Tunneling the just gen rushing for killers

Steah Member Posts: 511

It's just doing the killers objective efficiently, just like gen rushing is. But we all know gen rush is a made up term by salty killers then tunneling is made up by salty survivors


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Because tunneling isn't ignoring every other survivor that is there and going after one person for no discernible reason.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Gen rushing is ignoring bones and in some cases even healing

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    To not get hit by BT + DS if you can't afford to eat it? Even with just DS they're basically a healthy target as you'll have to hit them twice to put them on a hook again just like a healthy survivor, if BT is used as well they're basically healthier than a regular healthy survivor.

    You can of course down them and just wait out DS, but at that point you're basically camping a survivor that isn't even going through the sacrifice process on a hook. If a bad save is made and you can quickly slug them and immediately get on the unhooker that's some easy free pressure though of course.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Some people enjoy using resilience with spine chill to not be "dedicated". I'm not saying they should be immune but what I'm referring to is eating bt and ignoring the unhooker who is also blocking along with several other survivors.

    I'm not saying that coming across the injured person is tunneling after they've been unhooked. What I'm saying is tunneling with no discernible reason, which in my mind is eating bt and ignoring bodyblocks from every other survivor nearby. If you don't see the issue with that then don't be surprised if you run into ds despite "not tunneling".

    Bones can be ignored considering they don't count towards your score for objective. Healing is overrated especially with so many people running resilience/iron will.

    Tunneling in my mind is when the killer ignores bt, bodyblocks, gens, and literally just tunnel visions on one person after they have been unhooked. It's not when the killer cannot find anyone except the unhooked guy. That's just poor movement for him, which is unlucky but it doesn't fall in the category that I fit tunneling under.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Because if DS is the same as going after a healthy survivor, just go after them anyway to put them back on hook so they die sooner. It is the killers objective after all

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Or... you can eat the DS, and then tunnel them relentlessly since they don't have it anymore. It is like DS doesn't do its' own job well...

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Just because it's a strategy doesn't mean people have to accept it.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    True, bones do nothing for objective, but they can give 5000 in boldness. (Ive gotten all 5 more than a few times)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Disagree on this. All gen rushing is doing the objective. However a killer can tunnel a survivor that much that they lose the game.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So then show me how youre speficially preventing someone else from doing its objective by doing gens. Killer is still able to do what he needs to do (chasing, downing, hooking). If a survivors gets tunneled he cant do gens at all. tunneling is just to annoy other players.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    I agree. A lot of people don't like this post because they don't like hearing the truth. These terms "tunneling", "Gen rushers", "Camping" are made up terms by the community. These terms make a lot of people scared to play how they want to play in fear that people will call them these names. The killers main objective is to prevent Survivors from escaping and hang them on Hooks scattered throughout every level by any means necessary (obviously excluding any forms of hacking or breaking the game). So you are correct, as a killer your job is to KILL.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Maybe survivors shouldn't just prioritize the light bringer and unbroken ones. Get in some chases, mind game the killer, heal people up. Get some emblems, some points, better for everyone

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Hook 2 slug 2 is the ideal strategy. The only time it's not is when the survivors are 4head and throw themselves into you and you can snowball and end the game. Spreading out hooks on 4 people is a terrible approach, the only reason to do it is to be nice. Whether you think the killer's goal is to protect gens or to kill, tunneling someone out of the game accomplishes both goals.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511
  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Just hook him, find someone else and slug them, and then go back to hook if he was rescued and immedialty go back on him. Just efficient killer play is all

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That isn't the only tunnelling. Tunnelling includes a killer chasing me for all 5 gens just because I did something to annoy him. Some killers deliberately throw the game just to tunnel one survivor, rather than leave them and try and get other survivors.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Its probably not. For just chasing one person you lose all map pressure you may be able to apply. If played right by others its the exact same outcome as camping. Its NOT efficient.

  • CrazySkorp
    CrazySkorp Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2020

    Geez Ive got even called "tunneler" today, where same swfs tried to bodyblock me with three people, so i could barely hook the first guy and down another one, injure two other ones. After that it was tunneling for them, that i tried not to end the game directly by putting the other two down as well and strife around both hooks with ppl on em and some gens nearby. i mean.. what else should a killer do? back off to the other side of the map, where is nothing happening, even no points to get? On the other side i was pretty pissed off by clickers, bodyblockers and so on for a long time. now its fine to me. play like you want to play - killers and survivors. but maybe try to make it a fun experience for both sides - at least in the endgame chat ;)

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Gen rushing can be inefficient if you 3 gen yourself. If i hook a guy, and then find him and another team mate later. I will chase the guy i hooked even if his other team mates try to prevent it. No point in spreading hooks out

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    If i go back to a hook as a save happens and i ignore the healthy survivor body blocking me to down the guy i just hooked, is that tunneling?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    "Gen rushing" is survivors literally just doing their objective. It is a made up term, when it's applied to survivors simply doing gens, which is in no way 'toxic' nor does it solely ruin the Killer's game. If people only used the term to describe teams of people who bring coordinate toolboxes/perks/BNPs to literally RUSH gens, then I could understand. But it's typically just used to describe any survivor doing any gen. That is where it loses any actual meaning. There is no alternative way to do a gen. There is only one way. Doing gens also doesn't disable the Killer from doing their objectives, in fact, the opposite. A person doing a gen is easier to find/chase and allows for the killer to get destruction points.

    Tunneling, on the other hand, is just a lazy means of killing survivors in a way that doesn't require any skill in any other aspect of the game, and disables survivors from participating in the game unless they run the oh-so-hated DS or their teammates run BT, which because of tunneling are absolutely essential now. And even then, they just prolong the inevitable if a Killer is hellbent on tunneling you. It ruins the survivors game. It disables them from doing objectives. Unlike gens, there are plenty of other methods to killing survivors.

