matter whether it’s intentional, it’s a horrible experience for most people and they’re free to complain about it when it’s ruining their matches.
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Are you really trying to justify me being rank 1 or 2 in this case being paired with a BRAND new killer based on background matchmaking? How does a new killer do so well in some games to get paired with a rank 1-2? I'm sorry I don't buy it. The matchmaking is 100% broken.... and again I will reiterate there needs to be a hard cap where new players are not matched with red ranks. Regardless of how bad or good I did in the prior match.
Yes, ranking is broken... yes ranks don't matter --- to a point.. But if you are red ranks it either means you are good at the game.... or you play... alot. In either scenario there is no justification for being matched with a new player.
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I said I am solo. 99% of the time I play solo because I prefer the experience. It's obvious I am solo by running kindred. If I was in a potato SWF group I wouldn't need that perk at all. Please try again.
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As a new player I would totally quit the game after few matches like this.
I hope MM is one of their top priorities right now.
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So it would be better to have no match than an outranked match? some poeple just dont want to understand how this works.
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Well...also your way of thinking is kinda're the survivor your wait times don't determine your killers.
The killers wait time determines the survivors, he coulda been waiting 34 minutes for all we know.
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They would have put info that they implemented it, buddy
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there is no match making.. everyone has just been chucked in a giant pool and they are going to remove visible ranks to complete the placebo.
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I literally said I understand that with both sides as the wait time increases so does the rank range.... but there is absolutely no reason why a red rank should ever get paired with a rank 20.
I find it hard to believe that out of the entire population playing on the east coast server that it had to resort to pairing a brand new killer with red ranks at prime time. Sorry you cannot change my mind on this. Matchmaking is busted.
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I just posted on a thread that said we should appreciate devs for what they are doing, well they are doing great with this spaghetti programming, the truth is that their game is pretty much dead and this is what happens when you dont have people to play with (got a rank 12 killer when i played yesterday night as a rank 1 survivor) PRETTY GOOD JOB SO FAR!!!!
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That's 18 ranks of difference. Wow game.
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It's true.
U dont even lose much fake "rank" now when its "rank reset" lol. The fake rank system we get to see basicly only means how much you play the game at the moment. Its hidden MMR now.
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I'm sorry... no mental gymnastics will allow me to believe this is attributed to an MMR. Last game: instant queue, again solo--- ranked with 3 other red ranks and a brand new baby Billy... who didn't even know how to put on a perk or rev a chainsaw. Isn't one of the main reasons for not allowing to derank past certain levels is so experienced players are not placed with babies? Then why is this happening.
Again, this is not right for anyone --- especially new players.
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They have not implemented that yet they are still working on that
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Yeah, than obviously your level of ignorance and lack of understanding for the situation, yes the matchmaking is probably flawed in some ways. But just because you refuse to believe it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, my survivor main friends with rank 18 killers would sit in lobby queues for 45 minutes during Halloween and 2× BP events. And would go up against rank 2 survivors, even cases with rank 1 survivor teams
Just because you refuse to believe something does not make it true, and if you actually understand this like you claim you wouldn't have came to forum pages coming about it to be a complaint.
For someone with 1900 hours to the game I very, VERY rarely see this happen. KILLERS would see it but I can even talk to new players and explain how to fix it as fast as possible, and the moment they hit rank 15 match times start up in a matter of seconds and they go up against people similar to the rank.
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It probably seems unfair but that billy probably got a lot of knowledge from matching with better players. It trickles up.
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Yes. I'm happy to sit in queue alt tabbed to do other things (other games for me but some may watch Netflix or do other things) for as long as needed. Hell, give me an hour queue for no absurd matchmaking.
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This happened to me last night too. Three red ranks and a rank 5 vs. a poor 20 hag. This poor hag got run around all game but that wasn't all. Two of the other survivors I saw constantly t-bagging, clicking flashlights, jumping back and forth at windows to annoy her. Does anyone really think that hag walked away thinking "Wow I learned a lot that match! Can't wait to start the next one!" I think more likely they raged and either uninstalled or will go on to be a very toxic killer. Neither are good for the future of this game.
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Yeah earlier today I got with a rank 20 Trapper and Billy in a row. I was a rank 14 and my friend was rank 7. I think that the matchmaking system is being weird right now.
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Idiot thats mmr which they havent done yet because it required a lot of work so why dont you do research points dont matter because a rank 2 is always better than a rank 20 unless they are Smurf so your point is invalid or that killer would be as good dont you know anything about dbd
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If nobody can change your mind then why does this post exist? We all know what the game is we are playing it as well.
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Hahaha. After reading all those comments and then this --- Lolz.
I guess my feeling, after playing for almost two years but still not being very good, is that as a killer I am getting matched up against teams and reds and purples a lot recently. It was actually fun when I was a low rank killer because I learned something... But now I am about level 15 and I have stopped playing killer as much as possible because it is so FRUSTRATING to play against teams in those ranks when I am still crap at it but I know enough to know I am getting teased. Screw that. It's better to play as a survivor, then at least I don't get bullied.
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And so we lose a killer every day. Lalalalala....
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8.8k people see this post, 40 people comment and devs are totally silence...I dont see light in end of the tunnel, Developers are too sleepy.
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I'm pretty sure they don't need to respond to something they have responded to.
Multiple times in fact.
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This is the most made up thing i've read all day. If you play the game it's easy to tell that this is either made up (leaning toward this) or you are attempting to correct the OP by saying he was right. Because the only way you can be right here is if they are right. But everything i've seen this past couple months tells me you are wrong about this and OP is right, along witj everyone else who says matchmaking is broken, which it is
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I doubt that's the case. The Billy was probably too busy thinking about playing something else because of the experience. I doubt he gained any knowledge from the match considering he apparently didn't know how to equip perks. This doesn't seem unfair, this definitely was unfair
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Probably not really, going against survivors somewhat better than you will help you learn but playing your first matches against very experienced teams will just teach you to play something else
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Sorry but I have less than 20 games and this has been what my last few games in a row have been like. My queue times werent even that long, less than a few minutes most of the time
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They addressed this in the recent live stream. Ever since dedicated servers, when they have a full group that's about to start playing and somebody leaves the party. The game will panic and find any player to fill that slot. Before dedicated servers it just waited to fill the spot if it was missing a survivor or dumped everyone if it was the killer who left. Its more noticeable for killers when they fill the spot than it is for survivors. Because the killer will load into a game and four survivors will already be there.
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I know that this doesn't excuse anything, but when I q with friends I notice that I generally get put with killers at the rank of the lowest person in the party. I'm a red rank, but when I'm with friends I go up against greens and yellows. My only explanation for this is that the other 3 survivors were is a swf and for some reason dbd decided they should q for rank 20 because one survivor was rank 20.
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I quit playing because the developers don't care if anyone enjoys the game. They never balance the game and if you get a match with other toxic survivors or killers the game is trash.
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This has been every game for me I'm rank 1 and have been getting in game with 4 other red rank survivors against a rank 20 killer ive even started to play with some of them to help them learn the game. Its been ridiculous