AFK Wraiths farming Iridecent Shards

Hey, First post, dont know if this is the appropriate place to post this or not, if you someone knows where to post or repost this then that would be nice to know. Ive censored the names black is me, Red is the killer, anyways lets get into it.
So I have known Wraiths farm Iri shards for quite some time, but Never seen anyone actually confess to it.
Why do some Killers que for matches and refuse to participate? derank and then jump into the end game chat and blatantly confess to AFK Iridecent shard farming? this guy apparantly have done all the rift challanges available and instead of playing the game, he decides to que for matches and do nothing so matches complete faster to get Iridecent shards. Ive encountered lots of Wraiths stay cloacked the entire match before but never seen the actual player respond after the match. which means this guy is just sitting there doing nothing to get shards?
since he doesnt care about "rank" then the fun of survivors doesnt really matter, why is this even a thing? and why would anyone care about getting shards? you get BP way faster than to farm shards for the shrine of secretes and all you get from shards are either the unlicensed characters or some cosmetics, this guy doesnt even play the game why would he farm shards for cosmetics? I dont get the reasoning behind this at all, does someone have any insight into this?
I get that you wanted to play and all, but if it makes him happy to do nothing all game take the free escape and move on to the next game.
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I dont care about escaping, I even deranked so why would escaping matter? this is a lose lose situation for me because I cant disconnect and que again, Id have to wait 5 minutes, or I would have to get through a boring "match" where the killer refuse to participate, and que times at this time of day takes up to 10 minutes for me.
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Why do you care about your rank though? It means nothing. You get no reward for ranking up.
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Why are people defending this? Who cares about rank some people want to actually play the game, with the killer you know?
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I dont care about ranking or keeping my rank. I care about playing the game and interacting with the killer. thats the fun part of the game. I dont want to wait 10 minutes to hold m1 for 5 minutes and que all over again.
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Take the free BP and move on.
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Doesnt matter to me what the killer does, slugging, camping, atleast their playing the game, when I play survivor I dont care what the killer does, as long as he actually plays the game.
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Imagine complaining about free escapes
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AFKing is reportable. Just click the button, leave a note, move on. You won’t change anyone’s mind in a chat.
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Complaining about escapes 😂 that’s hilarious, I would take the bp and be happy, maybe killers are doing this because they want to deranked so they play with people their skill level and not rank 1s that are good when they are rank 12 trying to learn
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Normally you care so you don't bully people that have very little skill AND very little playtime. Rank may be a joke, but at least a terrible rank 1 player knows the drill and is (hopefully) trying to improve themselves.
But the matchmaking is broken now, so yay. Let's all bully rank 20's because we have no way of knowing someone's rank pre-match.
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If i wanted BP i would play killer :) 10k Survivor games < 50k killer games. this thread goes to show what people actually value, people only wanna escape nomatter how boring or easy it is. having fun doesnt matter as long as people get atleast 7k BP and escape. shame
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If your only getting 10K every survivor game you are doing something horribly wrong I get usually 18K +
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man I was talking about the "free" escape. doing gens and escaping without killer interaction only gives you 10k. I was refuting the point that this was "free bp and an escape". I give up, nobody actually managed to answer what the point of Iri shard farming like this was.
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I just tested it out for you and I afked and every person got 15k + so I don’t know what you’re talking about
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Not killers bro, survivor mains. They're the ones who care about the rift charms and cosmetics but can't stomach actually playing to earn them. Report and move on.
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man you just "tested" it out? you got 4 other people to join a private match, do gens with an afk wraith and all got 15k plus? man you are lying lmao. nice try tho.
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Why do you even care? You get very little shards if you do nothing all game. So if he wants to to waste his time then let him. It's his loss , not yours. You get way more than him.
