Listen to survivors too

Yall need to calm down with the killer buffs. FOR REAL. and this is coming from both a killer and survivor main. yall got rid of infinites because some killer mains complained? yall removed infinites that didnt even need to be removed. its actually insane how y'all constantly buffing the game for killers and never let survivor mains have anything, yes the hex ruin nerf was nice but what about all of the OTHER OP killer perks??? they have so many op perks and add ons, like infinty myers, noed, etc. im tired. this game is getting unplayable for survivors. its so hard to win a game these days. im not saying im supposed to survive every game but im not even surviving a quarter of the time. not even. coming from a rank 2 survivor. this game makes me so mad to the point where i dont wanna play it anymore. quit giving killer mains everything they want and listen to the survivors for once. and what are yall gonna do about camping and tunneling killers? borrowed time is a counter to it, but as soon as BT runs out its useless. just please quit giving killers useless buffs. they are getting to be way too OP. Killer mains quit complaining about everything. The only reasons im complaining is because I think us survivor mains deserve too.


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Its funny because when i cleasne totem noed dont activate but when im on hook my adrenaline activate amd when im solo i have kindred so my teamate know if someone is camp and can play with that knowledge. Yes i will miss the infinite it was so easy escaping with those loop but did i really won that match because i abuse a exploit because yes the dev call those loop exploit and when im killer i used to ignore those section so i play 80% of the map and if 1 gen was there it was a free gen for them so they keep it for the end and this was an easy escape for them. Im curious which perk you think killer have is op because most of the strong perk have a condition like pop and bbq and the addon like each killer got at least 1 strong addon just like each item got strong addon too and when im survivor and i get tunnel i have DS as a backup plan and dont underestimate a 5 second lead its a lot of distance unless you camp the first pallet you see. I think right now the game is balance killer addon need some tweak but its the same for survivor perk like my adrenaline should not activate when im hook and huntress iri head should have a distence requirement just like the deathslinger

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    yall got rid of infinites because some killer mains complained?

    Because majority of the playerbase complained. Heck even survivors complained but used them becauses they were that good.

    this game makes me so mad to the point where i dont wanna play it anymore

    Then don't? Take a break. It's natural for these type of games to make you mad.

    Killer mains quit complaining about everything.

    Survivors do too. Just take a look around the forums

    The only reasons im complaining is because I think us survivor mains deserve too.

    My point exactly. Sides shouldn't be entilted to buffs. It's just natural way of things. It's a living game so changes are to be expected.

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    i do agree that certain infinites were OP and needed to be removed or reworked but getting rid of all of it plus making the map smaller PLUS adding pretty much dead zones is too much.

    DS can help but once u use it, get a small lead and the tunneling killer is right on you again.

    adrenaline is fine. it screws me over half the time; not allowing me to use my other exhaustion perk. which i dont mind at all. adrenaline isnt a problem, especially when killers bring noed 75% of the time.

    and exactly, thats why they are reworking noed to not making it a hex anymore. which is very needed.

    are you really asking what killer addons are op?? just take a look around. lmao.

    and killer has way too many op add ons, infinity myers, iri head, wraiths silent bell add on, etc. and survivors "insta heal" add ons got nerfed already.

  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    What i mean to say is not all infinites needed to be removed. some infinites were op i definitely agree with that, but if a killer cant find a way around an infinite then thats their problem.

    and i have took breaks, i shouldnt even have to take a break in the first place.

    i know survivors complain a lot but the thing is everytime a killer main complains (which they do much more) they get handed everything on a silver platter.

    and definitely. i do agree both sides need changes. not nerfing survivors constantly as a solution to everything.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    ... You know why they're called infinites right? Because there isn't a simple solution to them.

    Taking breaks is normal.

    No they don't. If that was the case, Nurse or Spirit wouldn't get nerfed.

    Again ^ my point.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As someone who plays 50/50, this patch has been fairly healthy for the game and was needed.

  • Sydraen
    Sydraen Member Posts: 102

    I think you just dont deserve to be rank 2 and rightfully lose, deranking to be somewhere where you actually level at. (Focusing on rank impacts your mindset in the game poorly btw, I wouldnt recommend that :))

    If you actually played killer effectively you would know this buff has been well needed as the killer players have been quitting due to imbalance. If you think removing a few palletes and infinites hinders your gameplay completely then you just proved that youre not a good enough player to be in the higher ranks since you needed to use those overpowered advantages in order to do something. A red rank survivor should know more than to run around a building 5 times because it gives you a pallete and a window of safety.

