Can we have an option to wear The Ghostface's default shroud but without the floating straps?

I really like his default shroud but the little floaty bits blow his cover so hard. When I'm versing Ghostface as a survivor, half the time that I notice him is because of these stupid things. Don't get me wrong, esthetic-wise they look super cool and kinda creepy, but I feel like we should have an option to remove them for gameplay reasons, since Ghostface is all about being sneaky and undetectable. Can we someday have an oprion to remove them? Maybe add a separate cosmetic piece identical to the default one but without the straps? A lot of Ghostface players will appreciate this feature.
Thanks for reading :)
I'm going to go with "No" as his facial cosmetic is his mask, and currently there are only 3 slots for cosmetic: Head/Face, Body and Weapon.
Shroud is included in Body, so the hood that comes with the rest of the cape is the one you're stuck with.
Those tassels are also one of the few visual/audio queues that Ghostface is nearby since he doesn't have Mask Echo with his breathing, unlike me and Mikey.
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I'm thinking more about adding a free body cosmetic, which is identical to the default shroud but without the straps.
Also, there are cosmetics without them and he still emits the sound when he moves, so I don't think this will be a problem.
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I just don't like the feeling that I can pay money to buy myself an advantage over other Ghostface players. I feel like adding a free cosmetic without the straps would solve this issue.
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I bought the Pig's black leather body so that I wasn't walking around in a bright red cloak, so I could be classed as paying for an advantage. At the end of the day, you as a Ghostface playr are a STEALTH killer, and if you want to add a bit of cash for a cosmetic that MAY help you in game, then that's not exactly a bad thing.
His traditional costume is also tassel free and very true to the character, if you wanted to go down that road.
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His tassels were the things making that wooshing sound? I didn't know that!
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You're gonna get that on every skin. Like I said, Myers and Pig have their heavy breathing, GF has his tassle noise and Wraith has thunderous footsteps. Think lf it as a small compensation for there being no terror radius. Those sounds are all pretty quiet anyway compared to a lot of other sounds in the game.
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Well here let me state why the straps float. The straps on ghost faces costume float because out of all the killers he has the strongest connection to the entity and can understand it better than every other killer, thus the floating straps. However if you don't want the straps buy his og costume from the shop.