playing killer is to easy and not fun anymore

basically its to easy most of the maps are so small now that as ghost face i can stalk from across the map and just down everyone. The big ass dead zones are super easy to kill in as well there is no thrill in the chase its oh hey i have you in a deadzone let me just kill you really fast they dont have a chance to lose me anymore and as doctor i can just use my shock wave to see where they are through the whole map its not fun and the changes that were made either need reverted or the killer needs to go through a huge nerf too


  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Those are two powerful killers, I imagine you're a big fan of Freddy and spirit too. Why dont you try killers that are a challenge to use? You're using ez mode.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Maybe you should rank up?

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    i actually dont like freddy or spirit reason being freddy has a broken lunge hit box it goes so far as well as hits you at the end of the animation also the teleporting to generators gives him to much map control and it doesnt make it fun and i dont really have a reason to not like spirit i just dont like her and ghost face wasnt to easy on the last update it took me a minute to get use to him and actually get good with him and it was still a challenge but now it seems too easy

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    What rank?

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506
    edited May 2020

    He's probably already Rank 1 and I could even imagine that he is playing without addons/perks. What else can he do?

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    i am currently between rank 10 and 11 its not to high i know but im also playing against red ranks

    this picture is a bad example seeing they all escaped but its just showing what matchmaking is putting me against

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    currently between 11 and 10 but matchmaking is putting me with red ranks i have a picture in another quote on this discussion but its a bad example but just showing what im paired against

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    you say here we go again when this is a discussion discuss and let me know what you think im not trying to be closed minded i want others feed back and im willing to actually discuss rather argue and name call like alot of the people youll find on this forum

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    i actually played a few games without add ons and perks and still won against them and it just blew my mind cause they werent playing stupid its just killer has such a upper hand

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Survivors at high ranks arent good most of the time. Rank doesn't matter.

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    this is true but when its most of the games the survivor is harder to play but i enjoy playing both sides of the game its just idk im still trying to adjust to this update and it seems like 3/4 of the community is as well

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2020

    Pardon me for being too fastidious, but the picture kind of betrays your argument. Its not that all four escaped, its that in your chat you made a point to call out the matchmaking. If you are getting consistent wins facing people of high ranks, and if it is as easy as you say, then why would you feel the need to call out rank when you lose?

    I would say that the majority of people, myself included, think that it is not easy to play killer. I know many people from streamers and pros, to new players who find that playing killer is at least somewhat stressful. I play more survivor than I do killer, but I enjoy killer because it is more challenging. That is especially true with certain killers.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    So I said you're using two of the most powerful killers in the game try expanding your playstyle because youre using ez mode, and your response is no. You are using 2 of the four most powerful killers in the game. And I'm sorry at rank 10-11, you have no standing to speak about how easy killer is, I don't care if you often are against red ranks, you aren't pipping already at you current rank, wait until red ranks and see what it takes to get a pip. This morning I 4k a red rank swf with leather face and brown add ons and no headphones because i was just doing a challenge. The game is not easy as killer unless you get potatoes.

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    when i had taken that screen shot it was the first time of many going against red ranks and it had baffled me and i agree the picture can compromise this discussion but i had used that screenshot as a example

  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    I do agree that it will be harder in the higher rank as i got up but my question is how much harder cause inbetween this discussion we have i played another killer match and the survivors got no gens done i guess what i need to ask is what do i have to look forward to in killer in higher rank cause im a lvl 4 survivor and its quite difficult and it keeps it fun and interesting

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    It gets a lot harder. If its too easy and boring stop using the best killers. You'll be pulling your hair out in no time either way

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
  • wrench0331
    wrench0331 Member Posts: 24

    this screenshot was taken with my first game like that and it was hard at first but i adapted and its been easier

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    I would like to complain. Those new Red rank survivors are super weak. Can we get old red rank survs who know how to play this game?

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    But.... most of the maps weren’t reduced in size. Only the biggest ones and they’re normalized meaning they’re about the same size as the others...

    Devs said they were working on deadzones tho.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Okay, okay... you know I just dont understand people most of the time, people especially like you. You are complaining because things are too easy for you? Really... really. First there is a complaint about things being too hard and woo is me, and now we have people complaining about how things are just too easy. You know what, I give up. I'm just so confuse about you and this entire discussion. Your pitiful, sorry to say it but come back when you have REAL problems concerning a complaint because having things easy shouldn't ever be a problem for any sane person.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    If a killer literally says "it's too easy" then that's a valid complaint because we're talking about DBD here - a PVP game. Survivors are real people just like the killer. Therefore the game is supposed to feel challenging on both ends.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    Um, I dont care if it's a pvp game or not my response still remains the same. It's a meaningless complaint. Maybe the person should just move on to a more challenging game then.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Again: If someone says their role is too easy to play in a PVP game then it's a relevant complaint as PVP games require balance to sustain.

    If people like you were responsible for game balance DBD would have died years ago when survivors were broken op.

