Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Stop blaming DS for lack of strategy.



  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The only issue i have with DS is when i hook someone,find the other survivor i hooked before,all healed up, down him/her again and i get D-stricked.

    That's why D-Strike is dumb.If DS would be disabled as soon as the next person gets hooked or after those 60 seconds,then it would be a fair perk.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Anybody who uses the term "sheep" is not worth my time so I'm not gonna read that.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I have 4k hours on pc and since the rework of DS I'm totally fine with it.

    Noob3 is a survivor main who has not much experience as killer. To me his opinion isn't valued high.

    Monto isn't even good.

    Otz is eating sometimes DS on purpose (he did it on me when I baited him to do it) and knows he will lose the game for it. He knows how to counter it but just doesn't do it sometimes.

    Tru3 idk what to say about him, I haven't watched him for a long time. But back then it seemed like he is in his own bubble and doesn't accept or discuss any other options than his own. So they might be simply bias.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    ppl who play this game for a living are not good enough for you, so basically anybody who doesn't main this game should shut up about an unfair mechanic but at the same time survivors can get crutches galore.

    Sure it doesn't affect you as a "great killer" but the queuetimes and matchmaking putting redrank SWFs against yellow killers reflect that killers are not fun to play.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    And yet, you answered and probably even read it. Just because you run out of argument you dont have to be salty now.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I agree and respect that. I won't use it for those reasons.

    Fungoose, streamer I prefer, doesn't use it either.

  • slimeslime
    slimeslime Member Posts: 41

    true, I have no problems getting 4k with multiple ds users.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Just because someone streams a game for living doesn't automatically makes him a great player.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2020

    A guy getting 32+ 4ks in a row while crippling bubba with an addon is not good enough for you to be called a great player. A tournament winner is not good enough to be called a great player. Reminds me of ppl who call grandmaster players in league "bad" because they're "only" top 600

    Otz is not the best but he is still better than 99% of the playerbase of this game, you cannot balance the killer role over the top 1% of the playerbase while being a top survivor basically just requires knowing when to do gens, knowing when to group up and when to save while lasting at least 30 seconds in a chase which is completely doable against most killers. I'm not saying survivor is unskilled but there's a point where good survivors get so strong that you cannot win, it's inherently flawed that the soloplayer often has to react to what the survivors are doing instead of being the active role especially during the many timewasters in many maps that are impossible to manage for most killers.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2020

    Everyone listed was one do the best players out there, who sink massive amounts of time into the game to be as good as they can, and still have massive, massive issues with how easily abused DS is. If something so easily and commonly used is only ignored by the top 0.01%, it's a problem. If someone sinks more than 8 hours a day into DBD as a way of earning their bread and butter and cannot figure out a way to justify the existence of DS in its current state... It's a problem.

    And Tru3 is of the philosophy that there's no real point in NOT running it. It's super, insanely powerful with no downsides. Which makes sense: the perk would be fixed way quicker if every streamer ran, combo'd and abused it every game. He literally goes on rants about how insanely strong it is and how it really needs a nerf since, in his opinion, it's as easy and powerful now as it ever was. And yeah, he does this after mindlessly stabbing the killer. And pointing out he didn't deserve to but got to all the same.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    "a guy" who you talking about?

    I do 4ks as wraith perkless, whats your point?

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    Holy ######### there’s a thread about DS with 50+ comments every other ######### day. I don’t feel like going on some kind of tangent but here’s my problem with the perk. Using the perk to not get tunneled is completely and absolutely fine. The problem comes with the fact that the survivor has 60 seconds of immunity which they can use to do objectives. This means you could completely not tunnel someone and they could still have immunity and use that immunity to work on an important generator. And if they have a locker nearby the generator there’s next to nothing the killer can do about it. Here would be my suggested changes, if there are any major flaws you see in them feel free to point them out.

    ”If either another player is hooked or you begin working on an objective (Gen, totem, exit gate, etc...) for 5 seconds DS deactivates.”

