Killer mains who say deathslinger is UP and need buffs

like seriously idk whats wrong with you , he is a hitscan range killer meaning as long as HE doenst miss you can't escape him nor outplay him unlike the huntress

and monitor and abuse his OP on him making him a stealth killer on top of being a range uncounterable and unoutplayable killer

he is one of the best killers currently as long as you can use his power

if anything he needs a nerf to his terror radius so monitor and abuse isnt so broken on him


  • CharlieCreston
    CharlieCreston Member Posts: 13

    I think you misunderstand the meaning of "hitscan". His shots do take a brief moment to move through the air, qualifying them as projectiles.

    However, you are very much correct about Deathslinger. By god, the man's ability is an instant shutdown on any loop with a window if you're good enough with your aim! It's unbelievable how frequently I can catch survivors out simply because there was no way to avoid getting hit. Still, it's very possible to play against and win against the Deathslinger, it just requires team communication and coordination. Additionally Dead Hard (if it works) does seem to allow players to dodge the spear, and general juking methods (like you would use against a Huntress' hatchets) do seem to be effective against most middle-skilled Deathslingers currently. By all means, I think Deathslinger falls into the "OP Killers that are a crutch for bad players" category, particularly with add-ons but he's not without his flaws. Although he can be frustrating to play against, it does make the killer pretty fun to play as, and I think as players acclimate more to his ability and mechanics, you'll see him start to feel a little less overpowered... But only a little ;P

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    yeah its not per say full on hitscan but its so fast it might actually be hitscan , you still can't dodge it 90% of the time

    I personally don't use dead hard and i play in red rank and can dodge huntresses just fine but deathslingers are a big NO NO can't dodge him

    also yeah makes sense that a character that give your opponent no chances of fighting back his gonna be fun to play as

  • CharlieCreston
    CharlieCreston Member Posts: 13

    It's not necessarily about dodging, but juking instead. Honestly, as someone whose played Deathslinger a ton lately, I find that people running in a zig-zag fashion are actually significantly harder to hit, despite what you might think. Just don't run in a straight line anywhere and you'll probably have a good chance of being missed by a shot.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The problem with running in a zig-zag fashion is that it ends up in the survivor losing a lot of distance and the deathslinger doesn't have to do anything for it and can catch up to the survivor quite quickly.

    Huntress has to hold up her hatchet to achieve that and slowly moves towards the survivor.

  • CharlieCreston
    CharlieCreston Member Posts: 13

    Deathslinger is slowed when firing/missing a shot, and his movement speed is the standard speed for the game. If you're good enough, you should be able to get yourself to a loop by the time he would catch up with you, even if you do a little wiggle