    All balance relevant complaints are valid when it comes to PVP games. You can't just say:

    "move on to a more challenging game then."

    And brush possible balance issues off.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    As I said before, "my response still remains the same". You can keep adding crap but it means nothing to me.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I don't care about you either so that's fair I guess.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    I guess you can just go back to survivor then! Though you had a ball complaining about how killer-sided the game was, so at least it'll be a tad more challenging for you, right?

  • Ironclad86
    Ironclad86 Member Posts: 13

    Killer is too easy but the only screenshot I had was of all four survivors escaping, this has to be a troll.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Tbh I kind of agree. I play since release on console and stay on rank 1 for over 2 years now with both sides. Even before the midchapter killer felt pretty balanced for me. The few really good swf teams that wiped the floor with me were not that common. I play without camp/slug/tunnel and most of the time without addons. Also noed or mori is not my thing. So my usual matches end up pretty balanced around 2K. Good thing is I usually get friendly GGs WP and praise :P. But if I play one of the better killers, mori, meta perks or good addons with a tweak to my playstyle, killer would get too easy and thats just not fun to me. That was also the reason why I quit playing spirit, freddy or billy. Idk if its a game experience thing or whatever, but seeing many players still claim that killers need buffs, leaves me headshaking.

    Ofc the game is not balanced, but I believe that you can make it balanced by adapting.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Play Nurse on console!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I wouldnt say playing killer takes more skill. Some killers do, like Huntress, Deathslinger and Nurse, but other than that? It's mainly mindgames, and even with mindgames, killers are moving faster so even if a survivor has better mindgames, they tend to be hit.

    For a single survivor to barely get hit by the average killer requires a lot more skill than it is for a killer to get a 4k against the average survivor.

    As for ez mode, well, freddy is ez mode. I feel disgusted by how easy he is to play.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    Mabye, just mabye your going against low ranks or, and really follow me on this one. Survivors tend to be unskilled which gives killer the appearance of balanced or even overpowed/easy.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I respect this picture. So many people want to show the games they dominate in.

    Its refreshing to see someone show the losing side as well.

    Although it doesn't really support your argument.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204
    edited May 2020

    So.... another low post blank profile....makes a post about how damn easy killer is.....and the picture you use to validate something... shows you losing pretty badly... but if killer is so easy... then you should of still had the advantage...

    I'm lost.... you're low ranked, why are you wasting peoples time with another one of these threads?

    Cause all I see is a survivor main losing as a killer.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Weird, I play all kinds of killers and I must say, it's not walk in a park for me even when I am rank 1 and get often matched against low rank players. Sure, it's not the greatest challenge I could ask for, but certainly it is not as easy as you make it sound. Doctor doesn't blast the entire map exposing everyone, I often have to find my prey just like every other killer, if that's a point you are trying to make with him.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Have not played doctor with the current update. Have played him a bit in the past. With my experiences being the same as yours. I could not blast the entire map. There would be times i use his power and found no one with it.

    Of course i have played ghostface and Ghostface has only a 40 metre stalk range. He can stalk from very far away, if on the right map and there is nothing blocking their line of slight. Which relays on a number of things being ideal for ghostface. Line of slight to say a gen, a survivor at said gen or good line of slight and someone running around in said area. With no one else being nearby that can reveal ghostface before he can stalk them. That and there are some maps, that offer very little cover. Making it rather easy to reveal ghostface. That and a skill a ghostface has to learn, is when to choose who to stalk and who to just go in for the stab against, unless they are just playing no stalk ghostface. Not to forget the mind gaming, any killer needs to learn.

    Honestly it just seems like a wave of people have just come to the forums, to make it seem like killers take no skill. Due to the update. When it not even a week old yet. I doubt most people have gotten used to the changes yet. When honestly, if you put a newbie killer against survivors with some experience in the game. I doubt the killer will get a free 4k, as some are making it out to be. Rather i'm sure the experience survivors will win, due to knowing the game, the loops better than the newbie killer. Which the best part i love about all of the posts claiming killers in general take no skill, has to be the lack of any proof. With heck, one person in this very thread claiming red rank survivors are simply lacking in skill and are not as skilled as they use to be. Which does bring up a very good point. How skilled are the survivors? Since any killer will seem overpowered vs a group of survivors who have no idea what they are doing.

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    I say "here we go again" not because i am close minded, but because I am so tired of everyone arguing about nerfs or buffs when they aren't even ranks 4-1 on both killer and survivor, meaning you play both killer and survivor often so you can have a basic understanding about balance and what needs to be balanced. You need to have a lot of time put into the game to understand balance

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    I say "here we go again" not because i am close minded, but because I am so tired of everyone arguing about nerfs or buffs when they aren't even ranks 4-1 on both killer and survivor, meaning you play both killer and survivor often so you can have a basic understanding about balance and what needs to be balanced. You need to have a lot of time put into the game to understand balance