    You could also throw in the fact that the player who gets hooked has to be a certain amount of time after you got unhooked to fight against trading to deactivate DS. I personally just dislike when survivors use DS like cheeky ######### and do generators right in front of my face because they know they’re immune. I’d like to preference that I also believe that NOED is a bullshit perk that needs a similar rework.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Why are there so many more, "Don't complain about DS!" threads than there are actual threads complaining about DS? 🤔

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    so many say go for the unhooker what if you'll really good got 3 hooked and the one you didn't starts unhooking all of them all 4 have DS then you get that unhooker someone unhooks him/her soo am i need to let then do anything for 60 sec? better yet slug them all for 60 sec and like most game lose them that fun right?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    DS needs buffed to counter tunneling moris, have a slower timer on the floor and while being chased. It's a weak perk for what it is. Having the perk means you are either bold or want to protect against a tunneler.

    No killer should complain about it unless they like tunneling the first person out of a match, which is the best strat or they are actually trying to kill too fast. Doesn't the entity feed on hope? Make it happy.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i don't main any side but i don't like slugging not fun for anyone playing scummy not fun either.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    Just make it so if a survivor has DS active they're highlighted so the killer knows not to pick them up.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Ds is plenty abusable. Jumping into a locker for 60 second immunity after unhook is stupid af. Also lots of people run unbreakable these days with DS. So slugging them doesnt matter and just means your chase was mostly wasted. Use in endgame is unstoppable often times. Also the fact multiple DS's can be active at once. If it was supposed to be repurposed into an anti tunnel perk why can multiples be active at one time if the whole point is not going after the same mark again?

    ...All that being said i dont really care if its changed or not. 😂 The games balance is enough of a meme that every patch brings new jank and i love it. 😍

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I admire your restraint but they're not immune.

    Slug them, a slugged survivor is as useless as one on hook.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "One of the best players out there"

    No they aren't. The are pretty good but far from the best. Pretty much every single one of them will blame the game or sometimes the players for something that is ENTIRELY their own fault.

    And True is just a hypocrite if that is his opinion of DS yet he still uses it. It's not actually that necessary as survivor, I play 99% of my games without it and I escape and/or pip majority of my games.To sit there and basically say "I need this" while also saying "this is OP" is being a hypocrite and demonstrating his lack of actual skill in the game.

    Yes Fungoose is one of those players I consider WAY better than any of the ones mentioned previously AND unlike certain hypocrites out there he doesn't use DS nor does he think it's necessary to perform well as survivor. IDK what his opinion about it is, but considering he is one of the few people that are willing to actually admit when they mess up and not blame the game/player I'd lean towards the idea that he thinks DS is fine. When he plays killer he knows how to play around it and he doesn't complain about it either. I have mad respect for that man. Plus he can talk a mile a minute while playing at a very high level, for anyone that's never tried this it takes an INSANE amount of skill to do.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    So? Every killer can 4k perkless if the survivors are absolute potatoes. Heck I never even got less than a 4k on old addonless freddy with no moris and no ruin till I reached rank 2, by your logic killers would be overtuned when in reality we just don't have enough ranks to differentiate between players.

    "Killer X does 4kills in redrank" is never an argument in this game.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "Stopped reading when OP claimed that only 0.5% of players were 4man SWF metasquads, that is ABSOLUTELY not true for redranks at least not on PC, then again there's a reason why Consoleplayers are generally not taken seriously."

    The keyword here is METASQUADS. As in good enough to actually make SWF and any perk seem overpowered because they do everything near flawlessly. On Xbox majority of games at red ranks are SWF. More than on PC I would bet because it's literally every other game is a 3 or 4 man. But that doesn't make them a metasquad, they are just SWF. I've faced a ton of red rank SWFs that aren't very good. It's actually very rare to play against a good SWF group.

