Patch 3.7.0 might be the worst Update ever

Call me an entitled survivor to say that this patch is totally messed up but it is how it is. I'm going to list, why I think it's that bad:

-Structures: Apart from fixing infinites, which was a really good and needed change, this patch might have overdone it. Most maps, like Ironworks of Misery or Groaning Storehouse have two spawn variations now, one being completely useless and one being the good, actually balanced one. However, many other main buildings are so unsafe that they almost resemble the one small room on Hawkins on the upper floor in terms of playability. My point is that main buidings, which give the map it's theme and character, should neither be overpowered nor useless but should be fun for everyone, not only for the killer. Additionally, some tiles received some little changes like the harvester did that don't seem that necessary to me.

-Bugs: A new bug that I both have seen and experienced myself is to get stuck on interactable objects, like hooks and windows. Unless the killer is kind enough to down and pick you up there is nothing you can do, you just twitch around and run without moving an inch. The game won't even register it and no afk-crows will spawn above you. I think you won't even die to EGC but can't confirm that. Random lag spikes occur more often and I won't start talking about phantom hits.

-Hillbilly: I don't know how they managed to ######### up Billy as much as they did. The first match threw me back in time to the beta of DBD. The animations are so ugly and weird now and feel so out-of-place. Sound cues are messed up, once you revv your chainsaw it loops at around 85% and throws both me and the survivors off. Curving and turning also got worse, using his power overall does not provide any satisfaction anymore and I don't bother to get used to these changes because I don't feel like playing him right now.

Graphics: There is a ongoing trend of the game becoming more and more hideous. Anti-alising is so much more noticeable and drags down my fps just to make the game more blurry and ugly. I see that altering game files to gain an advantage is bad for the game's health and I'm all for fairness and equality, however I've seen that with a little bit of tweaking the game can look astonishing. All without moving the game in favor of your own role. I don't know why the devs have to force certain settings on one but atleast make the bearable for people with unfavorable equipment. Freddy by himself drains my frames by 30 once I enter dream world, which is just the icing on the cake of Freddy being irritating and unfun to go against.

Nevertheless, there is ONE thing I have to praise: I love the change they did to huntress' lullaby. Being able to hear it fully makes her so much more interesting and fun to play with/against. It used to restart once you stun her or her raising a hatchet, now being able to listen to her laugh at the really end of the "track" gives me goosebumps and I love it.

That's all what I had in mind right now but I am open to new discoveries I haven't taken into account.


  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    I gotta say their bug filled patch is definitely a huge problem. They really shouldn't be releasing patches with such titanic issues like this. I do like the major changes but hot damn does it feel like a patch that should have been delayed! Dod they accidentally use an old buggy version of the code for this or something?

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    They only completely busted some killers and made others (huntress) entirely incapable of getting deviousness blood points punishing players for playing them. I can't imagine why anyone would be unhappy with the patch. Clearly a bait post right? Zzzz Clearly nothing to complain about anymore than getting stuck in objects frequently could be right?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's only bugs, they come with any update to this game's spaghetti code.

  • Hex_Depression
    Hex_Depression Member Posts: 3

    I created my profile one year ago I just didn't start a discussion until now. Also, I didn't say that the idea of the changes were bad just the execution because as I stated, many things have been changed too much. Furthermore, how can a such unpolished update be so great that you would call it "the best". I have to admit though that I overexaggerated a bit, it's just a "really bad" update from the technical perspective, which has nothing to do with the gameplay (apart from Billy but that is a problem for another day).

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Besides the 500 new bugs which came with this patch. Let's say they're not there, the balance changes were actually quite good for the health of the game.

  • Cowgirl232
    Cowgirl232 Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2020

    But everything starts from 2.0.0

    "Good" graphics and engine update from 2.4.0 btw

    still have some lighting problems

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    Hard to say the bugs aren't there. Taking away peoples potential mains for an unknown length of time is kinda a BIG issue. I dislike this rose tinted glasses perspective where you just ignore all the faults of one of the least polished patches I've ever experienced. The bugs are part of the patch, disliking a patch because it's an unpolished untested trainwreck we were supposed to be excited about is an unhealthy viewpoint that only encourages this type of behaviour from the devs.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Why not encourage changes that make the game much better for both sides.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Because character breaking bugs should never just be viewed as acceptable casualties for lazyness.

  • Hex_Depression
    Hex_Depression Member Posts: 3

    Agreed. I might have poorly worded it but I do think it's a good change, I play killer myself and like how I don't have to fear Ironworks anymore. But still, some variations are useless for Survivors now and that is a problem for people like me, who aim to play as efficient as possible.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yeah, the lag spikes are strange. I literally had what looked like a hard lag switch the other day, even though I know it's not a thing anymore. Killer raised his chainsaw at palette so I went to loop, as you do, and instead he just walked into a wall with his chainsaw up...and kept walking into the wall...I just starred trying to understand if he was memeing or what...then the screen flashed to me being on his shoulder. :| I felt like it was 2018 again. 😂

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    To me 1.9.2 still feels like the worst patch ever.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    The removal of god windows automatically make this not the worst patch ever. They should've been changed years ago.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    its becoming a joke at this they even try anymore or just meme a patch together lol

  • BongRips4Wraith
    BongRips4Wraith Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2020

    I was actually really pumped for this patch. Nothing was more infuriating to me than watching a survivor that doesn't know how to get chased immediately run to the god window and loop it 3 times in hopes of wasting your time.

    The boxes that close you in so you have to run towards the doorway the killer will walk through are ridiculous. why not just remove the window and have the doorway by itself at that point?

    The hilarious part is, certain variations of Groaning Storehouse's god building actually got stronger now that 2 windows are open + the pallets that can spawn right near them.

    They seem to be encouraging stealth play more and more, I played a Blood Lodge that was very safe except for one corner of the map, then I played one that was completely dead everywhere except for the edges and those were just TL walls. Sorry, I like the action in DBD, not holding ctrl when I hear a heartbeat/running around the map waiting to find a survivor to chase.

    Survivors getting stuck in hooks and killers getting stuck at pallets needs to be fixed within the next week. In 6 hours of this patch I've seen it several times already as both sides.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Besides the fact that this car only has three tires, no exhaust and has a shirt that drains any battery in one day, it’s a great vehicle.