Please stop complaining everytime you lose a match

doodledot Member Posts: 70

Im pretty positive the devs are working there hardest on the game, so what is complaining gonna get you?


  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think people just have bad games and come here to vent, be it against NOED, toxic killer behaviors, crouch-spammers or bad teammates.... as well as a multitude of other things. Many people feel the need to share their frustrations with other people, or think that certain things are unfair because they were negatively affected by them (NOED being a prime example, I really don't mind when killers use NOED since survivors can take Adrenaline, but that's my personal opinion), so they make posts to find other people who share their same opinions and grievances.

    All in all, this forum feels like a cesspool of angry, dissatisfied gamers because they are the people who will readily post when something bad happens. Just look at the majority of posts that are here and in abundance Every Single Day.... "NOED bad, survivor mains bad, killer mains bad, devs fix your game, remove moris, remove keys, e.t.c.". I say to just enjoy each game as it comes, know that SOMEONE has to lose, and be respectful to the other players in this game. Complaining does nothing, because toxicity exists in every game, and it's just more impactful in DbD (from killer side, at least.... survivors crouching and clicking flashlights doesn't affect ACTUAL gameplay, believe it or not). Just have to enjoy the game and not take it too seriously.... it is just a casual video game after all! 😏

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think we've found the angry, dissatisfied gamer.... and with a name like that too.... Lol

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't care about losing, as long as the other side isn't toxic. I've befriended killers who down me with NoED in the end game after I cleansed four totems because I had a fun match, despite not escaping. I've befriended survivors who destroyed my hex totem, managed to finish the last gen in a good 3-gen, and went on to escape because again, it was fun. Winning and losing doesn't matter as much as getting to actually play the game.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Hey Its someone who knows how to play the game properly, rare

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited May 2020

    Silly/ironic posts in this thread already pointed it out nicely, but it's not really going anywhere.

    Once someone can convince themselves that the loss "didn't really count", some people will pounce right on it. Doesn't matter if they can find a reason or they have to straight up make it up on the fly.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited May 2020

    By the time I kill the last survivor there is only 1 gen remaining, how is that fair???? gens need nerfing. I almost lose the game because gens do too fast. This happens in most of my games.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2020

    You want killers stop complain ? No safe pallets only mindgameable ones and not 400km2 maps.GG EZ.ohh dont forget SWF BUFF FOR KILLERS

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Free mori for SWF without a hook. 50% debuff for SWF when it comes to repair and healing. No items for survivors. Only killers can play map offerings.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I genuinely had to have a little think before properly figuring out that you're joking.

    And I don't really know how that should make me feel. Like, I've seen ideas about harsher SWF debuffs than 50% be posted on this forum seemingly unironically and it's kinda making it hard to tell jokes and laughable pipe dreams apart not gonna lie 😄

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    With the exception of free mori with no hook for SWF, all of those suggestions are real things I have seen people suggest on here to make the game "better" for killers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "If I consistently win/lose matches because of one thing in particular, then I definitely have a reason to complain."

    You could also, you know, analyze what you did wrong and find ways to do it better next time. Or find a tactic that would beat whatever it is that you keep losing to.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Me losing for both sides come down to certain things:


    1. I made a mistake
    2. SWF
    3. Dead head
    4. Frames on console


    1. I made a mistake
    2. A poopy newbie
    3. Frames on console

    But do you see me whining no, I get on with another game and I learn from my mistakes, I’m also not going to go after the devs for the amazing work they have done

    (But seriously console frames need fixing)

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Go read the Ruin nerf patchnote and tell me they are trying there hardest.

    one of the reason they nerfed ruin was because

    ''It did not feel good for new survivor player to miss skill check"

    Oh well, I guess it was sure a problem for survivor to put effort and skill when they did SKILLcheck....

    Oh and the same patchnote said the new ruin had many benefit like

    ''Survivor who work on a gen are unnafected as the perk no longuer affect skill check''

    Oh yea dev are trying hard to make the game fair and balance, they change KILLER PERK so they become BENEFICT to SURVIVOR.

    I know this patch was 3 month ago and im late new but yea, if they still gonna nerf the best killer tools because ''It hard for new player to hold M1 and press spacebar'' No one gonna believe you when you say they are trying their best.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    So the Devs basically need to balance the game so you win every game?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You want it so you can win easier? That's a bit selfish.

  • josh6_66
    josh6_66 Member Posts: 23

    PLS tell that to Tru3ta1ent!! He is the most entilted Killer main I've ever seen.