    And for the record, that doesn't make DS or BT or any perk or item overpowered. More so it demonstrates the problem with SWF. A metasquad SWF perkless will still crush 99% of killers out there, and the 1% that win will still have an uphill battle.

    "There's a reason Consoleplayers are generally not taken seriously"

    1) That's because a lot of PC players have massive egos. I can't remember his name, but a PS4 grandmasters Lucio in Overwatch made those same PC players eat crow when he swapped over to PC and got grandmasters in less than a week. In fact his GM rank was even HIGHER than on PS4 suggesting that not only are console players as good as PC players, but in this case they are better.

    2) Just wait until crossplay comes out. I guarantee you there will be a crap ton of PC players rushing to the forums to complain about the huge spike in SWF groups coming from Xbox and PS. You think SWF is common at red ranks? You have no idea.

    3) The OP plays on PC too and is red ranks there too with barely any teachables.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    You're unfortunately arguing to walls. I personally dont have a problem, most people let you know they hav DS so you can down them and leave, that's at least 1 other person doing the heal and if you're chasing another that's only 1 person actually potentially progressing game. I'll even chew DS early cause I dont want it at endgame where they DS then teabag before they leave.

    Although as a killer it is frustrating that they jump in lockers to force ultimatum. Killers also need to understand that camping and tunneling is a thing. Thus why Borrowed Time, DS were ran quite alot. I had a red rank camping and tunneling Billy with Noed and Blood Warden and the fact that can even be a thing is depressing.

    As a killer main, I understand their frustrations but they dont see the big picture of, what do you want from them. They cant have DS, cant have Unbreakable, heck they moan about Dead Hard when it's easily duped. I think at this stage, killers want survivors to stand still these days. New map designs which does alot for already lethal killers and still there are complaints.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You must be a damn terrible killer if you can't find anyone else in 60 seconds.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    dwightop is obviously an entitled and biased survivor main,not worth arguing with him about survivor crutch perks

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    I can accept this argument if you publish a video of your match so i see your build, people you were vs and if they were trolling or playing normal

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yes my friend you are correct, he is awesome.

    He just says DS should deactivate once you start a genny, which I agree with myself.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    I'll respect his opinion more than others but I still vehemently disagree. There are situations where you will need to do a gen but can still get tunneled. If the killer leaves the hook to bait a rescue and comes right back, and the difference between finishing the gen before the killer gets there is you getting on it with the rescuer or not, that's a big problem. Not sure what he expects survivors to do. Do nothing for 60 seconds? Purposely get into a chase to get value out of DS? It just doesn't make sense.

    Again all the killer would have to do is slug this person. If they get on a gen, then they might not necessarily be in a good position to get into a locker. You don't HAVE to grab them off the gen, you can just slug.

    I played several games last night as a few killers. 2k the first game with a safety pip as GF (mainly because I kinda threw the game to get my daily), and the rest were 4k's. One 3k as Clown but the person that escaped was a friend and I pretty much let them go (even though they insta-healed in my face LOL). Had many instances of DS, did not get DS'd once. Even when I "tunneled" someone and purposely picked them up expecting it, just got lucky and they weren't the ones that had it.

    Point is that if you don't tunnel people you don't get DS'd. It was a complete non-issue to me. Even in the GF game they all had DS, I didn't tunnel anyone and never got hit with it, and had I not basically went out of my way to lean on someone I could have gotten at least a 3k, probably a 4k.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That's next level entitlement. "If you work on your objective, you lose your perk"

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The only problem i see with DS is when i hook survivor A,

    survivor B got unhooked and healed up,

    after hooking survivor A i find and down survivor B and get D-striked.

    It doesn't happen every game but it really feels awful and unfair when it does happen.

    Everything else about DS is completely fine to me.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    you haver no idea how easy it is for killer sometime to down and hook 3 to 4 survivor under 60 sec which means (wait for it)they all have DS active some what a killer to do?

    they all can jump into lockers

    funny no one defending ds has said nothing.

    lockers thing need to go away/sluging all 4 for 60 sec what thre fun in that?

