Survivors nerfed again

When is this going to stop? Killer is already laughably easy to play and survivors keep getting nerfed EVERY single patch. Survivor hasn't been fun to play for a long time now end they just make it even worse for them. Every single match as survivor now is always a worry of who's gonna get face camped or how ridiculous killer range is. But i want to hear from everyone else on what you think, do you think this is becoming too much? Or do you still somehow think "sUrViVoRs oP pLs NeRf"



  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Survivors, after being tunneled/camped/mori'd on the way to red ranks, honed their skills to become better. Killers on the other hand had the games handed to them to red ranks and then refused to get better. But the reward to survivors is to nerf them.

    No matter what you say though more nerfs will come. Just watch. Moris will be a minor tweek because killers gotta be spoonfed 4ks and keys will be nerfed into oblivion.

  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160

    I personally don’t mind the nerfs survs got especially removing the infinites they were stupid, my only problem is that they nerf op stuff for survivors (toolbox ,instaheal ,perks ...) and leave op add ons (iri head ,tombstone ) and mori the same.

    and these are what ruin gameplay for me

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    The nerfs aren't bad, imo. When I play survivor it isn't really boring and it is fun at times. I get the occasional proxy camp or tunneled but it is okay. Usually, when I start survivor, I think "Will this team be helpful?" However, later on if the killer doesn't get a kill by 1 gen to EGC then i know. "Someone gonna get camped and tunneled." Which is fine, it is last resort and they might get a few kills from doing that.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Unless you're at rank 1, personal skill plays a larger role than balance or perks. The biggest problem this game has is poor matchmaking rather than poor balance. If you've learned how to rank up despite not deserving to rank up as killer or survivor you're going to have a bad time because you'll be matched against other people who play more casually that are legitimately better than you.

    All these threads about killer is OP, survivor is OP, are all from players that try to f-ing hard and get in over their heads, and their over inflated heads come onto the forums and complain. It's annoying as all h-ell.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    People tend to prefer the multi-player aspect of games.

    You can play survivor with your friends.

    Some people aren't into the Killer's aggressive mechanics.

    Some people prefer to be scared vs. scaring others.

    If more survivors did not exist, queue times would be so unbearable the game would die.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    To be honest, I think there's some aspects that need nerfs, but as a solo player, I'd say survivor is actually fine, it's just SWF that's the issue.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Not that i agree with op, but they didnt "buff vaults" they fixed a bug

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've gotten camped for the past 4 games, just now.

    I'm getting tired of this. I'm about to stop playing, stop buying anything until they address camping and tunneling.

    DS isn't even enough anymore, this influx of camping and tunneling. And I'm all for killer buffs and gameplay that benefits the killer but this is just taking advantage of a system that's already hand feeding them.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    I still been seeing three man escapes, 4 man escapes, 2 man escapes. Like survivors don't have zero chance. In fact, their odds of escaping are alot higher than that. A killer still need skill to get their kills. That and killer range? Are we talking about killers like Huntress or the lunge attack?

    Like i highly doubt face camping is happening every game. If it is legit happening every single game, that is some bad luck. Yet i doubt it happening, since it's a fear of being facecamped, not it happening in every game.

    What is up with all of these threads by people who are new, with very few posts, going and saying killers get free four kills, they need to be nerf? It honestly makes them sound like they have never played killer before in their life. Like heck, so many of these threads are copy and paste. Killer need nerfs. Killers op, killers super easy to play and get free four kills. There was only like one, that even offer a slightly decent point. Like here, there is no point being made as to how killers are easy. Unless you count face camping, then in that case. It's more like a so called "tactic" killers can use and is not any single killer being due op due to their movement speed, base kit or add ons. Which you would have to change the game it's self to deal with face camping, not nerfing killers. Since you could nerf a killer into the ground and be as slow as burger king Myers, weak as clown and it wouldn't stop someone from face camping if they really wanted to. Unless you add something new to the game or change the way it's played to make it impossible or heavily punish face camping.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    If Survivors "honed their skills" in the way to red ranks, why most people here agree that red rank Survivors can be just as potato and boosted as a rank 15 Survivor?

    It's safe to say that both you and OP don't play enough Killer games to know what you are talking about.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Record multiple videos? Just play survivor and see how many times a killer gets at minimum a 3k.. More often than not, they're getting a 4k and you end up dying. Unless you're a god tier SWF, there's at least a 70% chance of a killer getting a 4K in todays game.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Not disputing what you're saying but.

