This rift is actually pretty good, it improves every time. A lot of the charms are less tacky and more realistic killer belongings in this one, I love most of them. The challenges are nu.berous enough fof both sides at last too. They should do their pass mord like ghe one in Magic arena in terms of payouts but it's good enough now
New Rift, Old Complaint
This rift is actually pretty good, it improves every time. A lot of the charms are less tacky and more realistic killer belongings in this one, I love most of them. The challenges are nu.berous enough fof both sides at last too. They should do their pass mord like ghe one in Magic arena in terms of payouts but it's good enough now
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Hah, I just so happen to not care for any of these Charms, and find the last one to be the least appealing of the final Charms so far. 😜
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Lets just be simple. DON'T BUY IT!!!!!! if it takes so long and you don't enjoy it don't spend your money. I finished the first rift with time to spare playing both killer and survivor on XBOX and survivor queues are terrible on xbox. But it wasnt ANYWHERE near 290 hours for the first rift. you could finish the rift in a week if you really wanted to. GGs
3 -
I'd like to see some rewards in the empty spaces of the free track as well. 🙂
Maybe something like this...
Empty Spaces within 2-10: 5,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 11-20: 10,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 21-30: 15,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 31-40: 20,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 41-50: 25,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 51-60: 30,000 BP
Empty Spaces within 61-70: 35,000 BP
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I finished that first rift in a little over a week. and no i didnt buy any teirs. we had an extra 11 days but i finished it in a little over 17 days. ggs
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Also i just started the rift on one of my smurfs 2 days ago and im already on tier 11 in less than 8 hours of gameplay.
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I 100% like this idea. DEVS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! lol
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you believe what you want to believe but 290 hours?!?!?! come on my dude you are either not very good at the game or you're exaggerating. i know how long it took me to finish the rift whether you believe it or not it happened. As i said previously even in this rift in two days i did 11 tiers NO challenges. don't believe it you can watch the VODS from my stream. I have receipts. I respect your opinion and all, but I in no way see this game as anti consumer.
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Well this is one if the best rounds of killer charms
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Good for you to have that opinion!
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This. Or put XP/Bloodpoint Boosters in those spots. Make it last a day or so. Or add universal offerings, like splinters or party streamers. There's plenty too be done then just have empty space.
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This. If every free spot in the pass gave something, it would make less people buy it, thus less sales. And since BHVR is happy too go too the bare minimum just too appease people, they add just enough too keep most people happy and buying instead of filling a 10$ battle pass in a 30$ game with over 100$ of DLC too make it fair.
As i've said for a while: BHVR is super greedy, don't forget it lol.
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I can confirm that @ill_Boston_lli went up 11 tiers in less than 8 hours of playing.
Fact is you should be earning about 1 tier per hour of playing. AT WORST 1 tier per 90 minutes. We both tested this and you can easily do it that fast, survivor or killer.
That means it would take, at most, about 100 hours of playtime to do the Rift JUST from XP alone. This doesn't even factor in challenges, which would cut off about 30 hours at least.
If you play about 2 hours a day on average, you should have no problem completing the Rift with time to spare.
Also your argument about big streamers struggling is unsubstantiated. Most of the big streamers outright buy the entire Rift day 1. True and Puppers were both sporting Rift cosmetics on day 1. That means completing the Rift is irrelevant to them. This besides the fact that they should definitely, 100% be completing the Rift way early if they actually play that much.
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Yeah but the stuff this time is just utter garbage. Tome I was pretty cool because it looked like a lot of Legacy alternatives. Tome II was cool because Feng's ogre costume, Hag's icy leaf costume, and several other parts. Tome III is another Feng outfit, and it's not even good looking. Ew. And the paid rewards are just ugly as sin, too. They should have picked a different character, like maybe one of the featured survivors or killers in the current Tome? No let's give everyone a different color palette of Feng's default, that'll get people to play our game more.
This is the first Tome I'm not paying into, and it's because the rewards are mediocre at best.
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And this is why my idea will never form I'm already lv 55 on the rift lol
They need to let me donate rift point to a friend (they still have to buy the pass) just let me help people's with a life get some of the rewards. Yes I have a 50 hour a week job before you ask lol
There was a guy who wanted puggles knife but was only 30 if I could of donated he would of got that knife no matter how many levels he needed I'd of grinded it for him. With all the negativity that could of been a positive just saying.
