Huntress' Hunting Hatchets Add-On Idea

DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

HONED HEAD (Sharpened Head)

Very Rare Hunting Hatchets Add-On

A hatchet head sharpened to shimmer, meant to cut deep and bleed the victim dry.

-Hit target suffers from the Deep Wound status effect.

-Survivors already afflicted with the Deep Wound status effect, whether by a Hunting Hatchet or not, will instantly be put into the Dying State.

Note: Before people comment about it, I realize Honed Edge is a better title, but I would like to keep the add-on to a general category rather than leaving it as an outlier like Deerskin Gloves, Shiny Pin, Pungent Phial, or Glowing Concoction.

Edit: Word changes

Post edited by DetailedDetriment on