    But yeah you are 100% right. In my opinion the Devs did an amazing job and are still adjust the game to be even more balanced. At the moment both sides have a fair chance to win. The only thing that still can make games really unfair is the different equippement people can use so if a killer takes the best perks, add ons and a mori he will win against some casual Survivor team but if a sweaty SWF with coms faces an add on less killer he will have an impossibly hard time too. but idk how to fix that either ngl

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, I totally misplayed around that Mori/key/house of pain/god loop/stridor spirit/recharge nurse/NOED facecamper/meta perk team/safe pallet/chained jungle gym/chained safe pallets/swf deathsquad/terrible teammates/map offering/blendettes in high-foliage maps/getting tunelled and facecamped to death.

    Don't pretend you can 'git gud' and avoid these. Mostly, the counterplay to broken shite is bringing your own broken shite. The rest just doesn't even have counterplay. If someone spends BP to get a giant advantage or uses scummy tactics before you do... Not a lot to be done.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Not only has it been 3 months but there were already many killers doing just fine without ruin even in red ranks. The fact many killer complaints about ruin before the nerf was that it was gone within 30 seconds of the match starting proves how in a large number of cases killers were working with 3 perks and still doing OK. So even before the devs changed it, killers moaned survivors could disable it quickly. So what difference does it make of it is gone within 20-30 seconds vs being a new version?

    It has been 3 months and the game hasn't died. Maybe.... just maybe it is time for you to move on from the ruin change?

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Ruin was nerfed cause it ruined bad players but was usless against good players. And the recent update litrally made maps much smaller with dead zones everywhere. Stop acting like the devs are onesided Becasue there not

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    The upcoming mid-chapter update will also include a major overhaul to Hex: Ruin, and an associated update to the Gatekeeper Emblem. Recent data show that Hex: Ruin is used in over 80% of all games in the red ranks, and across the entire userbase it appears in about 45% of all games. 

    We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating to play against. Three key issues were identified: 

    1. Its punishment of new players or those who can't hit Great Skill Checks. Newer players trying to help veterans with generator repairs tend to make the situation worse rather than better. 
    2. The passive nature of the gameplay pressure it provides means that there is a huge amount of potential with very little effort or risk on behalf of The Killer. 
    3. Its inconsistency due to the random nature of the appearance interval of skill checks. 

    That litteraly a copy paste of what the dev put on when they announced the nerf. see, it dosen't mention the reason you stated for the nerf.

    and you can see the wording is clearly survivor sided.

    ''what make it so frustrating to play against''

    point 1 litteraly being in favor of SWF.

    Point 1 basicly say '' it should be okay for Survivor to no put effort''

    Point 2 basicly say ''It not okay for killer to no put effort.

    But here whe are with 15 min queu for survivors and killer find a game in 1 min, I wonder why. there MUST be a reason right? it not like the g ame LACK of killer playerbase or anything.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    It litrally says newer players helping veterans makes it worse which is essntialy saying its op aginst new players but not against good ones

    Point 1: dosent say anything about swf considering we both know how bad matchmaking is

    Point 2: said that ruin was too passive unlike other perks that you have to work towards

    Point 3: said ruin was inconsistent

    The wording isn't survivor sided its just stating the facts from a newers players perspective

    Q times are bad because matchmaking is bad which resaults in baby killers quitting cause they get put with red ranks. Im a red rank killer and i get put with rank 20s

    And because its too easy to pip as survivor so all of them are at red ranks cause of the rank reset change

    If killers quit cause of the ruin nerf then they need to git gud

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The single-story house that spawns in haddonfield/badham. It has the super safe pallet in the basement, usually next to a generator, and spawns an extremely strong pallet either in the garage or front doorway. On top of that, it has some insane windows at it's weakest spawn and even a potential infinite window loop at its strongest spawn. It is a house of absolute killer torture if the survivro knows what they are doing, hence the nickname 'the house of pain'. Although I don't see that term used much any more.

    And it's kind of wierd, because there's an achievement called House of Pain that requires you to repair a generator in a different house altogether.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Indeed, What it show is that they only care about survivor fun too. look at what they say about the new ruin

    The Hex effect persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing. 

    This version of the perk has many benefits: 

    • Survivors who are working on generators are unaffected as the perk no longer affects Skill Checks. 
    • Killers must be active in pushing Survivors off generators to get value from it. 
    • It is less useful in the early game, but very useful in the late game. Survivors now have a more interesting choice about when it is necessary to find and cleanse the Hex Totem. 