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I am entitled to play the game as it is intended, so youre right there. lmao you just confessed to breaking the ToS on the forum. AFKing is a reportable offense. I was just curius to know what the reasoning behind doing this like this was. maybe re read my post? I even ceonsored all the names even the killer. I dont care about a witch hunt, all I wanted to know was whats the point in "playing" the game this way. in all fairness, youre the one whining here. take care.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
No one said I afked, I just sprain around barely chasing survivor having the time of my life
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Fair enough. I get the frustration of waiting for a match only to get a snooze fest like that. The reason I asked is because you mentioned that you deranked which would not be something that should really bother anyone given we are not given any incentive to care about our rank in this game.
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yea that wasnt what happened here man. still waiting on that screen shot.
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Nah I realized I should waste my phones computing power on someone like you
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the deranking part of this match just shows that there wasnt anything to gain. no one playing got enough BP in either cataghory to keep or gain "rank" which is this games term for "progression" I dont care about rank, but I would like to have fun, thats why I play the game, I just found the reasoning behind farming Iri shard like this odd. I dont understand why someone would actively sit there and do nothing to get shards. which are even more pointless than rank. whats even more strange is how this is activly encouraged by the looks of this thread.
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you should waste your phones computing power? thats why you're arguing for the sake of arguing? thanks for being honest for once. take care.
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Maybe because he actually wants to play the game?
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Nothing you say will change the AFK player, if he wants to be AFK he can (can≠should). No matter how much you complain the outcome will be the same he will still continue to "farm" that way until the reports finally ban him.
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Haha yea, sad reality. Whats funny is that he wasnt AFK at all, he was just waiting for the match to end to continue doing it because its the most "effective" way to get shards 🙃 I dont know if people even bother reporting. I never report i usually just cary on to next que. Just found this instance to be a little more interesting considering he was actually there the whole time.
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Afk should not be reportable. Sometimes life happens, and you have to step away. Kids, pets, ect.
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The guy wasnt "AFK" because something happened, he was AFK on purpose to farm shards, if you dont have time to play, then dont play. I have a dog myself, he stole my shoes in the middle of a game, and i had to save my shoes from being destroyed by a 50kg Presa Canario puppy. Its was a one off, not a reacurring thing. If i got reported it wouldnt have done anything because it was a one off, i think the devs take that into consideration when adding up the statistics on AFK reporting.
but in this instance. AFK reporting should be bannable.
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If you want some more points, go loot some chests. Maybe you find toolboxes to get sabo hooks or a flashlight to uncloak him. Then you get some Chaser emblem points as well and several points for vaulting in front of him. Maybe not that funny, but you get the black pip
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Yea well id rather have the match finish as fast as possible so i can get an actuall match. I tried to uncloack him but he wasnt at any spawns which means he moved away to a corner or somewhere else.
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Let's go boys. A complaining killer main trying get off topic for attention. Why am I not surprised.
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I can go days or weeks without a afk killer or a killer farming shards. I don't remeber the last time I went against one. It doesn't happen often no need to complain about this
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Entire thread defending AFK killers by the same people who want survivors punished for DCing, this is incredibly hypocritical.
You can report him in Unsportsmanlike Behaviour by the way.
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Sorry, what's stopping you from doing all of those things? Nothing at all, you're trying to use the opinion of a few to backup a non-argument. I guess survivors can't use DS, DH, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Keys, 99 Gates, Loop, Bodyblock, Adrenaline
Queuing up for 5 minutes to have a killer AFK and netting yourself 10K points isn't fun, I don't see how anyone can defend this as a "free escape", I, like many, don't queue to escape, we queue to be chased, almost die, maybe escape, the entire point of the match is removed if a killer is afk.
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I did :) only came to the forum to "discuss" the reasoning behind doing such a thing as AFK farming. didnt really go that way, people on here are more defensive about their own agenda then to actually discuss the topic at hand in any relevant way. should have seen it coming.
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If life’s happening you won’t care about the consequences in a video game.
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Then don't take the free escape just wait for the timer to run out and take the sacrifice and move on to the next game. I don't see why to get worked up about something that happens once in a blue moon.
I do understand wanting to play and the killer not playing and standing in the corner picking his nose
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DCers still deny the other players a normal experience.
