What's your opinion about Freddy?

Heyo, I wanna hear your opinion about the nightmare. Imo, it's a successful rework, but it made him a bit too strong. Here's why:

The Freddy gameplay, on red ranks, it's the same for every Freddy: you find someone, use your snares to down them, you hook em, you see where a gen is worked on with bbq and u pop it, rinse and repeat. There is almost nobody using fake pallets, so we can have at least some change of pace, and don't even get me started with forever Freddy. People said it time and time again, Freddy is boring to go against. That's my whole opinion about this guy.

I don't play him, and I probably won't ever play him, so I can't judge from the fun to play perspective.

What is your opinion? Let me know down below.



  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I use him rarely but I mostly forget to use his teleport ability.

    Forever Freddy is boring and I only like the fake pallets ability on indoor maps.

    He's a strong killer and needs some adjustments on his kit. But I don't know what. Maybe something for survivors to wake up faster. As long as you are awake he is just a basic M1 Killer.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    Well it's the same with spirit, nurse, hillbilly. They can easily counter loops, down you, hook you up and see you with bbq&chilli. They'll then use their power to quickly make their way to the generator. Freddy is just quicker at some things but lack in others. He's balanced in my opinion

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    Freddy is crazy OP and in need of some serious nerfs. There has been no other killer in the history of DbD that can do as much as Freddy does. Trash killers shouldn't be rewarded by getting to play a killer they get a free 4k on just because he exists.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    I disagree on Nurse and Billy countering loops. Nurse changes the whole dynamic of the game which makes it fun. You can't really rely on pallets and have to play mindgames with her via line of sight or juking her teleport. You WANT Billy to rev his chainsaw at a pallet so you keep moving through and you gain distance while he's dropping his charge on the chainsaw.

    I've recently realized that Blood Amber counters spirit hard. Even if you're in front of her you can use it to see if there's an aura around the husk. IF not, she's phasing and you can GTFO. But you have to bring a key for that to work. But otherwise Spirit shuts down loops ya, but she has counterplay unlike Freddy so I deem it fair.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    He’s in a perfect spot. Some people think the’s too strong but it’s in their heads only. If you compare him to Clown maybe than sure, but Clown is a pile of stinky trash who needs a rework badly. So comparing a good killer to something on his tier is just stupid. Freddy is pretty similar to Doctor in multiple ways. But generally his cooldown abbility is what makes him stronger. Snairs are overrated. Doc can deny loops the same way but for some interesting reason survivors didn’t made a hot topic of that yet.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Very boring killer that takes minimum skill to get maximum results.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Freddy is not too strong, he's a strong killer yes, but not OP. People don't have any issue with him at red ranks, and he shouldn't be nerfed simply because of people not knowing how too counter him. Spirit, Billy, and even Nurse are still better then Freddy, and Nurse and Billy can use the same BBQ + Pop combo too the same tune as Freddy.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Yeah, I bet that you fall asleep in lockers just like I fall asleep in bushes 😏

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Killers will tell you he's ok.

    Survivors will tell you he's OP and needs a huge nerf and is no fun to play against and is just the worst. You know, the same thing they say about every killer.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Never said he's op, I said that he's not skilled. With spirit you must search every detail, hear and predict. With nurse you have to predict accurately what the survivor does. With Billy you should know where to use your m1 and where your m2 and drift like a mad lad. With Freddy, you just place snares and tp....

    See what I mean? Maximum results without skill.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    you literally said he's too strong my dude lol. And he takes a lot of skill. He's easy too learn, hard too master. Because if the survivor isn't asleep then you literally have no power in chases, you are just an M1 killer at that point. Even when they are asleep simply dropping pallets early will prevent hits from snares. He's not OP or unskilled my dude.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    If the survivor isn't asleep you're an M1 killer. Except survivors fall asleep every minute and the chances of you just happening across them as that 1minute of awake time starts is unlikely, then there is the fact once you hit them they are asleep. There is no avoiding falling asleep in one way or another, so don't make out like survivors can play around the sleep mechanic in a chase.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Guess we're playing different games then. :)

    Because chases with Freddy tend to be the most fun you can have in this game.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Lets be honest, survivors basically want a killer that does nothing.