    "Killer isn't laughably easy. You need to post video proof of you getting multiple 4Ks in a row at Red Ranks."

    That's just a weak argument. Here, I can prove it right now. I don't keep recordings, but I keep a crapton of screenshots.

    I've been playing nothing but Killer nonstop, so while I did take breaks every now and then, these are all 4ks back to back in Rank 1. Sometimes I'm not even running the most effective perks on the killer.

    Killer can certainly be stressful and you certainly have to sweat sometimes, but don't make an argument like that mate. It's not going to get this discussion anywhere.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2020

    Driving is so easy, just go by a road and see how many people can drive... Me? I don't need to show how I drive, you just need to trust that I can do anything they are doing.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Some potatoes will fall through the cracks. But if killers REALLY lost as much as they claim they do (Which isn't true, by the way) then its just a few potatoes here and there.

    And I've played a lot of killer. Even 200%'d the game on PS4. I've never had issues like any of the killers here. If I got a 0k, it was either unfortunate luck at the start (All survivors started separated) or I was outplayed. You won't find any post of mine bitching about survivors destroying me from time to time.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yeah I know, lol.

    It kills the quality in screenshots but it works in-game.

    I can tell you what my perks were though:

    Legion - Discordance (T1), Thanatophobia (T2), Ruin (T1), BBQ (T2)

    Oni - Distressing (T1), Infectious Fright (T3), Pop Goes the Weasel (T3), BBQ (T1)

    Plague - Corrupt Intervention (T3), BBQ (T2), Infectious Fright (T3), Ruin (T2)

    Deathslinger - STBFL (T2), Pop Goes the Weasel (T2), Monitor and Abuse (T1), BBQ (T2)

    Ghostface - Nurse's Calling (T3), Pop Goes the Weasel (T2), Sloppy Butcher (T1), Surveillance (T2)

    Pig - I'm All Ears (T1), Ruin (T3), Surveillance (T2), Pop Goes the Weasel (T2)

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Honestly, i think some people just want to make it seem like killer take no skill. That or they just get four kills all the time. Which begs the question. How the heck did i a solo player, escape vs not only a Freddy with noed but also a endless tier three Myers during the current update? If killer is so easy, no matter what you do as a survivor. It will lead to your death. How is four man escapes still possible with this current update?

    Thank you for bringing up survivor skill. For it's like the one thing we have no idea about in these matches. Are these survivors good at playing the game? Bad at playing the game? What is the skill level of the killer and what adds on are they using? Like some people trying to judge killers on how easy it is to get kills. Yet that seems like it would be a poor way of looking at things from a balance stand point. Since any killer who is worth their salt, could get a three k or four k vs a team of newbies survivors, depending on if one finds the hatch or not. While flip it around and of course any newbie killer is going to get destroy by experience survivors. It's like the one factor we are unaware of. Since skill can massive change how a game plays out.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Why people use some textures like the one here? I understand people changing Perks textures for funny things and all but that is just gross, I couldn't even see which perk was half the times.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Some people (Like me) are bored of the usual perks in the game.

    Which is why we use these textures. I know it kills the quality in the screenshots, but it works much more ingame.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Not at all true in my experience. I’ve been recording the results of my matches for a few weeks (mostly after the latest patch) and my escape rate is about 60%, as a red rank solo. If you know where gens are and can loop the killer for longer than 20 seconds, your chances are pretty good against the average killer.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    I understand using textures but that one just make the saturation super high, maybe you would like more the recent texture I saw noob3 using that changes the art on the perks to cats/memes.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yeah I'm not interested, I'd rather see perks be oversaturated than just become memes.

    I just have different tastes I guess.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yeah I know what you mean. But just telling someone to make proof when said proof is easy to come by is just what makes your argument weak.

    You can explain why Killer, especially in Rank 1, can be a stressful sweatfest rather than point at the other person to provide the evidence for you, which they absolutely can by the way.

    Give them context rather than challenge them.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Just get good and stop crying. Killers will always be the part gen rushed as fast as possible by survive with friends. Posting some screenshot about how you killed some noobs at rank 1 won't prove killers are OP

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    you’re semi right about number 1 and 2.

