i changed my mind about DS once again

When DC got reworked i loved the idea of an "anti-tunnel" perk and began to use it. (i never used the DS before rework because it was really busted)
after using the reworked DS for months i realized how many times i stunned the killer without even getting tunneled and stopped using DS.
for 1 month now i didnt use DS and more then 50% of my matches there wasnt a obsession means the killer knew there is not DS now guess what happend in this +50% matches? exactly every single survivor got tunneled to hell.
well.. arent killer mains the ones who always say "we want fairness, balance & a non toxic community" ?
where is the fairness on tunneling survivors at the beginning of the match? honestly i can live with that because im not an easy target even when a killer wants to tunnel me he will have a hard time to get me, but what with all the babys and potatos? i dont think its fun to wait 5-10 minutes for a lobby to get tunneled right after the match starts.
where are the killers saying "we just want chill and fun games" ? yeah you want fun games and you do exactly the same thing to someone else? let me tell you im a 50/50 player and here is the problem with this "main" people they have 0% emphaty. i would never NEVER tunnel a survivor when the game just started and there are still 5 gens left.
well you dont care about the fun of other people, why would they care about you? Yes, i changed my mind about DS!
its a must have for every survivor who doesnt know how to loop and how to deal with these killers.
i will never complain again when i play against a swf full with meta perks, and YOU, the ones who hard tunnel when there is no obsession are the reason why these perks are meta and exists!
Meh, I think its effective as the killer makes it.
Personally I don't run it but I can see why so many do.
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Just an idea...don't hurt me
Why not make every match 100% have an obsession, even if nobody has obsession perks?
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So, you want Killers to be punished for downing a Survivor.
And you wonder why they play like dickwads.
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I play more killer than survivor. I some what agree with you. It pisses me off getting DSed when i'm not even tunneling. I don't tunnel even when I see no obsession. At end game if someone gets unhooked in front of me and I down them immediately again, if I pick them up and they don't ds me I let them live just out of respect for not running the same damn perks that 95% of survivors are running now. I run object of obsession when I play survivor so i'm usually camped or tunneled regardless so I don't see how games go without an obsession. But I think they should change it so there is an obsession no matter what. I don't see what it would hurt, unless i'm overlooking something.
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Makes sense. Keep a busted ass perk in the game how it is because the ranking system gives you trash survivors even on hight rank (probably) and because there is some killers who tunnel even if they don’t have to. Sounds legit. Full meta sweaty SWF is the cancer. I’m not even attempt to tunnel them though, more like face camp the hell out of them.
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I don't run it but I make sure my swf mates have it so the killer doesn't play as scummy. In solo I don't expect to survive so I just keep it off there too.
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I am OK with DS Being An anti tunneling perk, but i am more getting ds'ed by not tunneling then when I am tunneling.
Seems weird eh?
I think it might not be An anti-tunneling perk after all.
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Sure those Killers are tunneling. People who claim to get hit by DS frequently tunnel.
The times I get hit by DS are very rare. Because there are actually two Survivors when an Unhook is happening. Going for the unhooked guy because he is the easier target and then complaining about getting hit by DS is pure BS.
Post edited by Aven_Fallen on4 -
It’s been discussed a lot here lately, but NOED works the same way. It’s supposed to be an anti genrush perk, but is used by campers a lot. The survivors in these games have no choice but to slam gens or the camper will win. Is it fair they could get punished and hit with NOED? Nope. No different than killers who genuinely aren’t tunneling sometimes having to deal with DS. Both these perks need some tweaks.
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I don't have a character with DS, but I know it has a timer of 40/50/60 seconds which starts immediately after unhook. I'm fairly new to the game, yet I see people on the forum state they get hit with DS yet they are not tunneling. SO, how are you not tunneling if you get stunned by DS? Asking for a friend...
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it is?!
1 step closer to having a fair game
all that is missing are swfs and the game is balanced
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BT is the anti tunnel perk, DS is the anti momentum perk.
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You want to know why DS is a busted perk?
Because survivors use the protection to do stuff right in front of your face.
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Because of a few things
1. Someone else can be downed and hooked and it still works but FAR more importantly in my opinion.
2. The person who has DS often will use it as 60 seconds of "look you cant hit me" often doing generators or healing in the killers face while the killer knows he cant do anything except eat a stun that costs him precious time.
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Rarely ever run into DS on console, if I did I would pick up and drop all the way to a hook. Have only played Killer once since switching to PC due to the load times but I'm ready to do that if need be
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The "protection" isn't much better than a health state. If you don't want them in front of you, down them or pick them up lol.
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If you're doing a gen in front of my face then you aren't being tunneled, are you?