    Example: Last night I ran Legion with no perks, no addons, and didn't use the power at all. Kinda for giggles, but also because I wanted to see if people would STILL complain.

    After game chat (against a 4-man SWF of course. I got one kill) the first thing anyone says is, "First time I've ever had fun against a killer, and you didn't run a cancer build."

    Yeah, of course you had fun. Heh.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Freddy is easily one of the most overrated killers in DBD, simply because he is very, VERY easy to play. Spam snares, spam fake teleports, hit. Spam snares, spam fake teleports, down. BBQ. Teleport. Pop. Spam snares, spam fake teleports, hit...

    Then look at killers such as Ghostface, Hag, Huntress, Plague, Deathslinger... All of these are killers that have more potential to chase, snowball, or both. And they are also extremely, extremely difficult to play well. Ghostface and Plague are also somewhat addon-dependant (recharge and apples) and ping dependent, but still have far more potential. But these killers are far more difficult, and so people don't Git Gud at them when slappy spam-spam is sitting right there. Why get bullied trying to get better at a killer when you can do the bullying?

    Then you have the top killers, Nurse Spirit, Billy... They are all far stronger, hands down. But, once again, far harder. Unless you have cash to burn on your PC, in which case Spirit takes the cake as 'easiest killer in dbd'.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Not gonna lie, I really, really wanted to love Spirit. But I'm an extremely visual person (Isn't everyone? I dunno.) and not seeing people just throws me off big time.

    That and literally any game I played as Spirit, people complained about "OP KILLER #########" in post-game and I got tired of it. :D

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I certainly get tripped up whenever I play against Pallet Freddy, you're literally making me not trust the sacred Pallets.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    They absolutely can. There's many times as Freddy where you have too chase a survivor while awake, so you just have too hope you get a hit too put them too sleep. And if you are spending a full minute in a chase with a survivor you are wasting your time, leave them and find someone else. The sleep mechanic is not as overpowering as you think it is lol.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I almost never depip playing against a freddy. I may not always escape, mainly because people refuse to wake up. Stay awake and be careful and hes not that hard to deal with.

    When i do play Freddy, which i dont usually as i really miss og version, i go with pallets. They are more satisfying to use

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    The fact that Freddy is a hybrid of several killers in the game makes him annoying to me. And on top of that his lunge is disgusting.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Personally, I'm a very auditory person. I like knowing where someone is because they walked too loudly. Which is maybe why I don't like Freddy unless I just want to farm BP, between his dream world and the myriad sound bugs that have been plaguing DBD since a little before Oni's release, I cannot track survivors at all. Scratch marks throw me off, blood is difficult to see, plus the whole dream world is extremely dark.

    Then I DARE to go play stridorless spirit against a team that clearly has 2 BNP's, a map and a key and somehow I'm the arsehole after eating 16 second chances. I don't even have a good sound card...

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    His lunge is the same as any other killer, why is this even still a thing that people think Freddy has?

    His lunge range is the same as Wraith, Billy, Spirit, whoever. It just looks longer because his weapon is not a long stick, it's small fingerknives.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Like I said the chance of you finding someone just as their 1 minute of awake time begins isn't as common as at any other point, so let's say on average you have around 30 seconds of a chase before they fall asleep if you don't get a hit on before you have hit bloodlust 2. Then the second hit is going to come a lot quicker as you just spam snares everywhere.

    The survivor can't stop off to get woken up by another survivor mid chase as that could take up to 16 seconds. There generally isn't time to wake up at a clock unless they have given you the slip when LOS was blocked and missing a skill check could possibly happen mid chase but generally once they're asleep they're going to get caught.

    I find him really boring to play as, I also find him boring to face. It is always the same build on Freddy.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Might just be a region thing, but I've yet to encounter a Freddy with the dreaded "Forever Freddy" build in recent months.

    Most Freddy's I face either use Pallets or build their build around their teleports.

    There's this Freddy player I know who uses BBQ, Surveillance, STBFL and Pop to keep the pressure up on all gens.

