If playing killer is stressful for you then why do you keep playing?

Im sure we've all seen posts claming killer is "stressful". Why keep playing if you get stressed? Your supposed to enjoy playing. why not play survivor or play a diffrent game?


  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Because people wanna play dbd. I myself enjoy killer but for ps4 the que times for survivors are really bad. So think of it this way

    Some of these people bought dbd to play killer, they get violated and dominated etc etc then they do what you say... and switch to survivor, sure its fun but going from insta que times to almost up to 15 min waits, blows. They get in a match see a ghost face or some other kill rock their world and suddenly have the urge to try it again... they buy the killer and fail. The cycle repeats.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I used to get stressed playing killer until I just got over it and realized that you can have fun whether you win or lose! I always have fun playing killer simply because I don't make the Big 4k my focus, I focus on providing a fun and enjoyable, but challenging game for everyone. I enjoy playing survivor even when I get killed if the killer is fair and non-toxic, so I try and provide that experience for other people. And giving the last person the exit/hatch is always nice as well (although I don't expect that from killers when I play survivor, that's just what I like to do), although I'm careful to not seem like I'm favoring anyone over another.

    I would actually apply this question for me to survivor, and I guess it's because I'm always hopeful that I'll get good teammates and a fair killer. Sometimes I do, most times I don't, but the games that it does happen are quite enjoyable, and I enjoy playing survivor in general, so I just keep on playing!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It is a lot more stressful than survivor. I play survivor most of the time and killer a bit. However when I'm playing killer I can't play more than 2 or 3 games a day. Mainly because I don't like playing spirit, nurse or billy. I like playing killers like clown, bubba and plague so facing a really strong team on a bad map can be very stressful.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    The only things that stress me out are bugs. The roles themselves, killer/survivor, are stressful only if you can't accept that you will win some, lose some.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Survivor que is 15 minutes on ps4

    Killer is instant

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Depends on how sweaty the survivors are. Playing against potatoes isn't particularly stressful.

    Not to mention, when you play killer in red ranks there's an expectation that you should play well. Makes it very stressful when you just want to grind some blood points.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I stopped playing

    I took Kote's advice and played something else :p

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't think it's all that stressful anymore tbh

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Killer can be stressful.

    Doesn't mean it always is.

    The issue people have with the game is those stressful moments tends to be very unforgiving compared to games where you are having fun, even if you aren't necessarily getting hooks or kills.

    No one likes to be at the other end of a buttdance, and sure some people may say for you to just "Grow up, it's just a game." If I dip my hand in dirty oil, and rub it on your face, would you like that?

    Actually, would you like just being disrespected as a player? No of course not, you expect people to just understand it is a game. So there is no need to be a dick about it.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476
    edited May 2020

    Pretty good question. I also have stated that I can't play killer anymore because it's stressful. So I don't. Unfortunately my dailies and the tome have a lot of killer missions. So I end up having to play a few games of killer every few days. But it's not bad. As soon as my missions are done I jump right back to survivor. And I don't hate it at all. I think that maybe I used to prefer killer more because of the amount of blood points. But now that I've improved on survivor I still make really good BP's every game.

    I just wish I knew why... I was a killer main when DBD first came out. I didn't find killer as bad when the maps were filled with infinite's... But now I can't stomach playing it. My guess is the killer winning system now. I much preferred the old scoring system. Even if you only got 1 kill you could score a ton of points and pip easily. Forcing kills feels really bad. Feel like the way to win now is to be campy or tunnel a bit. And I don't want to add that into my gameplay. So I'm not touching it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    I don't. Its why i get to rank 1-2 as survivor every reset, but killer generally doesn't get past rank 8 or so. I can only stomach maybe 1 or 2 games every time i play, then once I get a game that gets me stressed i'll switch to survivor for a dozen or so at a time. Its not that there's no such thing as chill killer games, but more that stressful ones are generally extremely stressful, win or lose.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Because i'd rather be frustrated than be bored out of my mind. (I don't consider holding m1 and occasionally space to be fun, plus due to how easy it is, it feels unawarding to win)

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Probably for the same reason I keep playing survivor, even though it can be bash your brains in obnoxious...you know it has the potential to be really fun. Having a great match is euphoric. You are naturally drawn to things that make you feel good. It just sucks that you repeatedly have to wade through unpredictable bullshit to get there. But sometimes the pay off is so sweet. 😂

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm a masochist.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Many don't. I used to play killer a lot more than survivor, definitely not anymore, I've gotta be in some kind of special mood to play killer anymore.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I have Killer archives to do, and I don't care about tier lists or my brothers saying that "Ghostface is a better Pig! Just play Ghostface!", but Pig is just really REALLY fun. Yeah, Ghostface is more lethal but does he have Pig's stall potential?

