Get rid of teleportation for Killers in the future...

Killers such as the Nurse, Hag, Freddy and Demogorgon should not be teleporting around the map end of discussion.

I can stand Wraith, Myers and Ghostface's abilities to hide or disguise themselves, but flying across maps is idea-wise stupid and should be prevented in a chase game.

I can't suggest to remove the abilities from the four killers atm, but from now on, please consider again if you are going to design a killer with teleportation...


  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    "It would make every killer feel stale"

    That's a silly argument.

    Survivors are technically the same thing altogether (not to mention stale), but they don't fly across maps.

    "if you're not going to explain why I guess we should just drop it."

    Here's the answer you probably missed: "flying across maps is idea-wise stupid and should be prevented in a chase game."

    It's a CHASE game, not a teleporting simulator.

    What's the point in running and CHASING when you can hover/fly/teleport anywhere?

    I mean, you do realize the four (especially the Nurse and Freddy) are practically frowned upon by the players to verse against right?

    Like I said, the current four can keep their abilities, but more would simply make the game too difficult too counter.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    I mean, "get better"... "get gud"...

    Are these the only things you killer mains can say?

    You can hear this, you can see that...

    I mean, you guys cry about gen rushes, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time and all sorta stuff yet I can say the same thing:

    You can hear gens, You can predict DH... Get Gud

    At least Dead Hard has an actual long cool down, what does teleportation have? It's hard wired into the killer.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It isn't though. I hate playing nurse, myself, but each way they make the killers is different to each other, and gives a variety of gameplay, which then allows for replayability. One can teleport to gens, which becomes less useful over time. Demogorgon has portals which can be closed (and he must go to one). They are each unique. They are unique, but limited. Killers actually have to get gud. I don't see why survivors shouldn't have to.

    You can't equate killers and survivor because each killer has their own power. Survivors have the same core. Killers have similar cores, but must play with their power to win. Limiting the devs creativity just because you don't like teleporting killers is selfish on your part.

    The objective is gens, not chases. Chases is a way for killers to slow gens, which is their true goal. This was never supposed to be a chasing simulator, but a survival horror game. Looping was just a bug they ran with. Sorry if you don't like the truth, but that is why we have the game today.

    You do not explain why it is a silly argument. You just claim it is without evidence because you cannot debate this. You have no argument for why, and It just makes you look bad.

    Nurse and Freddy... Nurse and Freddy both make survivors jobs much, much harder. Nurse ignores looping, while Freddy brute forces looping. Survivor mains don't like actually having to do well, they like coasting on their perks instead.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You need those abilities to be able to properly pressure the map tho,that's why they gave em that in the first place.

  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    You seem like a new player. All these killers have big downsides that you actively ignore, and you do not seem as if you wanna have a real discussion. My question is, why even make a thread to begin with?

  • Creepy_Chloe_lol
    Creepy_Chloe_lol Member Posts: 22

    Bro the nurse is already so slow, that's why she has to teleport. She only has one blink as well in which she will go into her fatigue.

    Demo has limited portals which can be sealed, so if you don't play him correctly then it makes it harder to teleport to the places where survivers aren't.

    Hag is also very so and she can only teleport from a certain distance.

    Freddy takes awhile to teleport to a gen which gives the survivers time to run, and like spirit they need time to recharge their power before they can do it again.

    (i'mma rank 2 surviver who has played a lot of killer side as well trust me. Playing killer is so much harder then playing surviver)

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    Considering how varied they've managed to make teleporting I think it's fine. Not every killer has to just be run and m1. Seriously hag is pretty crazy unique with the baiting and teleport traps, watching a skilled hag is a crazy. Mindfuck of glory.

    If teleporting by itself was just broken Demogorgon would be good not terrible and utterly reliant on STBFL for relevance.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Okay Imma start off with your question since it's the most simple and rudimentary to answer.

    My point is that killers are mostly fun. My problem was with one specific game mechanic that made my experience worse than versing any other killer. I came on the forums, shared my opinion and that is that.


    That unique/stale argument is pretty dull at this point.

    If the devs were so keen in uniqueness, they would've made all the survivors unique as well in the game's inception.

    Like I said, killers are fun to verse (most of them anyway).

    Sure, some get tiring such as the Doctor or even the Spirit, but they at least have to walk like how rest of the cast in the game has to.

    Teleporting is pretty difficult to counter and it's nearly dang impossible since all survivors can do is... idk... RUN...

    You know, at least write smth useful or at least be smart with your cynicism.

    Other killers can do the same. Applying pressure.

    Teleporting is just a way they move around the map, but it sucks to fight against it.

