This patch was a major buff for Survivor

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I don't think people realize how major of a buff this patch was to Survivor. Fast vaults almost never get dedicated and its pretty common to hit a vault by the skin of your teeth now.

Yes some of the unfair map sizes and god loops got reworked to help Killer, but reliably hitting vaults was a major help to Survivor. This mid-chapter was honestly a blessing for both sides and made the game more fun period.


  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    They never said it wasn't a killer buff as well, a patch can be both at once

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited May 2020

    It's a mix. First of all, I wouldn't call fixing an issue as a buff. However, dedi hits are different now, but they're still a thing, visually different. I've seen many instances were the killer completes the missed hit animation, including whiffing sound, and then the hit registers. I saw it through windows and pallets. Hatchets also are as broken as ever, if not more.

    On the other hand, gens also spawn so close together that they are often in walking distance. I don't think many killers have realized yet. I expect hostage builds to become popular, because almost every spawn has at least an easy 3 gen available, if not a 4 gen.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Yeah, faults definitely feel much better now. When I play killer I realised i'm finding myself swinging wildly at windows less and less knowing that most of the hits that would have hit before won't hit anymore.

    I can see a pretty big improvement for both sides from the latest patch. None of the things that got fixed were buffs or nerfs to either side - they were simply fixes of stuff that was busted..

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Being able to vault without getting Dedicated Server'd is a pretty damn big buff imo

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,655

    You mean, it is a problem that Hits which should not have connected in the first place do not hit anymore? A shocker.

    I guess when they fix Billy, Killers get a major buff.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I personally like that they improved vaults and pallets on dedicated servers. Makes the game more consistent.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Uhhh. Where did the OP complain? They said that this patch “made the game more fun” for both sides so I’m pretty sure they were praising this change, not complaining about it.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    The idea that the game functioning properly for survivors is a BUFF, is sad. :| And killers still have hit priority. So...

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    interesting how killer bug fixes are considered buffs, but survivor bug fixes arent :/

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    If it's a bug it's not a buff, the game just wasn't working as intended. Controller players are better able to keep up with keyboard players now (I finally hit red ranks, yay) because they upped controller sensitivity, but practically speaking it should have always been that way. So that's a fix, not a buff.

    I don't see any survivor buffs here. I've had so many 3 gen games now, as the others mentioned.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    Is this satire?

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Every patch is a buff survivor, because they break more mechanics and introduce more bugs. Which are left alone because they don't hinder survivors.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    This and other lies you can tell yourself