    Doesn't even bring the slowdown add-ons. Just pallet add-ons. And sure you might say Pop is a slowdown perk, it's only rewarded if you are actually good at chases at the game. I.e, a good killer in general.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    He’s boring because he stops the norms anti looping system and he has slowdowns to counter speed which almost everyone agrees on.

    yes, he’s strong and (forgive me) doesn’t require much skill to do pretty well with. But he’s basically a creation of the he inherent flaws in DBD if you ask me.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 769

    You're gonna tell me that Nurse had the ability to slow down survivors at loops and cut them off entirely and then once hooking the survivor instantly can appear at the BBQ'd targets gen across the map and immediately pop the gen? Yeah, no. Spirit could never do the same either.

    And I haven't started recently. But nice try.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Nothing else?

    Then it's also your opinion that you think Freddy is unfun. Doesn't make it a fact.

    Which is sadly something I notice most people on this forum tend to mistake with. Just because a lot of people agree with you, or seem like they agree with you, doesn't make your opinion fact.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Again, maybe it is a region thing. But I've rarely seen Freddy with Snares now, especially in Rank 1. Yes, I know it's my opinion, but that's what makes these things opinions and not facts, even if a lot of people agree with you. Sometimes the majority opinion is just flatout wrong.

    They mostly use Pallets because it's a much better add-on to take especially around the endgame. You don't need slowdown, just to erode the survivor's trust in pallets. And no, I don't main Freddy. I main Spirit, but hey, according to this forum she is "equally as unskillled" because I have "good headphones".

    And yes, it is a thing. It always has been a thing, I never denied that. What I am denying though is seeing Freddy constantly using it because I've never met up with a Freddy that has the Forever Freddy builld in ages. In fact, I've rarely seen Freddy at all in Red Ranks. It's almost as if people overrate him and realize he isn't as powerful as most people, especially in this forum, thinks he is. It's almost as if he can get absolutely stomped by Survivors who keeps themselves awake, who actually knows what they are doing, who are actually good at the game.

    Yeah and so? It's not like it's instant. Hag, Demo, and Billy also have added bonuses to their teleportations. Hag can use add-ons that makes it invisible so they aren't even aware you trapped the area. Demo has built in Killer Instinct on Activated Portals, and Billy can use his chainsaw whenever he wants. With no cooldown.

    Freddy can only do it once every 30ish seconds. And even then, the reason his teleportation feels strong is because Survivors keeps running around everywhere leaving scratch marks rather than being stealthy when they see blood spewing out of the generators. Do you really think he knows where Survivors are at if they just hide? You're already given a pretty lenghty headstart, more than 5 seconds warning that he is teleporting to a generator. It's even worse if he fakes it, because then he has to recharge his teleport again without being able to push Survivors off of the generator.

    And again, something most people who actually knows how to play against Freddy will tell you.

    WAKE UP!

    If being in a dreamstate is such a hassle, then get out of it, miss skillchecks, use the alarm clocks. Do ANYTHING rather than staying in the dreamstate. He is an M1 killer outside of it and he is very much managable if you keep him busy while awake (which is already a pretty long ass time even with the passive cooldown)

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    I try to forget he exists

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    The correct word is deceptive,a very deceptive lunge due to his weapon length/size and how short he is himself.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Oh, I'll admit it's strong. Same way using Yakuyoke Amulet and Mother-Daughter Ring on Spirit is strong, same way using Thanatophobia + Dying Light is strong on Legion, same way using Monitor & Abuse + Infectious Fright + Scalped Topknot is strong on Oni.

    It is strong, and while I don't see it as often, what's the problem with it again? A lot of combinations are strong on Killers. A lot of them can halt and stop the game.

    It can stop Survivors working on generators, but it wasn't as effective as it was prior to the nerf Freddy got.

    Hell, if you can keep Freddy busy for long, like 40-60 seconds tops, you'll already be able to get at least 3 generators almost done if survivors spread out and separate. Or a whole generator to be done if you stack on a single one. And it isn't hard to keep Freddy busy. Even with this perk. If he is running Forever Freddy, it means he isn't running any CHASE perks. And if you're awake (which you should always be doing especially against Freddy), then you're chasing an M1 Clown with no bootles around.