    Hag can put traps, see surv's auras and teleport to that place at the same time.

    Freddy has his own little world with floor traps, fake palettes, dumb crowd control and a stupid telephone thing that survivors must go to. + a teleportation.

    They have lots of abilities yet they still can teleport. Teleporting is pretty cheap imo and you can agree or disagree all you want.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, Freddy and Hag are the only teleporting killers in the game. Demogorgon and Nurse both travel, albeit quickly. It's actually quite noticeable once you get used to the game: you can juke a nurse, even a good one, if you can get in her head.

  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112

    Well, you entered a part of the forum that is called 'Discussions'. If you would like to make just a claim than I might suggest reddit or twitter, as this place's sole purpose is for discussing ideas with one another. Flopping your opinion down and then denying a discussion within your very post goes against the very point of the forums.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Traveling would be running/walking from point A to point B.

    Demo & Nurse does that within seconds. That's more closer to teleporting than traveling...

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    How ever you want to take my opinion or my will to share my thought is on you.

    You can take it or leave it.

    I guess you'll be leaving now correct?


  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You see how clown ended up? Most killers have a way to travel around the map faster,like billy with his saw fr e.g. Or spirit using her phase,but most killers like bubba or clown,doctor,myers and so on don't have that ability. They need a strong power to compensate. Freddy is literally just clown if he had no teleport,demo would just have shred and nurse.. just yeah. You'd need to buff their powers significantly to match their current strength if you were to remove their teleporting ability.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    I never said I want the current four's abilities gone.

    • "I can't suggest to remove the abilities from the four killers atm, but from now on, please consider again if you are going to design a killer with teleportation..."
    • "Like I said, the current four can keep their abilities, but more would simply make the game too difficult too counter."
  • Diggly
    Diggly Member Posts: 112
  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2020

    How is that rude?

    You clearly stated ur opinion about my post and I said that you have all the right to do so.

    You seemed disinterested so I said you can go along your way.

    Don't get too offended on the internet buddy.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You say it's a silly argument to say "It would make every killer feel stale"

    Yet you also say "Survivors are technically the same thing altogether (not to mention stale)"


    Am I missing something here? Isn't there a reason people just call all the survivors "skins"?

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I see what you said,but I'd have to disagree anyway. Still respect ur opinion tho

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Actually, as @MadLordJack pointed out, Demo and Nurse travel fast, while Hag and Freddy teleport. You can still juke all of them if you see them teleporting.

    Survivors being unique is not necessary for the gameplay to be unique. A killer has to learn how to counter every survivor mechanic/perk, imagine passives and such. Survivors have to the same with killer perks/mechanics. It would mess up the tedious balance there is within the game. There can only be so many random elements. Making survivors consistent is a good thing. There is only 1 killer, but 4 survivors. Having 4 survivors with their own mechanics, plus perks, plus keeping track of DS and what perks they have... balancing nightmares.

    Still, it is better for killers, who are going against 4 people every match, to have an inherent advantage against every 1 survivor.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Oh lord.

    I said (A) is a silly argument because (B).

    Killers needing to be unique is not that relatable since all survivors are technically the same and u don't see them flying anywhere.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    I mean I understand your point about killers having to learn surv perks and stuff but how about vice versa?

    Survs have to learn multiple unique killers with each and own dedicated abilities, items and mechanics.

    TBH learning is way harder for survs than killers imo.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You say that survivors are stale (because they're all the same)

    You say killers shouldn't be teleporting, which I'm guessing means you want them all to be similar to each other and be chasing killers, by the way you say it's a "chasing game."

    But you don't think killers would be stale if they were all the same? Even though you say survivors are?

    Whether you said "(A) is a silly argument because (B)" or not, you're still ignoring the part that I pointed out where you say that survivors being all the same is stale, and the fact that a lot of people enjoy playing killer more specifically because they stand out from each other while the survivors don't. That's why I'm asking these questions. Sounds like you're just saying that survivors are stale and that you want killers to be stale too and that killer variety doesn't matter.

    Also, comparing killer being the same / or having the ability to "fly everywhere" to survivor isn't valid. They're two different roles. This game is 1v4, not 1v1.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Survivor are skin but killer are unique each of them got a diferent gameplay so they should not limited themself with that kind of thinking

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Okay first of all, I never stated survivors are stale. If I did go find it for me cuz u won't.