    For number 2, while face camping is indeed a strategic (although not always a very good one) part of the game, it should come with a loss of points for the killer for not playing effectively and being lazy. I don’t think the killer gets penalized enough. The Last thing I want to see if I got camped on is the killer getting even remotely half the amount of points as a killer who actually works for his kills let alone more than me when I was his only kill. Honestly, they should be implementing a perk or something of equal value for survivors that allow them to gain some sort of benefit from being in the killers terror radius WHILE on the hook. Maybe that will discourage face camping or killers that like to hover around the hook baiting the rescue rather than protecting gens.

    *You’re wrong on number 3. The killer has ridiculous range on the melee lunge. Vault hit boxes still haven’t been addressed. Constantly I’m two feet on the ground on the other side of the vault and the killer still gets the hit off. People call it lag yet it’s so consistent 😡

    *side Note: survivor movement is ridiculous too though. Those 180s are nonsense and shouldn’t be happening.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    Killers get to keep their ebony Mori’s while enjoying the luxury of map size decreases and removal of loops that prevent them from getting quick ez downs. Why should they be easy or quick when killers have ebony Mori’s? Hooks Conveniently around every corner? Psssh.

    Nah I’ll have to agree with Ivaldi. My experience playing survivor (I’m rank 1-2 always going against red rank killers with the occasional purple) is that killers are getting 4Ks more often. This recent update in shrinking map sizes and further ridding maps of survivability make it less and less fun. For once I’d like to spawn in and not feel immediate pressure to hold down one button constantly over and over again out of position to have nowhere to run. Pallets are a mile away.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    At the minute I'm escaping pretty much every game. If I die I'm generally the only one. If I played solo I'd probably die a lot more but when your playing with others who also know how to play this game then you should escape quite easily.

    The nerfs were actually really needed to help killers at higher ranks against survivors who have 1000+ hours. The only balance the game needs right now is to nerf moris and keys.

    The best change the devs made to help survivors was to nerf ruin. This helped lower ranks massively.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Survivors and killers id say are in a pretty good spot right not, both of them. Killer have been getting more nerfs tho. Sure they nerfed gen speeds for survivor because gen rushing is a thing. That has been somewhat fixed but killer nerfs have made them worse. Wraith now takes longer to cloak and uncloak, spirit got prayer beads reworked, nurse got less blicks, ruin got reworked ect. Sure there are killers that are "op" like spirit and myers but a good sirvivor will know how to counter them for sure. If you play the game more you wipp eventuallu counter these killers easily. So yeah killer isnt easy, if anything survivor is easy. Just press m1 and if you get in a chase run to the nearest pallet and try to loop.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    ruin was the only thing that held skill pressure into the game. now the skill gap is becoming more and more small for survivors

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    At high ranks ruin did virtually nothing. At low ranks it practically destroyed teams. It was weird at the time but looking st the game now I agree they made the right choice.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Thing with killers is, decent killers capitalize heavily on mistakes. If one survivor screws up just once it can cascade into a 4k no problem.

    Just an example, was playing solo (as always) against a nurse. I don't know if the others were grouped or not. On console by the way. We got 2 gens done fairly quickly. Then got cocky as this was not a top tier nurse. We would each go and take over the chase if someone got downed, while the others prioritized healing instead of objective. We played around too much. Last gen popped as 3rd person died. She got a 4k.

    Now she wasn't horrible as nurse as she could hit blinks but she also chased without blinking and respected pallets. Should have been a fairly easy 3-4 escape. But we sacked ourselves. She capitalized on them. We didn't.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Most people prefer to play with friends, enjoy the thrill of being chased, or like the challenge that comes with survivor? lol

    Personally, i find killer extremely boring

  • KillerKiryu47
    KillerKiryu47 Member Posts: 41

    Sorry for the late reply. I dont visit these forums often so i havent seen any replies until today. So now to adress some things.

    1. In my own opinion and experience, killer IS easy to play. I play in high purple ranks (because red is annoying) and its easy to get max points 4k as a Legion. I literally have adept legion achievement cause its that easy to get a 4k as killer now.

    2. What i meant by "killer range" is the constant lag EVERYONE will inevitably experience. You'll see it in any dbd video whether it be from monto or noob3. It is unreal how many times survivors have been hit through a window or pallet.

    3.I wouldn't say killers have been nerfed in any way. In fact they're reworks. Freddy wasn't nerfed. Idk about Oni, either way he's still really powerful. Nurse? Nerf? Sure doesnt seem changed. Ruin is actually improved in some cases and easily deletes all progress on a gen when someone is caught. Its practically a buff. Also complaining about ruin being found is pretty dumb, its a hex, its meant to have a build around it with perks like ToTH.