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it's literally the free track they're giving you that stuff just for playing, i really don't get this. i have a very minimal income and i can easily recycle $10 from one rift to the next to the next, if you wanna be frugal you're paying $10 essentially for endless rifts full of outfits and charms that would cost much more sold separately in the store.
or you're not paying anything and you're still getting free stuff, again, just for playing. I think it'd be generous if the devs put s'more filler in the free track, maybe throw in a few more recolors and all the people who don't wanna pay to support dbd can just have those, but to suggest it's corporate greed that they're not giving you enough free stuff is a bit much for me.
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you say impossible??? a 10 minute game gets you about 600 xp 800xp gets you a rift fragment. do the math. to top it off you have challenges that bump you up 3 to 5 fragments per challenge. This rift is more dooable than getting wet in a rainstorm.
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Devs, just put on each empty space 100 shards. By doing this you'll fix also the problem of iridescent shards being farmed only mindlessly.
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AMEN brother!!!!!!
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Except he did it on stream which you can watch. I'll leave it up to him if he wants to give that information.
We played 6 games together in about 2 hours, we could have had 10 but we were wasting a lot of time between games (15 minutes at one point). I got 5 almost 6 Rift fragments on XP alone, and we had a killer DC in 1 game which would have been the extra XP to get a full 6. That means I could have gotten 10 Rift fragments in about 2 hours of playing as survivor. We did the math on the Rift and you can get 42 full tiers from JUST the challenges, leaving 28 tiers you need to earn XP. If it takes 2 hours to get 10 Rift fragments, extrapolate that and it means 56 hours just to get the XP needed to finish the Rift outside of challenges. If we assume you do majority of that time while doing challenges, you could VERY EASILY complete all 70 tiers on the Rift in under 80 hours of playing.
Also I love how you say "11 tiers in 8 hours is possible" but then go on to say you couldn't finish the Rift in under a week. If you extrapolate that time, it would take about 60 hours to complete the Rift, which is entirely possible in a week. Your statements are contradictory. What is it? Can he do it or can't he?
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I'm not ignoring getting free stuff, that's great.
Not what this discussion is about though...
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I mean, the last rifts were for events. This is just one in the middle of the year.
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Last 2 Rifts had empty spaces too.
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@Sairek I've never been a fan of the Rift either. It's shady and it's manipulative.
But here's the thing: I don't buy it. 90% of the time I'm just missing out on sub par recolors of skins I already have or charms no one actually cares about.
So is it unethical? Sure, I can get behind that. But is the grind a problem? Nah. It's doable and not worth trying for anyway.
My advice is to simply stop caring and feel sorry for the poor saps who decide to opt for such a blatant waste of time and money.
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LOL your post basically states that you don't actually play this game enough to understand how easy it actually is to earn Rift tier through XP. I tell you exactly what I did, I even tracked the XP I earned and it was a little less than 6 shards worth in 6 games. Extrapolate all that, factor in challenges, and one could easily finish the entire Rift in under 100 hours, this being INSANELY generous assuming you are really bad at the game or have to wait more than 5 minutes for a game. I collected actual real life data to prove my point.
You can sit there and do the math all you want because it doesn't actually work out that way in practice. But sure walk away because you have no argument left. Several people now have proven you wrong about how hard it is/long it takes to do the Rift but you'd rather stick your fingers in your ears and continue believing it takes 290 hours. Stop trying to "explain" stuff and prove it like we did.
0 - Go to my mixer and watch yesterdays VOD i got 596 xp two games in a row. Either way you just seem like you like to complain about things just to complain about them. you obviously are very inept at the game and do not play it enough to get the premium track so don't buy it. PS. I havent bought the premium tier since the first rift because i finish them in a timely manner. i can bet you any amount of money it can be done in a lil over a week. If you truly are adamant about calling me a liar i will make a new account and start the rift and do it in a week. let me know cause im done talking about this and having you call me a liar when i'm not one. ggs
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so what was that about not getting 600xp in a match???? it can be done man im sorry you honestly feel like you cant do it in the time ive done it it is what it is. And whats 3 points. 597... 600.. Tomato tomahto its 3 points. i honestly think you're just grasping at straws here.
Post edited by ill_Boston_lli on1 -
Yeah I don't see how a small bp award in the free track could hurt. There's still plenty more characters to be added so a small bp offering would give us something to be happy about while keeping the insanely tedious perk grind intact.
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I know. I’m just saying, they had more to work with bc there was ######### going on at the time. Rn we just quarantined and sitting at home. No major holidays or events at launch. So they could do more relatable rewards and not have it be so empty before.