Moments you wish you caught on video

AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

What are some of your guys' best moments that you sorely wished you caught on video? I have plenty to count, including Kobe's, dumb teammate plays, etc.

Preserving those wacky moments that keep me coming back to DbD is actually the main reason I started streaming! For example, I wouldn't have dumb clips like this to show to people:

Whether it be the Claudette urban evading to the corner of the map to self-care against a Legion, a sick endgame play, or a Meghead running into your chainsaw, what are some of your funny DbD moments you wish you caught on video?


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited May 2020

    Mine would probably be the game as Trapper on Rancid Abattoir I had where I went from having 1 hook total who was still up on hook, to literally everyone is dead in the span of 1-2 minutes. That was probably my singular hardest snowball ever.

    Edit: The part that makes it even better was that I was running a very meme build at the time too and two of the meme perks paid off in a huge way.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Damn that would've been dope to see. Trapper snowballs hard haha

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 207

    I had a game yesterday that was just absolutely snowballing - as we were approaching the end (2 gens left) the Bill got hooked (his 1st), and as I saved him the Steve got hooked (his 2nd), and as I saved him Meg popped a gen and was immediately downed and hooked (her 2nd).

    I run over, save Meg, and as I'm unhooking her the Steve gets downed again (as he was self-caring), and Bill (waiting to flashlight save) gets downed and hooked (2nd) while Meg and I are trying to finish the last gen.

    I run to save Bill (Steve is still down) and Meg (working on the last gen) gets pulled off but slugged as I get Bill. Nurse blinks over, hits Bill (my borrowed saved him a second) and manages to down and hook me (my 1st) then downs Bill.

    So I'm on first hook, all the other three are downed. Nurse picks up Bill to kill him, but I managed to kobe, at which point Nurse drops Bill, and I picked up Steve, who deadharded out of Nurse's path, Bill unbreakables during the chase and gets Meg up, Steve pops the last gen just as I get downed so Adrenaline hits and Nurse loses me.

    I got one door opened, Bill got the other door opened, and Nurse tries to slug us all again (Meg gets downed at shack and Nurse blinks to down Steve in the exit but accidentally knocked him out to escape.)

    Nurse chases Bill out (who was running to pick up Meg) and I'm on the other side of the map with the endgame ticking down, so I have to just leave (or Meg and I would both die) but it turned out hatch was in shack so she got out too.

    I felt bad for the Nurse because my kobe robbed them of a 4K, but it was a very exciting endgame for me lol

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54

    Survivors literally vanishing right in front of me In a dead zone when im like 5 meters from them

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    My first 4k with nurse.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Probably when i was injured and managed to body block a killer using agitation+iron grasp who was right next to a hook

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Had a game three days ago and I was playing huntress (on ps4) to try and get cross maps and wild shots. It was at the end of the game. We were at azarovs resting place. I had two kills and had Kate on my shoulder. Zarina ran from the side I was on to the other for the gates. I place kate on her second hook and see zarina with barbecue. So I was on the middle of the side with main building? I see zarina running down the end of middle and I decided to just go for it. I threw the hatchet and waited. I didn't hear the splat and thought I missed. Next second I heard it and saw her icon change to injured. Kate decide to stop struggling and died. I went for another shot but didn't get it but was close and zarina got out. I went to clip it to show to my brother who liked watching me play. When I went to show him it later was just a screen shot of brutal killer. I was so pissed. My only good cross map shot.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    There was a trapper who placed traps in the strangest locations ever, and every time i would step on them. Each time though, the trapper would try to put me in the basement and barely fail. so the trapper took 3 minutes trying to put me in the basement cause I was apparently a trap magnet.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    the one time a 4k a 4man swf who used 4 ormond offerings and still act toxic , God that was glorious

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Had a moment last night where a Meg & I couldn't get around each other. We kept running together. It was like "No, after you, no I insist, after you."

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425

    Mine would be a solo game me and 3 random vs a Ghostface it took place on the map the iron works of misery.

