Popular Gear That You Don't Like?

Boss Member Posts: 13,615

Is there an Item, Add-on or Perk that you often see being used or often hear people talk about...

...but you just can't see the appeal behind it?

I sure do, i can't ever see myself wanting to use Corrupt Intervention.


  • Sydraen
    Sydraen Member Posts: 102

    Adrenaline, you're basically perkless until the end of the game, and even then its a heal (if you happen to be injured) and a short sprint burst that usually only works if youre SWF. (Though in the baby days of the game and my playing I did use it on Meggo LMAO!)

    It works for some, but I personally just carry a brown medkit with me and Botany Knowledge to get a heal off if I cant find anyone else to do it, so that I can have an actual perk thats going to help me and others throughout the entire trial instead of just the end. Even if I get the heal and small sprint burst towards a gate it doesnt guarantee helping me as much as say a Spine Chill or literally anything else, so I couldnt never see the appeal of it!

    Killer side I literally cry when I see basement specific perks like the Entity and Huntress ones, I never in my life would have a use for them!

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Adrenaline and Unbreakable are too selfish and situational for my tastes. Plus, Deliverance is a better Unbreakable if you play it right.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Decisive Strike.

    When I did use it, it rarely worked. Alert is a much better perk imo.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited May 2020


    Only good if you are tunneled, you can use it only once, you can fail the skillcheck and sometimes when you use it, the killer catch you again in very few time if you are in a bad place.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Can't think of any honestly.

    Usually if something is popular it's for good reason.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I'll second Self Care. No reason to use it when medkits exist. I'm honestly shocked at how popular it is even at rank 1.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    I don't see the appeal of STBFL.

    Yea it's nice to have faster hit recovery but you have to basically ignore 1 player to use it. On top of that, I'm always seeing Spirits or Freddys with this perk and it's like WHY?!?! They are two of the strongest killers in a chase, you shouldn't need this perk to win a chase. Clown too, but at least with Clown you can make the argument he isn't a strong killer overall so STBFL actually improves his chances. Freddy and Spirit though... I have a hard time respecting these players when they have STBFL. Like how bad are you at chase that you need a chase perk on top of your massive chase potential as these killers?

    The only killers I see STBFL being viable are Pig and Demo because they can actually get hits on the obsession with their power and not lose stacks. It makes sense for them. Deathslinger also to a degree, but same as the others, you shouldn't really need this perk to win chases. Plus if your obsession knows whats up they will just not struggle against the spear and either waste your time or force you to hit them.

    IMHO, they should change STBFL to only allow a max of 6 tokens, but then hitting the obsession only removes 1 token instead of 2 and change the values from 5% to 3/4/5%. Would make it less cheesey (6 stacks it's pretty fair, 8 is borderline overpowered) and give you more options to deal with the obsession.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Self Care for sure, why would you heal for almost 40 seconds with selfcare when you can heal yourself in less than 18 with a brown medkit. I usually brink a yellow medkit with a brown addon for 2 full heals.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    D-Strike. So many people say they need it but I'll do fine without relying on it.

    Dead Hard. I changed it to Head On or Lithe.

    Noed. I don't like Totem perks in general but since it's a hot topic here in these Forums, i mention it.

  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    deliverence. unless you know your allies are #########/playing in a 4swf its so hard to use effectively.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I personally hate BBQ. I've actually never used it myself, as I think it actually detracts from skilled gameplay. Hiding in a locker is pretty selfish whenever BBQ goes off, as unless your teammates are also hiding in lockers when it happens, you just make them easier targets for the killer instead (I instead run towards the hooked person so that I am within the 40 meters, unless I'm the last survivor). I dislike how it is used by killers as a Deerstalker to slug for the 4k, as they simply leave the slugged person on the ground and look for the last survivor, and then easily relocate the slugged survivor. And I personally feel that it gives far too much information to killers like Freddy and Hillbilly, as they can easily travel to people whom they see with BBQ, with little time for counterplay. Discordance is much more fair in my opinion, as it only activates when more than one person is on a generator, and it doesn't give you specifics about who's there. And Whispers is also fine, since it only lets you know that someone is in the area, and not exactly where they are.

    I know that BBQ gives 100% bonus BPs at max stacks (which is quite nice), but maybe they could take off the aura-reading and make it similar to We're Gonna Live Forever, i.e. make it purely for BP-farming only! Or, change it so that it shows the aura of the unhooker (haha) for a few seconds after they've unhooked a survivor. I feel like that would be a good compromise.

