Killers have so many add ons that make them broken (Nurse can stack 9 teleports, wraith can see people through walls by giving up speed?? people get banned for WH and its a given, The shape has the fragment of hair that gives him unlimited EXPOSURE and he has scratched mirrors - WH, Huntress' axes have such a large hitbox that you don't even need to aim it, it will most likely hit and she can carry 9 hatchets, Killer have auto aim which doesn't make sense because where is the skill in that???) So how are survivors gonna escape?? - 360 gets nerfed, windows and loops taken away. STOP nerfing survivors give us some reason to try at this game because the only way we win is if matchmaking fails and gives noob killers because otherwise every killer below rank 10 knows how to bait and has all the broken add ons. Killers can camp us and we can't do anything about it what possible upper hand do we have?
Just out of interest What would you do to Nerf killers?
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Is this bait or are you being serious? When did nurse ever have 9 blinks? I've heard of 5,4 and 3.
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Have you even played this game? Huntres carries 9 hatchets?! Nurse stacks 9 teleports?????! Killers have auto aim??????????????!
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✓ Joined 7 mins ago
✓ First post is about killer nerfs
I'm not surprised at all
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i would be interested to learn where he got these numbers from...
9 blink nurse? lmao
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I'm not judging too much the numbers in question because it could be some exaggeration. Just waiting for some kind of response from him.
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I read the title killers need a nerf. I've just gone up against a 4man swf 1,1,2,2 but you think the killer needs a nerf? Where is the swf nerf?
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You really should play killer. It would help with arguments.
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“9 blink nurse”
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Stopped reading at "(Nurse can stack 9 teleports"
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It's always new accounts that make these "Killer need nerfs asap they're all op" posts.
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He's afraid of Many Blinks Nurse obviously.
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Stopped reading at Nine blink nurse and felt like this👇
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Alright, I would like to have a calm discussion and either debunk or show my reasoning why I believe each part is incorrect.
1. Killer claims:
Nurse cannot have 9 blinks, especially now. At most, she can have 3 blinks at the cost of not being able to phase through objects.
Huntress cannot have 9 Hatchets. She can ha e up to 8 though, and up to 3 instadown hatchets (which are dumb) I can't argue about the dumb hit registration.
Wraith's Wallhacks only extend 12 meters. It is powerful, but I think it is fair.
Scratch mirror is a thing, but you forgot about the fact he is slowed to something like 105% movement speed, instead of the 115% Myers is. Yeah, he has wallhacks, but it is only useful on like, 4 maps.
Yeah, Myers can have infinite tier 3, but the amount of stock required for it increases by a LOT! Most games, it will set off once at least 3-4 gets are done.
Killers technically have an auto-aim, and the developers call it "aim dressing" , but 90% of the time, it makes a killer miss their swing instead of actually hitting. In my many times of having it happen, I think I've only had it help 2 times.
Camping. It sucks, i admit. Something needs to be done about that.
2. Survivor claims:
360s have not been nerfed. They still work the same as ever.
The only windows that have been changed were the "god windows" (the ones that don't have any counterclaim whatsoever). Loops haven't been affected, but it does seem a lot more dead zones keep appearing...
I don't see how survivors "keep getting nerfed" all the time. All the top tier killers since the nurse update have been hit with nerfs. The only killer to get actually buffed (not a quality of life change) was doctor, and his buff came with ruin, which was the only early-game gen-slowing perk killers had (i know you are thinking corrupt, but it doesn't slow down directly). The only real nerf was Balanced Landing, and even though I would rather have seen the maps it was abused on reworked, they went with the easier option to "fix" the maps. I would say toolboxes was overall a nerf, but it wasn't a hard nerf.
While yes, you are right about a few things, I disagree with most of your points.
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You’re new to the game right? Because I don’t understand where you get 9 blinks and 9 hatchets from. You must’ve been miscounting when you went against them or something, nice 1 post btw.
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Has to be a troll
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Probably he messedup with cheat engine ^..^
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Six blinks were the maximum. And that was freaking disgusting.
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I was waiting for someone to describe the controller sensitivity increase as a survivor nerf, and I wasn't let down.
Also pls nerf the addons that give nurse 69 blinks, it's both OP and inappropriate
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Freddy 100% needs seven or ten nerfs. He's insanely OP. And Iri Head Huntress needs to be nerfed to meet a conditional like Deathslinger.
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The fact people can't see how clearly bait this is is amazing. The account was literally made within the hour lol.
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and just imagine the fatigue time!
fatigue is not a set value, it depends on how many times Nurse blinked - the more blinks, the longer the fatigue. i wouldnt even want to imagine a 9 blink fatigue xD would she ever look back up? xD
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I normally wouldn't do this, but seeing as how your account is brand new and there's a lot of factually incorrect claims here, I'm lead to believe that this is bait. If it's not, I would strongly suggest double checking the claims you are making first, as making claims such as the Nurse being able to blink up to 9 times or the Huntress being able to carry 9 hatchets are outright untrue, and that's not going to spark any constructive discussion.