    Tunneling is a thing, and it is a toxic choice. In the majority of cases, as described, gen rushing is not toxic, nor is a choice.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, yeah. That's why you never tunnel and force them around the map. If I dash I to a recently unhooked person with Nurse's, rather than their healer, I slug them. More Malicious/Chaser for you, since it's a hit, down and some bleeding and they just so happen to get Benevolence if they aren't idiots. Some times you can force their hand as killer, and tunnelling forces them onto generators since at least 2 of them are safe.

    It may be because I mainly play Pig, and have more of a "Gen-Protector" build or playstyle, but having my main objective as protecting generators rather than killing survivors has actually helped me massively. If survivors can't do a generator, they can't escape!

    Some of us also aren't god-loopers, so we have to find other means such as stealth which isn't viable with some of the skins in the game. My current build has Kate with her biker outfit and dark basic hair. I like the look of it, but it is also darker and easier to hide with. And Q&Q, Lithe and Dance with Me. I can hold my own in a chase, but I need to escape some time and heal in others.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    No. Your applying pressure by slugging them but if they have bt and you continue to chase them then your probably tunnelling.

  • norbie0
    norbie0 Member Posts: 6

    I know how it sucks to feel "tunneled" but it's part of the game either your teammates should have unhooked you at a safer time or you should have gotten away faster than them. If I'm a killer I already have to put pressure on 4 people reducing those numbers as quickly as I can is how I win while a bad survivor can get out because they have good teammates. I'm more likely to tunnel if I see teams trying to body block I'm not going to let a group of survivors disrespect me by taking advantage of game mechanics that slow me down because I get locked in position or slowed down due to almost all of my animations.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511


    Tunneling is just a made up term by salty survivors who can't accept that making the game a 3v1 instead of a 4v1 drastically increases the chances of a killer being able to protect his gens. Crying about tunnelings is just survivors being lazy with their team work and expecting the killer to spread out hooks inefficiently.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Yeah and focusing on getting a survivor out of the game is efficient for killer

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Why wouldn't i chase them through bt? Hook em again and get them out of the game

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    Tunneling is not made up. Tunneling happens every day. Since you clearly don't know this, I will explain to you that tunneling is the act of coming back to the hook upon off-hook, putting the freshly off-hooked survivor into dying state, and hooking them again immediately. Which is a toxic, lazy, bullshit, skilless way to play this game. If you can't play a 4v1, then maybe this isn't the game for you.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Because they could loop you for the remaining gens. Then you'd come on here complaining about how the game is survivor favoured and how unfair gen rushing is.

    Or they could have ds and then you'd complain about how broken the perk is, as well as the other "second chance perks". Theres a reason all the streamers and good players at this game don't just tunnel one survivor the whole game.

    You talk about being efficient but tunneling one survivor isn't efficient. This game isn't a 1v1 which some killers seem to forget. This means you need to apply pressure to multiple people at once to win any games.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Not always...heck probably not even most of the time.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    It's not the survivor choice to safely unhook or not. Its the killer's.

    Also its not the survivors fault if the killer is back before a heal can be done or the unhooked runs off like a Scaredy Cat.

    People like you dont even understand the simple stuff.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    The Killer is not responsible for any of their actions, apparently.

    Except, no. When you play solo survivor, YOU are not your teammates. You cannot depend on randoms to do the right thing and should not have to be victim because of their inability to play well or carry the right perks for their attempted game play. The person on the hook has ZERO CONTROL over what's happening. The survivor off-hooking only has MILD CONTROL over what's happening. The Killer has TOTAL CONTROL over what happens post-off-hook. So yes, A LOT of the onus is on the Killer in this situation.

    And you forget that sometimes there is no way NOT to off-hook within the Killer's terror radius when they refuse to go anywhere. Which is super ######### often these days.

    I don't disagree...there are idiot people who could have made a safe save and don't. THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE. Not the poor person on the hook - who doesn't know them and had nothing to do with the decision. And it's completely in a Killer's control to make that decision.

    No one is deflecting blame. You are ignoring Killers who intentionally camp and tunnel. A killer can leave the radius of the hook, but stay close enough that while the hook animation is taking place they can get back in eyesight of the hook easily and tunnel. Did the survivor wait until it was as safe as it was ever going to bed? Yes. Did the Killer still make a toxic choice to run back to the hook to tunnel, absolutely. This happens every. #########. day.

    There is absolutely no comparison between doing gens and tunneling. Tunneling is one of the most toxic and idiotic way to play this game if you want people to continue to play with you. And as much as you clearly immerse yourself in the role of Killer, it's not expecting a psychopath to "go along with your idea", it's expecting another fellow game lover and human being to give a tiny bit of shits about someone other than themselves.

  • hippsies
    hippsies Member Posts: 22

    Tunnel them all.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Damn you're almost as salty as killers who cry about gen rushing. Just doing the objective efficiently is all. If yoou don't want no control on the hook then don't get hooked

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    LOL, that is one of the most ignorant statements anyone can make about this game. 🤣

    You clearly don't have anything intelligent to add about your own post, so I guess I'm on to the next. GGEZ. <3

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    You're very upset about getting tunneled is all. It's a made up term, killer is just doing his job is all.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    This post really just goes to show how delusional and bias some peoples thinking is

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Healing is overrated but it depends on the Killer unless he can 1shot or you are last 2 and one is trying to start a chase when his mate (injured) is doing last gen. In every other situation, when i play Surv, i try to heal. Unless Devour Hope is ON but that's another situation.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I legit replaced the word gen rush with tunneling and it got survivors riled up. Same arguments.