Let's talk about the last 3 Meg Hairstyles.

I wish it was on a more positive note, but being that I am a Meg main I feel that it is my duty to give my feedback on my girl.
Is it just me or does it feel like the designers have dropped the ball on Meg's looks lately?
Specifically on her hair. The Braids, Undercut and the hair that just released. I am not a fan of any of these hairstyles at all. I know maybe I am biased because I am not a fan of those hairstyles in general but for some reason they also feel "off". I was hoping that we would see something better after her braids head came out, but so far I have been let down in these last 3 cosmetics. :\
Here are some examples of hairstyles I would love to see on Meg. Mind you I picked "sportier" hair because they seem to be on a trend with her as far as what sporty hairstyle they should give her, even though I feel that they should just give her cute outfits/looks and not make everything "sporty".
What do you Meg fans think?
Meg undercut is life tho.
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the guy with the half shaven head fetish is still in so we should be getting 30 more head styles like that for meg
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LOL I think they are still trying to capitalize on the success of Kate's hair. I just thought it looked so weird on Meg. xD
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Isn't being sporty part of her personality? I would also love some variety in cosmetics but I wouldn't be surprised if they stuck to the theme of each character mostly.
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Like I said, I am fine with sporty but not every outfit has to be. I have just been very underwhelmed with her last 3 cosmetics.
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I agree
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that’s how I felt with meg’s recent street/biker outfit, it was literally just kate’s outfit like what.
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Theyre just bad at hair designs. Thats all.
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As long as we don’t get anything like those cornrows again. That head piece is her worst by far.
I personally use the long bright red hair. Either that or the white headband. I dislike most of Megs head pieces.
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Yeah the bun braids or a up top bun with some light physics would look good on her.
While I want to like Meg's latest outfit, because it makes me think "Well, if Meg was in Cyberpunk 2077..." but what kills it for me is she looks like she has a giant zit on the left side (ours, the viewers, left) of her face. That wound/dirt spot/bruise just looks like a giant pus ball. :c
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I think why they look so off is because they barely have any physics.
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I feel like the only way so many of the female characters have such terrible hair/makeup is that the designers are primarily male. LOL Clearly none of them have watched a youtube beauty tutorial in their lifetime.
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Megs latest hair is my absolute favorite of hers. :)
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That is my personal favorite along with the white sweatband hair , I am a sucker for ponytails (even tho I wish it was longer).
The new hair for me just feels really disproportionate, like it makes her head look really big or almost like a helmet? I think it had so much potential and even in their ad it looks almost entirely different. So it makes me wonder what happened...
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I wish they gave Meg something that's NOT SPORTY RELATED! I get that shes a jogger, but not every single cosmetic for her needs too be about running or sports. Giver her a damn tuxedo!
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Ugh, that latest hair is such a hard miss. They were going the right direction with the chunky headband but the weird like 2000's snooky bump is gross and her hair would not be poofed like that, but also be down. :/ a super miss IMO. A cute bun like the top, right from the OP with this headband would have been cuter.
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I just realized it's suppose to be a band aid thanks to this photo but is not rendered well at all in game. Zit it is in my brain forever now.
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No it's because they're appealing to the blue hair brigade. This is one of those hair styles that's celebrated among those people so they do as much as they can because they're part of it. Anything that stands out as "unique" is what they'll go for.
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Lmao sorry I ruined it for you xD
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It was already ruined. xD No worries! lol
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I wish they would fix her face before adding any new cosmetics for her. She looks like she was the one that was slammed with pallets, and not the killer.
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That's what I am saying! I think the potential and idea is there, it's the execution that is lacking for me.