    I remember it well 2 randoms started the map with a key upon spawn one of them gave me their key i tried to give it back to them but they insisted so I took it for the rest of the match.

    the match continued there were 4 gens remaining 2 of the surviors were killed fast because they farmed each other or it was tunneling but the guy who gave me the key died. I was working on my 2nd gen when the 3rd survivor went down at the center building, but she wasn't being picking up. I then knew he was slugging for the 4k because either he knew we had keys or wanted to kill us all. Then I finished the gen hoping we could still make it out.

    The killer spotted me he had his first hit on me. we started a chase around the center of the map there were a few close calls were i would vaulted and he read me and he started swing on the other side of the pallet then i 360 him and vaulted again. i desperately kept going to the main building to tring to pick up the survivor who was down but, the killer would slug the survivor and ran after me.

    I tried my final attempt to pick up the survivor after a chase around the map and I was about to go down. I kept vaulting the main building but the killer vault after me i thought i would be dead after the next vault because i wouldn't be able to make it anywhere.

    Suddenly thr killer picked up the other survivor by accident when he tried to vault the window he then dropped her and tried to continue the chase but he lost me sight of me. (I not sure how he lost a screaming bill) but I picked up the survivor and we both healed on the edge of the map. We both tried to work on a gen together but he spotted up and chased me and ignored the other survivor I looped around the main building because it was closest loop to the gen. (The window in the main building was facing the generator we were working on) after a 2 loops on the main building the killer went towards the random he hit the survivor and ditched me then I worked on the gen it was around 40 percent the killer made it back when it was around 70 i was hit because i dropped the pallet earlier while I looped him the random finished the gen then I got down hoping the survivor unhooked me so we could escape through hatch. (I was hooked close to the gen that we finished)

    She started self-careing i waited knowing it was the best move to for her to make then she came for me the killer tried to expose her but I reveal him before he did that the survivor got hit after the unhooked and we ran towards the spot where she was self caring knowing she probably found hatch. Then I looked toward her i made a wrong turn thinking she was going to die she then open the hatch i forgot about the key she brought and I escape after her without using my key.

    Sorry for any grammar mistakes i probably not going to doble check my writing.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Getting a 5th Devour Hope stack with a survivor on my shoulder. ######### Nvidia wasn't working so I couldn't shadowplay it

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Probably just any moment where someone saves in front of me as bubba

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Pretty much any game where I'm playing a killer that doesn't have stealth capabilities and the Survivor team has someone with Object.

    Whenever I beat those teams I tend to wish I recorded the match.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I had to Google why this sometimes happens, and if you go to "Services" (type it into your search on Windows) then restart all Nvidia functions by right clicking them, it will work. However, you have to restart DBD after doing that.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Both times that I ran the killer around for 5 gens. Good times... not for the killer.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Not exactly MY moment but he's my twin so basically me. My brother was playing Trapper against this Ace who looped him all game. Finally he downs him at shack and has the big brain idea of trapping every exit in the shack so no one can flashlight save (there was no basement). He traps them, picks him up, and....SNAP! Walked into a trap and dropped the Ace. Ace proceeds to escape and t bag. I was laughing the rest of the day lol.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Oh yeah, just did an hour ago. Was chasing a survivor as huntress, then noticed an injured teammate behind me far back. Kept chasing for a few seconds then did a sick 180 flick and downed the injured fella.

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    On switch not to long ago there was two killers on the map at the same time. I was one of them. Only ever happened once.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Omfg yaaas...

    It may be on my friend's stream somewhere, but it was like:

    Game started and I got found by Doctor suuuper early. And since i'm 1/10 on looping, i got downed in few seconds. So like 15s into the game and I'm already on my way to my first hook.

    But hey! My swf team comes to the rescue and block the way, trying to let me wiggle out. But... there's something wrong, because I couldn't wiggle.

    So i scream to them "You %#$#%, he has Mad Grit, run!" But they didn't believe and just kept taking hits. Doc downed everyone in probably less than a minute into the game.