    4. Yes i know face camping is a "Tactic" (since so many people are always inclined on defending it) except when you do it, NOBODY is having fun, not the killer, and definitely not the survivor. its a desperate thing people do that ruins the game overall.

    5. No i am not biased, i literally main killer now because survivor is so unfun to play.

    6. They didnt buff survivors in any way with this patch, they reworked several maps to be in favor of the killer.

    Overall i dont like the direction this game is going. Deathslinger was a great and balanced addition to the game like Demogorgon, however characters like rework Freddy are on the verge of just blatant Pay to Win. The game is massively in favor of killers and i cang find 1 patch where survivors were actually buffed.

  • KillerKiryu47
    KillerKiryu47 Member Posts: 41

    Also want to add, even on purple ranks, ive still been matched with rank 3-1 teams cause matchmaking is still #########.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Haha! Hit it right on the head! I had a Laurie in an earlier match who failed two healing skill checks when the killer was right around the corner, bringing him to us both times. At the end of the match, I expected green or yellow ranks and the Laurie turned out to be in the high

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    So much BS in one post. SWF is the minority of the playerbase, the majority are still solos. Not every SWF has voice commms and most of them aren't even that good. But you are implying every SWF would be a sweaty tryhard squad which isn't true at all. This game literally became ez mode for baby killers because all the bad crybabies in the forum got what they wanted and in the end only solos got punished. Best examples are Doctor, Freddy, and Spirit. Once you figured out how they work optimally you get ez wins. Almost every of my solo matches end in 4K and that's not because I'm bad, it's because you get mostly potatoes and plain stupid people where only god knows why they are even in red ranks. Killers can always dodge lobbies and analyze players so that 90% argument is just invalid.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Skill pressure, lmao? It was a 100% passive perk and you had nothing to do to make it work. The only final purpose of old Ruin was to farm low rank survivors because they won't hit the great skillchecks, so ez 4K big skillz lol. The perks that killers have now are much better than the old Ruin crap anyway and killers actually have to put effort in defending gens now.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I 4k almost every game as killer (I don't consider the pity escape to be me losing someone.) That being said, I almost always have to work my ass off to get that 4k, even mediocre survivors can finish gens extremely quickly if they stop caring to be altruistic. Don't even get me started on the sweat squads which are unbelievably unfun to deal with. Had an Oni game on Fractured Cowshed and they blew threw 4 gens in less than 5min, even with me ending chases fairly quickly. I ended up having to slug every single one of them with one go of my power to win that game, it was stupidly unfun and extremely stressful and hard. Just because you can 4k doesn't make a thing about it is easy.

  • Negitive
    Negitive Member Posts: 27

    Old ruin was causing problems for the game, not because it was OP, not because it was UP, but because it was the best perk for all killers, which meant that either you ran it and had to protect a totem the whole game, or you didn't run it and you got shafted by genrushing. It was extremely unhealthy for the games balance and needed a rework, anyone who says otherwise needs to take a much better look at it with some thick glasses.

  • Negitive
    Negitive Member Posts: 27

    Because its a 4v1 game with 4 survivors and 1 killer? if we had equal numbers than queue times and matchmaking would somehow be worse? your argument is inherently flawed for an asymmetrical game?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Nobody forces players to play that side. Queue times are what they are like due to a lower killer player count, which came about due, in part, the Ruin change. Matches became sweat fests, and not many wanted to suffer through that. My argument simply points that out. Killer is anything but laughably easy, except in low ranks and against potato/boosted teams.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Some quality bait right here. Redundant, but quality nonetheless.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    These are not all 4k's back to back as you claim... stop lying to try to prove a point.

    Next time you want to try to lie to us you may want to make sure your player level doesn't go from 82 to 84 in your 4k screenshots and claim these are back to back games -- cuz you know -- that would be impossible to do. 😅

    Nice try.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    What, you want me to show you my collection of 4ks from recent games? With a more "consistent" player level. Alright.

    Here's from the start of today:

    And finishing off with Deathslinger where I levelled up to Player Level 85.


    "Nice Try."

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited May 2020

    If this was the case, you wouldn't have needed to resort to lying in your first post. Once a liar always a liar, imo. Also... your BP's are inconsistent with these being back to back games. lol

    Good day, Sir.