    And yes, Hag has to use an add-on, but she also has the sudden jumpscare factor which messes up your controls if she doesn't have that. "Demo makes a lot of noise"? You are aware when I say Killer Instinct I mean GIVING AWAY YOUR EXACT POSITION ON THE MAP right? He doesn't even need to teleport there immediately, just have the knowledge that you are there and he can come get you later. And again, Billy can use his chainsaw whenever he wants. And still, with that speed going across the map shouldn't be difficult.

    Freddy doesn't have any of those bonuses, just the ability to teleport, what DON'T you understand about that? Just because he can teleport doesn't make him instantly dangerous. He doesn't mess up your controls, he doesn't have map-wide awareness with activated portals, and he doesn't have an instadown. He can only teleport and he can only do it intermittently.

    And yes, 30 seconds. And 30 seconds is still a crippling cooldown. Then again, if you suck, 30 seconds can seem like not a lot of time for Freddy to get his power back ;) Also he cannot afford to look around a generator for long, do you really think he will spend the time combing a tile for Survivors who are stealthy? Of course not, especially because combing around for Survivors who hide really well can be difficult and time consuming.

    Lets take an L Wall tile for example.

    You see him teleport right after he hooks a survivor, where do you think you should go? Go farther from the direction of the hooked survivor, but walk behind the L wall, and keep yourself out of LOS of Freddy. If someone who is working with you panics and runs, then he will most likely go after them. Then you can continue working on the generator he just (presumably) damaged. With this knowledge, you can also tell that he is either running BBQ or Discordance, so you know not to stack up with other survivors next time, or you can just... You know.. Hide in a locker? Which is the counter to BBQ. Rob him of this valuable information. He can't tell which generator to teleport to without guessing and wasting his power if you just hide.

    Also, I've rarely seen failing a skillcheck become a detriment nowadays. Especially if the killer is chasing someone else. They're focused on chasing them. Sure they might make a mental note of it later, but by then you will have woken up and ready to be chased rather than be in a disadvantaged position being in the dream state. Do you really think the killer will automatically come for you if you miss a skillcheck? Because I'm pretty sure he has more important survivors to worry about at that time being, especially during a chase.

    And of course, being in a dreamstate is detrimental. But it's not as bad as old Legion. Because if you're actually good at the game, if you know your loops, know how to run tiles and pallets, then his slowdown won't matter much. It only matters if you only capitalize on a single loop and not run from one loop to another to another to another. Effectively wasting his time setting up new snares in every single new loop. Sure, getting downed is easier especially in the dreamstate. But you're not automatically dead like Old Legion.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    I would take a normal Freddy anytime over a pallet Freddy. Pallet Freddy make me go, nothing is real. Nothing is real. Everything is a lie, even the cake. I bet my fellow survivors are not even real. Basically it just makes me suffer from paranoia and not trusting a single pallet i come across. Yet it always feel good to escape vs a Freddy or get that last gen done, to allow the others to escape. For Freddy's like a dark soul boss. Challenging and rewarding for beating them. Of course i also think spirit is fun to play against. So i might just be insane.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    He isn't unbeatable, but he is extremely boring to deal with and too powerful for how easy he is to play

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    His power requires no skill and it barely has any room for improvement. He's not OP though, his tools are strong but there is enough counterplay to justify them.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    I think most of the reason people hate him is because they refuse to wake up.

    Alarm clocks are actually an interesting risk/reward mechanic in regards to both his power and the speed of the game. Sure, there are easier ways to wake up from dream state, but the extended time awake can definitely be worth it if you're good at avoiding that first hit. Most of the people who complain about him tend to be the same who refuse to wake themselves up, not even by failing skill checks or snapping each other awake.

    Too many people keep that anti-plague/legion mentality of "just ignore the power and rush everything lul" but it's not a good idea vs him (especially with snares.) If he has pallets you're taking a bit of a risk, but with snares you need to be very quick to recognize when you need to abandon a loop AND remember which loops are already tagged (bonus points for when you have enough space to safely set one off without giving up your position.) If you're awake? None of that matters. He's basically just trapper without traps until you fall asleep or get hit and forced to fall asleep.