    We laughed about it for a while, but god damnit, I wish i had recorded that

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited May 2020

    It was in a custom match but I'd say it was a pretty epic game. Two had breakdown, both managed to get hooked in the same area. I was running No Mither, Tenacity, DS, Unbreakable. I unhooked one, and they unhooked the other, and I was in the corner of the map. Got left on the ground because of there being no hooks, picked myself up, other guy got hooked again. Picked him up, killer came back for me, I ran back into that corner, but wasn't quite close enough to the corner to where I couldn't be hooked. He hooked me, one teammate got me off, I got downed, but he chased the other guy because he was dead on hook. I crawled while I was recovering, both of the last two teammates killed on hook, but I picked myself up as the last one died, and he was cursing my luck as No Mither actually working for me. Hilariously enough I also managed to walk by the hatch as he got killed, and escaped. We had 2 gens left and I was the only survivor, surviving with No Mither, Unbreakable, Tenacity, and DS(didn't get to use DS). Killer was rank 1, I was rank 11(used to be around rank 3 but I stopped playing for a few months), had one rank 1 survivor, and the other was rank 8. The rank 1 died early on.

    No Mither saved me 3 times that game(Well, sort of, first time is a sort of save but I would have been fine if I didn't have it too. I just didn't have to get a heal or worry about my health state). The first being at the very beginning(it was Legion). He came up on me and I was the first one he found, and he was already in frenzy. He had to decide between hooking me and using his power to find the others, he chose the second option. The other two were mentioned in the first paragraph, but it was a funny incident with me being the first he ran into with Frenzy.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    There was one time I went to unhook Nea. I ran through the jungle gym to make the save, but no option came to unhook!

    I was confused at first, but after a quick assessment, it appeared Nea was ... levitating!! She was in a position on her first hook, but no hook in sight!

    Even more perplexed, I looked around and noticed an empty hook towards the other end of the jungle gym was an empty hook (and I mean at the far side of this area to Nea), so I ambled over (Dwight-style) to it and the option came to unhook at this empty hook. So, I did, and as if by magic Nea floated down. Wish I'd taken a video of that.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I started a match next to a Gen, seeing David from far distance.

    I pressed num2, he walked to me

    I pressed num2, he continue walked to me

    Then I realize it was the Shape

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I was going for the totem cleanse challenge from the new tome so I brought a pink map with detective's hunch which made my plan obvious to the killer. I spawn in and go hunt totems and find a hex totem. Okay great! So cleansing....Boom retribution... Got hooked after that one.... After that the search continues...another hex totem??? Haunted grounds.... Have never laughed this hard during a game. After that one I was busy with either ruin or devour hope and got chased of that. Hilarious cat and mouse gameplay which ended with me being sacrificed eventually. Was loads of fun! Really daring to take hex perks only that game and of course I cleanse the devastating ones first.😂

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    My game as Legion against a SWF that started off with Shroud and just refused to separate at all.

    Just Frenzy hits many Frenzy hits...

  • Strange_Scarecrow
    Strange_Scarecrow Member Posts: 50

    Once I shooted David while playing Deathslinger and he dead harded with the spear in his body(it was red like it hitted an object but was still connected to David's body) and then nothing happened and he just ran away.

  • MingBongo
    MingBongo Member Posts: 32

    My friend (I'll name him J) and I were on Badham, I started near the school so I went downstairs to work on the gen. J asks me where I am and I tell him. the gen was downstairs near the right exit if you were to enter through the front. he comes down the stairs quite slowly and I focus on him and we start talking, that's when I thought I heard an extra pair of footsteps. The convo went something lime this:

    Me: "Hey did you hear that?"

    J: "Hear what?"

    Me: "I could have sworn I heard footsteps, I guess it was you but you weren't walking"

    J: "Okay, lets just work on the gen"

    J proceeds to take about three steps towards the gen and looks to his left to see a ghostface peaking around the corner looking at me. He bolts it and yells at me to turn around, I was already done for as by the time I got off the generator I was marked and he was hot on my ass. Probably one of the best moments I've had as a survivor in DBD.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    One time a Hillbilly picked me up and flew me out of the map, and left me there... That would have been nice to record.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    when i was playing with my friend against a toxic ghostface with a mori (he tunneled, teabagged and morid off first hook)

    long story short, i looped him for 3 gens (i think? alls i remember is that i ran him for a really long time) after my friend died and escaped with my 3 other teammates. god i wish i had a recording of that

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's not really a funny moment but I wish I recorded the moment when a Kate had DS but was lagging so bad I was able to drop her before the stun registered for me. She got the obsession marker and everything, good times.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    A survivor using the secret gate exit at Hawkins.