Huntress' Hunting Hatchets Add-On Idea

HONED HEAD (Sharpened Head)
Very Rare Hunting Hatchets Add-On
A hatchet head sharpened to shimmer, meant to cut deep and bleed the victim dry.
-Hit target suffers from the Deep Wound status effect.
-Survivors already afflicted with the Deep Wound status effect, whether by a Hunting Hatchet or not, will instantly be put into the Dying State.
Note: Before people comment about it, I realize Honed Edge is a better title, but I would like to keep the add-on to a general category rather than leaving it as an outlier like Deerskin Gloves, Shiny Pin, Pungent Phial, or Glowing Concoction.
Edit: Word changes
It would probably be better to have this add-on be a brown add-on instead of purple considering deep wound is incredibly weak.
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I was trying to stay in line with what a BHVR employee would set it as.
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I love that Addon Idea.
I would maybe lower the rarity though because deep wound isn't really a very strong status effect.
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Shouldn’t it be polished instead of honed? Asking for a friend.
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I think this is a great idea. But what would happen if you hit a survivor with a hatchet if they already have the deep wound status effect? Would they go down? Or would they time go down like how the legion works
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I imagine it'd be like Deathslinger, if the person is already deep woundsing it, you just down them.
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yeah thats probably the most likely thing to happen
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A honed blade is a different way to say sharpened blade. A sharp blade will cut deeper than a dull blade.
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This ranged Legion has actual map pressure.
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You are correct, but I wanted to think like a BHVR employee for this. There's no doubt that an employee would make it a very rare add-on.
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It was a joke. If you didn’t get it, don’t worry about it. I know what honed means.
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Ah. It's a little difficult to detect sarcasm in text.
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Yeah, at least with Deathslinger I know he's gonna commit, or at least try to. Legion's just like haha stab! You're it! Stab! You're it! Stab! You're it! Stab! You're it! Stab! Aaaaaugh! Okay now I'm mad, teehee.
Rinse repeat until I feel dead inside.
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What's wrong with a game of tag? Survivors already have an obsession with hide n' seek.
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Rarity? What does rarity have to do with anything? This game still hasn’t even gotten that right 😂 ebony Mori’s are a model example Of the false reality of the meaning of “ultra rare” because they literally appear in almost every single bloodweb level.
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Yet survivors are struggling to find a brand new part in their blood webs. Rarity is broken in this game. Lopsided in favor of killers. I have 14 ebony Mori’s on my plague after leveling her about 20 more times over level 50. I got her to prestige 3 and then I did a test to see how many I would get once I got to 50 and I just kept going. That’s just too much. Yet I’ve seen a brand new part about a handful of times and he’s prestige 3 level ... approximately 200 with how many times I over leveled lol
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110% with no mobility has map pressure?.....
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Any good Huntress can down at least two-three survivors before a gen has popped. Deathslinger would get 1. Legion, maybe 1.