    TL:DR There is a built in mechanic to counterplay him hard, but people refuse to do it because muh gens. Come to think of it, he's basically like if NOED was a killer 🤔

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    His trap placements need to slow his movement speed.

    Survivors should be given two alarm clocks.

    He is a fraud.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You're telling me you're basing your opinions based off of Streamers and Content Creators? Seriously?

    So at this point you're not basing your opinion off of your own self, but the opinions of other people who may have completely different experiences to you?

    Look, Noob and Ussylis are great and all, but I personally wouldn't trust their opinion compared to someone like Otzdarva. If I want an opinion on how a Killer should feel in balance, I would go to someone who mainly plays Killer more often than Survivor. Of course, if they care about balance (like Otz), they won't say that Killers needs to be nerfed, just tweaked enough so they don't become useless. That they still have their power, and that they still have their potential.

    And I'm not saying Otz just because he is a Killer main, have you seen his Survivor gameplay? It's still really really good. So he obviously would take how Survivors view Freddy into consideration. And he hasn't said anything about Freddy needing to not have a teleport, needing to not have snares, etc etc.

    He has talked about how strong he is, but he also said that no killer should be stronger than Freddy. Meaning that Freddy is at that point of strong, while also weak enough to not constantly curbstomp survivors easily.

    Of course, you don't have to agree with him. But you shouldn't just easily agree with other content creators just because they agree with what you think should be changed. Overall, balance changes are in the hands of the devs, and recently they've done a pretty good job so far. Not even being sarcastic with the inside joke.

    Even if the community has amazing suggestions for buffs and changes, as long as the devs has different plans, then it's going to either stay the same or change based on what they think is best for the game.

    I don't mind it actually, if Freddy gets changes, buffs, nerfs, etc. But that will be the dev's decision. Freddy doesn't need to be nerfed to the ground, because as far as I can tell, most Survivors just hasn't been able to play against him at all.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    One of the strongest killers in the game. Good map pressure, perks synergize with his kit well, and he's smaller. I still think Nurse is stronger than Freddy, but Nurse requires a lot more practice while Freddy is pretty straightforward.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Nurse used to move regularly faster like the other killers AND be able to teleport, I would assume by ever in the history of the game you mean since you started a few months ago

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Alarm clocks aren't actually better than missing skill checks. Missing a skill check on a gen costs 8 seconds and keeps you up for 60 seconds. Grabbing an alarm clock takes about 30 seconds and keeps you up for 90 seconds. They're two separate options depending on your scenario.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This is the issue I think people have with Freddy, anyone can pick him up and if you have decent skill and basic knowledge of DBD you get good results. Compare that to nurse who is stronger but requires a lot of practice and more skill to be good at.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    He needs risk to snares. Trapper, Hag, Clown all have a trap-related powers that have risks and counterplay mid chase, Freddy spams M2 and hold W, it’s pretty boring

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited May 2020

    The extension is the difference. Every time you break out of sleep, it has a cumulative affect on others waking you up, as well as decreasing that safe window before your timer restarts. If you keep failing skill checks to wake up early in the match, you're just making it harder to wake up (and stay awake) later. Thats just a part of the risk/reward system. Like I said before, its not about the time taken away from burying your face in a gen, but rather about giving yourself more defense from his power.

    Basically, his power is very good at slowing the game down, which is survivor's number 1 reason for hating him so much. Pig's power can slow down the game as well, but its much more RNG dependent, and much more limited.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    I find him fun to play as and not overly hard to play against as long as my team does not potato.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Be awake. Its literally a bigger counter than either of the two you mentioned. That said, trapper being able to step in his own traps is still kinda outdated as hell, its a bit of a bad example since other killers can't exactly get hit by their own powers. Being able to disarm them is fine and dandy, though.

    Since you bring up hag, actually disarming her trap requires using a flashlight... Would you be ok with using medkit charges to remove the blood from the snares? Thats the main counterplay I could think of that you'd be insinuating...