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It's not something to get worked up about,but it should be something talked about, AFKing wraiths are just as much of a problem as people DCing, it may not happen on as big a scale but they should both be punishable.
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Just let him farm shards. It's not like you encounter it every day. And if more people do it it's a clear sign for bhvr to rework the rift since this rift passes are grindy as hell
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In away I guess, but DCing is different the a AFKing players. Forget about it and just move on I say
Report I guess if you feel the need to
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All you did was copy somebody else's earlier post on this thread. I was referencing the Survivor's Rulebook for Killers, and saying "Wow now we're adding more to it?" What does that have to do with a bunch of meta survivor perks?
I can assure you that nothing was copy & pasted, survivors and killers both have rulebooks, and guess what? You don't have to abide by either, it's so weird how that works.
Funny how guys like you seem to hate killer mains so much but you get so sad when killers AFK? Could it be you can't play without killer? "Wahhh the killer AFKed so I couldn't teabag and point at them after pallet stuns and rapidly vault windows to annoy him with sound notifications."
Lmao, what? I don't hate killer mains, I'm rank 1 all day long on both sides, it's almost like an entire bloodpoint category is obtained by playing around with the killer, survivors make between 10 - 18K on average in a normal match, that's reduced significantly when the killer isn't playing . It's almost as if this is a 1v4 game and that's why people queue up, for the 1v4 experience, not a killer AFKing, you're clearly very jaded and hateful towards survivors, that's evident.
Also comparing an AFK killer to a DCing survivor is a false equivalency. Killers don't complain about AFK survivors ever, yet you chose to mention DCs instead? Why not compare AFK to AFK?
This is where your bias shows sweetie, a survivor AFKing doesn't prevent other survivors from doing anything, or partaking in normal gameplay, it doesn't even stop the killer doing what the need to, however, a killer afking prevents all interaction that you can do with a killer, which is what happens when a survivor dcs, that's why they're more comparable than a survivor AFKing.
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they are comparable, an AFK survivor doesn't prevent normal gameplay, an AFK killer does, I actually think an AFK killer is worse for the game than a dcing survivor simply because people can still earn the points and have a somewhat enjoyable match, a killer afking was just a 5 minute queue, gens done and escape, literally no challenge, no fun, at least I can have a challenge, earn legit points etc if a survivor DCs.
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What is it with killer players just making perfect scenarios.
"yea well if you were tunneled and camped you'd get less points" ok but what if I wasn't tunneled and camped, and the killer wasn't afk? I could have a normal match and earn a normal amount of points while playing the game how it's supposed to be lmfao.
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I really dislike AFK players because it's not even worth it for BP since you're basically down to just Objectives and Survival (and even on survival can't get that much bc no self-healing or wtv). If I get an AFK player, I just report in the end-game screen. AFKing is considered unsportsmanlike conduct and is actually reportable in the game, so might as well make use of the feature if someone made me queue just to M1 for five minutes. I've gotten more BP on games where I actually got to play but still died than I've ever gotten during an AFK Killer match.
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Some people play games for fun
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I had an AFK Wraith three times last night. I was a bit annoyed at the fact of having a killer not do anything, especially when there's rift goals I need to complete. Other than that I did depip because of it and got about 13K to 14K bloodpoints. I'd rather depip due to me making bad moves or facing a killer who's skill level is above mine.
I would rather farm BP with a killer, be tunneled, or even camped than have a killer do absolutely nothing in the match because it just wastes my time, is not fun to play at all, I depip for no good reason, and it's boring.
However, I wasn't really upset afterwards. It happens, nothing can really be done. Sooo, it's best to take whatever item you have and get out of there, or just let yourself die to the entity because why not, at that point.
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What does an AFK survivor prevent anyone from doing? Nothing.
What does an AFK killer prevent you doing? Earning any points related between survivor + killer, that's a lot
What does a DCing player prevent? Earning any point between that survivor and other survivor and that survivor and killer.
They're very comparable, and no, i didn't make up any scenarios like you did,