    I know that I'll probably be thought of as a big dummy for disliking and not using BBQ, but I personally enjoy my games depending on my own map knowledge and skill to find survivors, and have reached and maintained red rank as killer without ever having used it! It is truly a more pure experience. To me, having to play around BBQ is tiresome and unenjoyable, and I rejoice when I go up against good killers who are not using BBQ to locate survivors (which are very rare).

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I do agree that STBFL is quite OP at 8 stacks, and 6 would probably be better! I recommend trying STBFL Huntress though.... it's the only way I play her and have fun ;-) You can easily just hatchet the Obsession and keep the stacks!

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Same here, Corrupt Intervention.

    I just can't get over how it only lasts for 2 minutes, but people still say it's one of the best perks to stall the beginning of a match.

    I can see the theory behind using it for Hag or trapper, but if you run into survivors before you've set traps you're at a disadvantage anyway.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I'm not giving up a single perk for STBFL on Huntress. She is the most build and map dependent killer in the game. The Ruin change hurt her way more than anyone else. She needs both tracking and game slowing perks, she doesn't need chase perks.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    120 seconds is 3 gens in dbd. If you want to shut down early gens or even get a 3 gen on some maps CI has always been the best pick. I don't use it, but I respect its power.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I think the value in CI comes from being able to zone out survivors, set up for a potential 3 gen at the end of the game, or get an early chase before they start working on gens. I use CI on Huntress (Umbra's build, BBQ Whispers CI Shadowborn) and I had a game on Haddonfield where the survivors and I spawned at opposite ends of the street it seemed. They all spawned next to my blocked gens, and I was able to find 2 of them before anyone even got to a gen to start working. I caught 1, then the other almost right after, and that was enough to completely snowball into an early win. They weren't able to recover because I kept at least 1 on a hook and 2 others injured the entire time. By the time CI ran out they had a massive hole to dig out of, which led to the W for me.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand, but I myself have been using it properly with great results :-) I use Iron Maiden, STBFL, Sloppy Butcher and Discordance, Bloodhound or Lightborn (if they have flashlights.... I enjoy using different perks to spice up my gameplay), and I have lots of fun on my games. Sure, I don't always get the 4k, but it's not like I'm sweating for the Big Win, and I still get plenty of points with lots of GGs (even from the dead players!) 🙂 But, I understand, it probably wouldn't be the best build for the easy 4k.... but at least it's fun!

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    Ruin. Never liked that perk and I never will.

    Even before it's change I never used it because it just didn't interest me. I'm probably one of the minority that didn't give a ######### about the Ruin change.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Is it popular though?

    I know it generally has a positive opinion among people, but actually using it isn't something i often see.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Btw people, i know i myself started with a Perk, but if there's a (popular) Add-on you dislike, that can be mentioned too.

    I don't care for Iridescent Heads, for example.

    Powerful, but i like having 5 Hunting Hatchets, and adding Infantry Belt makes it quite the expensive build to use frequently.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Odd Bulb

    If you know how to actually use a flashlight then you don't need this add-on. It just wastes your flashlight.


    Blood Amber

    Waste of a key IMO. Just use OOO or Alert or something instead.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    For Survivor:

    Exhaustion perks, Second chance perks, and survivor items. I can survive just fine without relying on those. When I do try to use some perks I realize why I don't like them, same about items. I might see myself using a medkit, but I see it any item as more of a crutch/waste than anything else.

    For killer:

    Thanatophobia on Legion. Any time I try to use it to the best of its ability, it seems to do nothing. People see that it is there and heal really quickly, making its effects worthless.

    STBFL on Deathslinger. Seems like a waste of a perk. Most of the time I can end chases quickly without it.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Self Care. When there is other perks like Inner Strength and Adrenaline that reward you for good gameplay and progressing the game, I don’t see the appeal of Self Care. It’s just a time waster and helps the killer more than it does your team.

    Self Care is ONLY decent when paired with Botany Knowledge but even then you are using two perk slots that could be better suited for something else.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Honestly, just "Urban Evasion". A wasted perk slot against everything except huntress, hag and slinger imo.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I can see the appeal of self care and urban but I despise both. I don't see the appeal of playing with someone who runs both of these perks lol

    For killer I can see the appeal of using STBFL but I personally can't run it. I just would find it frustrating trying to keep track of the obsession.

    Add-ons for both would be Odd Bulb (because it's pretty bad) and Plagues ultra rare that gives corrupt purge after a gen is completed.