Are you a swf type or a solo usually?

I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I used to have a nice group of SWF, but 2 of them got burned out of the game and the other one has massive problems with his computer right now. So I go solo, however it's also nice to be fully inmersed in a game without having to talk or listen to others via Discord.
I play Killer occasionally, but truth to be told, I enjoy playing as survivor more, be it solo or with friends.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
None of my friends play this game and I kinda treat this game as a guilty pleasure of mine so I would never reccomend it to any of them. I also don't feel the need to play it with friends, solo is enough for me.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I do have a choice, but I prefer solo usually.
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Swf is the only way to go
Usually when I start to play DBD a friend is already online for me to join up with so I play mostly swf. I'll play solo here and there but most of the time it's swf or killer.
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Swf is the only way to go
I usually have friends online that I play with. I have played solo survivor frequently but nowadays if I want to be alone I play killer. Solo survivor can be a chore to play and it’s easy to get frustrated.
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Swf is the only way to go
Would have been interesting if you had differentiated between duo, 3man or 4man SWF. I prefer SWF over solo, but play mostly duo-SWF, I'm not a fan of playing in a big group.
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Swf is the only way to go
I say SWF, but I mean duo/trio with people who I meme with; we don't try hard or make it our mission to make the killer's life miserable.
That said, the game is miserable when I play solo the majority of the time. It's boring and just plain frustrating.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
As problematic and game-breaking as SWF can be, a lot of people don't realize the community is made mostly of solo players. The results of this poll don't surprise me in the slightest (as of writing 7 votes - 26% SWF, 19 votes - 73% solo)
I do have a group that I play DBD with on occasion, and I won't lie it's nice to mix it up and play with people from time to time but I mostly play solo. I play both survivor and killer pretty equally, and killer is a naturally solo experience so it makes transitioning between either role is pretty smooth.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I apologize for not making an option of how many friends you play with.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I play both side equally, when playing survivor I used to play with friends back in the day. Now they told me DBD is not as fun as it were back then, I also think that it is getting a little boring. I only do daily rituals nowadays, with no friend interested going back on DBD, therefore I am left with playing solo as survivor.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I typically plays solo as I don't like having unintentional advantages. However, if someone would like to play with me, I won't turn them down.
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Swf is the only way to go
Way too often when I try to play solo I get left dying on my first hook or sandbagged or something of the like, so it's nice having even one friend who'll have your back
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
Solo is unpredictable and more fun for me personally
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Neither I'm a killer main
I just chose this for giggles.
I play Solo Survivor usually, but I do have friends that I play with from time to time in a duo or trio.
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Swf is the only way to go
Usually I played Solo and 2 man SWF. But since the last times I played Solo were horrible (1 out of 5 games was good..), I tend to play Survivor only in SWF.
If I play DBD and my SWF-Mate is not online, I go for Killer.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I pretty much only play survivor while doing challenges, but when I do I solo que because I don't have anyone too SWF with.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
For the time of day I play I am alone a lot of the time. When I am with someone else it is only 1 other player, so my SWF is only ever 2 survivors strong. I have never had a full 4-man SWF group.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
DBD Year 1 - Dabbled in solo survivor played mostly killer
DBD Year 2 - Played a decent amount of SWF and slowly left killer behind
DBD Year 3 - Played close to 50/50 Solo survivor and killer
DBD Year 4 - Same as year 3.
The past 2 years however I have played significantly less DBD than my first 2 years. While I like to keep up to date on the game by playing both sides its primarily casual matches or gimmick builds.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I've always found solo more challenging and more fun.
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Swf is the only way to go
I main killer. But if I'm going to play survivor I'm going to do it with some friends. I've seen how games go downhill fast because of solo que players
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I have social anxiety and it's hard for me to talk to people on voice chat, so it's always solo for me or I'll play killer. I also don't like the fact that SWF is unfair, if all your friends are good there's no way the killer can win unless he plays really scummy
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I do have a choice, i choose to not play SWF, whether i have the opportunity to or not.
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Usually I go solo but other times I play with one of my brothers and one of our cousins.
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Swf is the only way to go
I love both solo and SWF, I think they are both fun
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
I mainly play solo when I want to play survivor competitively, I'll focus on repairing generators that won't cause a 3 gen strat. Playing solo helps you improve as a survivor.
If I'm not playing solo then I'm playing Duos, it's rare that I'll play in a 4 man SWF. I'll tend to focus on having fun rather then trying to escape, such as blowing up the generator with my friend, sandbagging my friends (They sandbag me), doing Head on builds, just memeing about. There's no point "try harding" in SWF.
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I don't have a choic3 , so I play solo
it would be interesting if the difficulty was geometrically multiplied by the number of friends playing together. For example, teammates will receive fines equal to some derivative of their number, and the killer will be put on a normal level and return a normal map with walls
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Swf is the only way to go
I play mostly with friends but I also like to play some relaxed rounds alone.
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Neither I'm a killer main
I mostly play killer but I usually play solo survivor as well