    Sure killers use powerful addons sometimes, but theyre limited to a single game and maybe youre unlucky to get a perma tier 3 Myers, suck it up and move onto the next game if you die. You'll always have DS once you unlock it from the bloodweb and can switch to it anytime, unlike the player wanting to try out the build or simply having fun because they finally got the addons together from the bloodweb RNG.

    You can usually read a killer running NOED, if they play like they want the game to end quickly, do the totems, it gives you points, it prevents it, an overall good solution. You dont have to even do them all! Leave the ones in the most obvious spots so that you or your teammates can find it easier if he does have it.

    Youre complaining because survivors have had it easy for too long, and now that the game is bringing a level of difficulty to it where you have to use actual strategy as a survivor for once, its baaad for you. I've played this game since about release, I think I have an idea of what I'm saying.

    Anyhow, its tough luck, games like that happen, you win some you lose some. If you find yourself getting too mad, quit and play a different game for a while. :)

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287
    edited May 2020

    It’s not the parlament. They don’t care about feedback as much as you think...DEV’s realized that god loops are dumb and unfair and rewards not being skillfull so they removed them. Killer/flex mains knew about that 1000000 years ago yet it still took them this amount of time to remove them. If you think infinites are fine than you’re a liar and a survivor main. Also most survivor mains use the forums after getting butthurt of the game and they just start spreading their senseless stupidity. So not listening them at all is the way to keep the game alive after all.

  • cike
    cike Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2020

    because the designer don't play their game in red Rank. I think they just fix the game from data feedback in macro vision. The single survivor is nothing in their eyes. I am played in Rank 1 or 2 , 2000 hours played and both side. For survivor, it just a QTE simlator.For killer, you just find a noise gen and hook one, BBQ active and chase next guy,then camp 3 gens. the designer make the game boring and more boring. They just push survivor to fix , you don't fix gens then you lose , so here we go QTE simlator ,fix faster baby, and killer feel fking hard because survivor fix so fast. You see the problem? Because the designer don't understand their game, they just fix it from data feedback.And if you always be killed, because you are the bottom of data. Team feel happy and single player eat #########. We know 4 survivor will make some mistakes in game without communication.And for red Rank killer,they do not make a mistake always. Killer feel sad because the team, and single feel sad because the macro vision data feedback. They try to nerf team but always single survivor eat the #########. When you play it single , you just against 3 survivor and killer. I don't know how the game designer to define their game, still a "horror game" or what. For me it's a confrontation game. And there is no "unbalance confrontate", every confrontation game have a kind of balance. I think they don't even know what is a balance in a single play round. I think they just try to find a balance from data feedback. And the result is you QTE QTE QTE and more QTE, QTE simlator, and you hooked , you check the time , you play 5 mins and finish the game.really fun. :)

    Post edited by cike on
  • cike
    cike Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2020

    Because the designer don't play survivor in Rank 4 - Rank 1,I don't even sure they play it, just check the feedback data from all the game to fix their game. The single player is nothing in their eyes. I am a player rank2 or rank1 and 2000 hours played, I also play killer. They just nerf all the map, not give survivor even a chance to fight , just wait the killer make a mistake, but in red Rank it's a joke (btw , the red rank single survivor will do some mistakes without communicate ). You can check the map, there is a square around gens. They just make the game boring and boring more. They don't know why survivors fix gen so quick, becuase the game push them all the time. You escape, but not because the skills, just more luck than others. I know killers hard too, but it's because the survivors fix gen so quick. And the game designer make it happen. For survivors , it's just a QTE simlator. For killer, find a noise gen, chase one, hook one, BBQ active and chase next, defend 3 gen and camp. 4-5 mins finish the game and next. I don't know what is the fun in game. And single player will feel it so ture. I don't know how the game designer to define their game, if it's still a "horror game", they will lose ppl more. For me , it's just a confrontation game , and there is no "unbalance confrontation" game actually, it must be a kind of balance in game. But you can see they nerf or buff just from a macro vision, make the data keeps in some lines, and then the single game round fked up , no fun , just QTE QTE QTE and QTE. I don't know who make it happen in the desiger team, but I think he don't understand their game.

  • cike
    cike Member Posts: 10

    It will not happen, because they are not same skills. When you play killer at rank 20, survivor play like a blind . If they do like what you say , they will loss more players in game. But they do it in your way right now , because they don't understand what they creat , so they nerf this then nerf that, they don't even have a base line what is it in game. A fact is, when killer killed 3 survivor already, and the tunnel is open , I don't know why killer can close it. So that means for killer, 4 killed is normal. I don't know why I heard people say , 2 die 2 escape is the base line, but if it's true, all single players are feed killer because the team players. We all know team play can promote escape probability a lot , you play alone and you play with team ,that's very different, they are two games. So no one happy except team play.