    What I did say was that killer mains complaining that things will get stale is not true since survs are not very unique but plenty of people still play.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The thing is, besides Freddy, those three killers are extremely fun to play against because they're different.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And yet not the same. Nurses travel speed makes her jukeable (remember Omega Blink nurse? THAT was teleportation). Demo's makes him really ######### slow going from one side of the map to the other, which makes him completely worthless as an ambush killer. Seriously, his portals are barely worth mentioning when talking about demo's power. Even going from one portal to another on the same tile is almost half a second of travel time, not including the animation lock.

    Plus, having killers with different movement is fun. Billy has his sprint, Nurse has blinks, Hag has teleportation, Demo has his lunge, Oni has I-#########-HATE-YOU mode... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really hate m1 killers because they are boring and map-dependant. Yay, you got me, woo hoo, all it took was 3 minutes of mindless looping, yay.

    Then Hag rolls up and sets out a web and you've got some decisions to make...

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127
  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited May 2020

    "Survivors are technically the same thing altogether (not to mention stale), but they don't fly across maps."

    Sorry if I misunderstood this, but that's exactly how it sounds.

    Also, as I stated before, people play survivor because they like the gameplay. Almost everybody I've seen speak on the subject agrees that it doesn't make a difference which survivor you pick. That's why I say killers would be "stale." It wouldn't matter which one you pick.

  • 1300
    1300 Member Posts: 34

    The only killer who doesn't need teleportation is Freddy. He's too OP, and removing his tp to gens would make him more balanced.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    Sorry you misunderstood this.

    That was in a cynical context mocking the previous comment who first brought up the whole "stale" thing.

    I don't find survivors stale. They are pretty unique to me. So should killers too.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I guess you like to say "not to mention stale" for no reason then. Guess I just misunderstood.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2020

    "...That was in a cynical context mocking the previous comment who first brought up the whole "stale" thing."

    And don't worry :) This is a pretty long thread. You might've missed a few things here and there!

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Nothing can be done about Freddy and Demo as they are licensed characters. The ability to teleport stays in line with the movies/show.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    There is not a single telloport ability in this game that is overwhelming without needing a extreme amount of skill.

    Hag requires time to set up her traps and the traps can be destroyed with a FL. She is also a 110% speed killer that has almost nothing when you are not set up or survivors keep running to non trapped areas. She is a killer that needs survivor to activate her ability. She is also a killer which needs a high amount of skill, map knowledge, trap placement knowledge, and you need to make fast and or smart decisions throughout the match more so than any other killer.

    Nurse requires THE MOST skill in the game. She is extremely punishing for small mistakes or any for that matter and you need to have a very accurate understanding of where you are blinking to. Skilled survivors that use LOS blockers against nurse are a nightmare to catch and stealth is highly effective against her. There is also the problem of her being so ridiculously hard and punishing that new players and players who have no experience with nurse post rework stop trying to learn her after a few attempts simply because she is that frustrating to play.

    Freddy is really the only one you could complain about, its just a map traversal ability with a long cooldown. However thats kinda all it is, you wont down someone with it unless they ran into a gen as you are chasing them which happens way to rarely to complain about. If they did remove it freddy would fall back into low teir since he actually kinda needs map pressure.

    Demogorgon's portals are fine, in fact how could you actually complain about them? He has to place them and stand on them to use them and it makes a MAP WIDE SOUND TELLING YOU HE IS USING THEM. Lets not forget that after using them he is undedtectable for like 3 seconds but he is loud AF exiting the portal and his footsteps are loud AND you are told he used a portal like at that point if you get hit or grabbed you deserve it.

    So as for my conclusion all current telloport abilities are balanced but freddys which is just outside of balanced which is fine. If you still think they shouldn't exist or make more killers with a telloport ability all i can say to you is GET GOOD, cause from my view and many others the devs have did a pretty good job so far. Except for nurse, she needs something to make her easier so not only the OG nurses can play her, yes you heard me correctly, she needs some buff love.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    The game isn't about chases, it's about doing the generators and getting out for survivors, and for killers it's preventing that. If going against the killers who can teleport is frustrating you, why not use it as an opportunity to get better at countering it? It seems like you've gone against it enough to warrant a change for future killers. It's not like the killer doesn't have any draw back after teleporting. Nurse is stunned for a minute and then some if she misses a hit, Freddy has a cooldown and you'll know when he's doing it, Hag has to be in range if she doesn't use an add on, and you can destroy her traps, and Demo has to be at a specific spot to transverse, even then you can literally stop the ability by sealing the portals.

    The only difference between these killers and say a Billy or wraith with speed add ons, is the ability to see the killer while they are moving. At the end of the day teleporting or not, the killer can get anywhere fast granted who you are using, along with the perks and add ons.

This discussion has been closed.