    See how the reworked KILLER perk has benefits like being not a problem anymore for SURVIVORS when they do SKILLcheck....

    another benefits is that KILLER should be WORKING HARD to get value from a KILLER PERK"


    That a killer perk and clearly I think you see the problem.

    The patch note aren't balanced around making the game balance they don't care if the new perk is op and who gonna use it, They only care if it FUN for Survivors.

    Let say Huntress had a addon that let her have mape wide auto aim undodgeable hatchet that go trought obstacles, but it take 10 hits from these hatchet for survivor to go down a state.

    They don't care if it strong or weak, what they care is ''Is it fun for a casual survivor to get hit by undodgeable hatchet''

    so this mentality create thing like DS, they don't care about how anoying or strong this perk his for killer, it not fun for survivor to get tunel therefore BAM 1 min immunity.

    But killer being forced to play musical chair on the hook don't seem to anoy them at all.

    Like, you would think killer want to kill, and usually if I want to kill someone I need to hook them 3 time, some who got 2 hook left is closer to death. I want him Death. it my goal, Why am I punished to do that?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    This wording doesn't indicate they only care about survivor fun, the wording is phrased this way because the change mostly affects the survivor experience. Ruin was just a passive gen speed nerf for killers, not much experience to be had.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    ''This wording doesn't indicate they only care about survivor fun, the wording is phrased this way because the change mostly affects the survivor''

    They don't mention at all how it would affect the issue of gen rushing, the reason killer runned this perk in the first place. Also no the change don't ''Mostly affect survivor'' you gutted the best killer option to slow down the game. the only thing that changed for survivor is that now the perk is half as strong and that they don't have to deal with skillcheck anymore. Meanwhile Killer meta shifter cause they need to rework their whole build around the fact they need more weaker and gimmic slow down perk.

    And no, im sorry, removing the skill check and regress speed was stupid. You don't like the fact you need to press space bar, it to hard for you? gen going to slow? Well it an hex, it the whole point of an Hex perk, if you don't want to deal with it you have to waste time cleaning that totems.

    Now it ''fun'' for survivor, gen your working on can't be slower, No more hard skill check, but you can also stop other gen regress by cleansing totems

    ''Ruin was just a passive gen speed nerf for killers, not much experience to be had.''

    Litteraly 80% of the game perks work in that way, most perk are just ''You get bonus and it work.''

    Look at blood hound, it just a passive blood tracking perk for killing, Not much experience to be had.''

    Look at Iron will, it just a noice regression passive for survivor, Not much experiece to be had''

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ruin wasn't the best slowdown option. It was a potato masher.

  • Martin99CZ
    Martin99CZ Member Posts: 77


    y because it seems i lost in fair game 😂

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Ruin was used in 80% red rank game according to official data.

    Saying Ruin wasn't the best slowdown option is like saying DS ain't the best anti tunnel option. No one gonna believe you.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I can name 3 people off of the top of my head that agree 100%. Disagreeing with the truth and hiding behind stats is exactly what killers criticize survivors for.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    No, We complain that survivor use only half the stats and only analyse half of it. They often mention the kill rate of killers, ignoring that a a Kill can range from a looper god getting outplayed to an afk potatoes who died on first hook. And that not even mentioning the mori. Then they also ignore the fact that Nurse who a top tier got the second worst kill rate.

    I think red rank having Ruin in 80% of red rank game and 45% of the entire player base games. I think we can safely assume it was the best option if around half the entire player base game had it. And the entire playerbase games counts the game with killer who did'nt even have the perk. Add to the fact Red rank killer, who got the most experiance, used it the most.

    There a reason no one use dying light

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Just because everyone uses Self Care doesn't mean it's good.

  • MetroSlayer_DC
    MetroSlayer_DC Member Posts: 16

    Why is it that everyone on this forum always say "It's fine" like if there's no room for improvement. Next time give the other guy benefit of the doubt, maybe this (insert example here) is broken or is kinda bull if you think about from a survivor point of view.

    All these conversations are just one sided no one want to see the other guys perspective or see what made the other guy tilted its always "your bad survivor" or "killer is fine", there's room for improvement but no one wants to make any changes that don't benefit the killer.

    Maybe soon this game will be killer sided so much that it kills the survivor side like it did way back when for killer but this time maybe it won't bounce back.

    Idk just rambling I guess.