    I've never had a feeling like landing the perfectly tipped Dash attack and downing a particularly annoying survivor while playing survivor. But with the matchmaking rainbow and even then the pot luck of the survivors anyway, some games I'll get an easy demolish against reds/purples or I'll struggle to hold my own against people "my own rank" at green. Those matches are just extremely frustrating so after one of those, people will either stop and take a break or do something obnoxious like Ebony Mori tunnel.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    First off, there are good and bad kinds of stress. Playing a killer can be stressful, but in a way that's a result of the challenge and rush of it.

    That said, it's not often the gameplay that I find stressful (well, sometimes, like particularly egregious loops or pallets that are 4 feet apart) but the apparent expectations that everyone has of killers. Like you're an NPC that should abide by the rules they've made up. I know I can just turn off chat and ignore people, but it still nags at me thinking that everyone and their dog is watching my every move with a disapproving frown. 😂

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    Being masochist... joke aside i played more survivors in the last months even if i'm a killer main.. the thing is that you need a certain mood and focus to play killer, even if you're good at it, most of us got a lifte outside dbd, so there is no point to stress out for a game, and then change your life mood..it's a 50-50, you either find a good team and feel weak(yes, the game is still survivor sided, if we pick 4 good surv against 1 good killer), or find averages rank 1 survivors and enjoy the game.. i don't have problem against good teams, i don't care to 4 k as longs as i played optimally, but it's still stressful.. i'd rather keep my mental health than playing killer honestly.. so i take long break, and i play only when i feel like

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Because I want to do yes-yes with the proboscis.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Well, i changed to survivor a few months ago. I was playing 60% killer and 40% survivor for a few years, but i got so burned out of killer that i can't play that role anymore, it's so damn stressful, unsatisfying, full of flame and unfun. For 6-7 months i'm playing 80% survivor and 20% killer just for the dailies. I have a lot more fun and i enjoy playing survivor with my girlfriend 10x more than playing killer versus toxic people.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited May 2020

    1: Slasher movie fan and slashers are the stars of slasher movies. I just like being them.

    2: While bieng survivor can be fun the lack of obstacles on the map makes looping the optimal meta tactic and I hate looping. It's dumb survivors have got to do it. Looping needs to go entirely-with a max of one loop- but survivors in turn should get WAY more items, interactables, hiding spots and arguably some base kit buffs in my opinion.

    3: M1ing gens is boring.

    4: I believe in my heart BHVR are trying their best. I don't know why they take so long or make odd choices at times but I don't think a company or dev team that dosen't care wouldn't commit to a game like this. Especially with...lets be real...how toxic and arguamentative we are all are. me included. If they didn't truly want to try and improve the game. So, I won't give up on them. Yet.

    5: The idea of a killer/slasher asyemmtrical game is awesome and while there are other games with more in them. I feel that at it's base in founding mechanics DBD gets it right. I hope that my continue patronage and support of the game and the devs will give them the feedback to not make the same mistakes to get another dud release for such a niche gaming genre like they did with Death Garden.

    6: DBDi s actually really good. It just needs more stuff in it, and on its maps and survivors need more versatility. The killers are in a solid place after many needed buffs and change. I'm glad to see survivor getting slight changes that promote more tactical play. But they still need a lot more work and lot more work means actual hard content-that's not perks-

    7: DBD has the best fundamentals for hide and seek and the chase. When both of these are in full effect. The game shines. The diamond in the clogged up sewage sparkles. It's geniunely fun, amazing,terrorfying and adranline inducing for both sides in their own ways. When a survivor has japes and good map with a plasuable escape and thek iller is not looking boringly at loops and full stop in a chase-pallets- it's great. I like to chase when it shines. I like the chase. I like the thrill of the chase and the tension of hide and seek.

    8: Killers are more unique with their own power and that just a bit of flavor to an empty game.

    9 It's rare but when you are actually spooky to survivors. Even if you lose. It's really is fun.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    The stress that we feel is what feed us to keep playing, also because if everyone did this how it would be survivor que?