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I feel like I missed that part of the Q&A. That's kind of a bummer. I don't even run it that often, because it's easily countered by just waiting out the 60 seconds. Isn't that their whole defense against camping? It's easily countered by just doing gens? And then they take the one small means to counter tunneling from survivors.
Just meh.
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I'll never be caught empty handed without DS. It just needs buffed to counter a tunneling mori and it will be perfect.
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I make it my personal mission to make sure that anyone who uses DS dies. It encourages me to tunnel lol.
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As long as all the gens can be done in under 5 minutes then killers will do what ever they need to win..... just as survivors do.
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Yeah my only beef with ds are the abusable scenarios
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Tunnel is thee most overused anti killer term.
Is every chase a tunnel? My messages seem to think so. My endgame chat seems to think so.
But even when term used correctly am I really suppose to look at a survivor dead in the eyes on a gen and walk away ?
When I watch the world's most unsafe rescue in front of my face before I can even walk away... I gotta chase the one going to the infinite loop Or the one running into the dead zone?
He's unhooked and I turn back around and he's the first one I find because the other guy hid better... suppose to walk away ?
I've never played a killer game that wasn't pressure pressure never waste a second or they all escape
so personally I'm not gonna outright ignore someone in front of me unless I'm throwing the match
If the game has a way of punishment for going after a single person then its going to be abused, just like now with DS they will sit and do a gen or jump in a locker because they aren't scared of the killer. They won't even try to get away because the stun will waste more time.
I'd much rather if everyone came up with a positive incentive thats worth leaving someone alone given how costly that decision is to me basically giving up kills... it would have to be pretty big incentive
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They said they are thinking about ways to change it so it cannot be abused (even tho, I think most of the Killers here are simply lying when they said they were not tunneling).
DS needs to be in the game, because sadly its the best strategy to eliminate a Survivor ASAP to have an easy game. And Killers will still do it, especially when there is no way of punishing that.
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DS might become an issue but as someone who has been in red ranks as killer and survivor I know that you don't have fun as a killer if you're blind while destroying a pallet, that is not funny to be tbagged, that is not funny to be DS'ed if you're not tunneling me, and as a survivor I know you're not having fun if I camp, I know you don't have fun if I tunnel.
People do like stereotypes a lot, so it's always "if you survivors" , "if you killers" and that attitude bothers me. I take into consideration the other player's fun, even if I am a competitive kind of player.
So as a killer I follow some rules.
If I find a survivor in less than ten seconds after the match has already started I might hit you but I'll let you go. It depends if you're near or not if I'll hit you or not. It's not funny to be at the killer's side in less than ten seconds
If you are unhooked in front of my face I won't hit you. First because I don't tunnel and second because it's not your fault... I know "it's the other survivors fault" but you're not having fun either even if you don't blame me as a killer, unless you have BT and you're willing to take the hit, then I'll wait 15 secs and hit you. Whether altruism is admirable in-game, you know what you signed for when you were willing to take the hit.
I don't camp unless you have been a very toxic player, then yes, I am not having fun nor points but neither do you. It's not fun to mock another person, because yes, killers are humans, behind the screen.
As a survivor I follow those
T-bag is forbidden, I'll never do it. Unless you're being toxic, if you are nasty then I'll be more than you.
I'll never blind a killer who is breaking a pallet. Meaning defenless.
I won't use DS if you're not tunneling, even if I have it still active.
I believe in fair play, and if you are fair I'll be fair with you.
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Are you seriously suggesting that the majority of Killers don't camp and tunnel? Because I can assure you, that is not true. It might not be true for you when you play Killer, but camp and tunnel is standard game play in the vast majority of the matches I am in. There is no one BUT the Killer to blame for tunneling because tunneling is an absolute choice. I don't disagree that sometimes people make idiot decisions and off-hook too quickly. The hooked person has NO CONTROL over that. So what do Killers do? Go for the person who had absolutely no say. It's cheap. Also, when the Killer's presence never dissipates, there is no other option than to let them die or off-hook in front of the Killer. I don't expect Killers to go for someone else when I get off-hooked because of DS. I expect Killers to go for someone else for the exact reason the OP posted about...I care about other people's enjoyment of the game and play that way...so naturally my expectation is that they do the same for me. Which is entirely reasonable. This is a game. It's meant to be fun.
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No its not. 2 devs actually said they LIKE where DS is right now. And are not looking to changing it right now because its been changed. They would keep watch on it but they are not changing it.
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100% support this idea. Killers and survivors will also get guaranteed obsession-related BPs during the match too.
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Whatd they say there gonna do to it?