Huntress easter egg

Hi guys :D, i found a little easter egg to do with huntress, idk if it is an easter egg but think it is.
So, i was playing a little bit with survivor and was up against a huntress. now, because i am quit stealthy in this game, i tend to listen where she is.
When every generator was popped, you know her singing right? yeah of course you do! She was crying for a split second.
And you might be thinking: "but i didnt hear that, that is ridiculous!" But i am sure of what i heard. I think it has to do with the 'losing a child' thing thats going on with her. Idk, let me know in the comments what you think :)
Did you mean a laugh-like sound in the end of her lullaby (before repeating)? I though it's just a horror-like laugh.
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She laughs but she doesn't cry.
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Yeah, she is laughing. But this is not new at all, but since they changed her Lullaby, the full lullaby is played. Before it resets after she was in a chase so it was unlikely to hear the Laugh, which is really close to the end.
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It was actually changed, the whole lullaby on the survivor's perspective. She sings for 5+ minutes turning from sad to happy, and then repeat. I love it so much ❤️😍💙
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I KNEW it sounded slightly different - at least I THOUGHT I was hearing more than usual.
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She cries when you put on her Hallowed Blight outfit.
Her voice changes from a sigh-ish to a heavy wimper.
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I highly doubt that.
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You're doubting me when you can actually prove it yourself?
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I doubt it because they couldn't even give the different Legion members different voices.
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I don't have the blight outfit for her because I don't play Huntress.