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    If they all jump into lockers nobody is progressing the objective. You win.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's 60 seconds though. The problem is you weren't paying attention to the game, it's not DS that is the problem here. Yea it kind of sucks but that just means you are applying a lot of pressure, which is in itself a good thing. Not to mention there are 2 other survivors you can go for. It's entirely in your control here. If you find yourself catching someone that was recently hooked, just slug them and wait maybe 15 seconds. Kick a gen, break a pallet, maybe check the guy on the hook to see if someone is coming for the rescue. By the time you do that and come back, DS should be up almost every time.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    what killer hate about this perk is that it can be active on more then one person at a time it why they need to be a de active when thing happen like jumping in locker or if the killer hooked someone else.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Can't do that while i'm focused on chasing the other survivor (survivor A)

    And it would be ridicolous to expect killers to set up a timer for every survivor they hooked,right?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    Okay, that's awesome!

    But why would any killer complain about a 5 second stun when let's say, they can down EVERYONE in less than 60 seconds.

    Why would a killer that good worry about a 5 second stun? If a killer was that good, then he wouldn't be complaining about a 5 second stun!

    I doubt a killer THAT good, wouldn't be complaining. Jesus....

    If a killer really complains about a stun when he's that good then he is severely entitled.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Not sure if you're using entitlement correctly here, my friend.

    It's just one person's opinion.

    Also, until recently it was defended as anti tunneling perk, in which case I always felt, if you are doing gennys, you are not being tunneled.

    I think both ds and noed are OP perks and I won't play them myself. My prerogative, not entitlement.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I know it's only 60 seconds but you would be surprised how long those 60 seconds can be sometimes.

    My problem is that it's pretty silly to play THAT hard around DS like you would have to set up a timer every time a survivor gets unhooked.Other Meta Perks like BT or Dead Heard are much easier to play around.

    A killer should be punished for tunneling/camping but certainly not for applying much pressure.

    And often times i find that survivor (survivor B) again in those scenarios because i see two auras from BBQ for example

    And there are situations where you don't have to do anything else when you downed that survivor so you just have to stand there and hoping that 60 seconds ran out.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I'm sorry you can't find a solution to better your game play. Maybe try practicing. I'm pretty good at tracking who I hook and how long they've been unhooked for personally.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I see your point, I guess a person can go heal or help a teammate heal in that time frame.

    You shouldn't be able to have 60 seconds of immunity to finish objectives and possibly give your whole team adrenaline. And if killer catches you 45 seconds later and trys to stop you, he gets hit with DS.

    Seems a bit unfair there.

    As for me, I'll just avoid running DS or Noed.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    1) Yes you can. It's really not hard.

    2) You don't even need to if you know how long certain actions take. If you hook someone and go across the map that's going to be at least 10 seconds. You chase someone around a loop twice each hit, that's at least 20 seconds. You pick them up and put them on a hook, that's at least 10 seconds. You come back to the first guy, took 10 seconds to get there. Means you only need to wait 10-15 seconds for their DS to go away.

    3) Nothing is stopping you from putting a clock on your screen or next to your television. I have a timer I my phone I could easily just hit the button when the match starts, set it next to my TV and use it to time everything. Not even necessary but still an entirely valid option.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol you do know people have actual TIMERS for people who were just recently unhooked right?

    As a killer, I keep timers on EVERYONE and I know who was just unhooked, who was slugged, who needs to be slugged.

    Are you serious?

    This is me, yesterday. IF you want to watch it, go ahead but go ahead and skip.

    I slugged, I kept timers, because there's an obsession and I didn't get hit with DS.

    DS changes the dynamic in the game and you have to be more aware when there's an obsession. Every killer that doesn't complain about DS know what to do, it's why we defend it. The survivor is basically running 3 perks the entire match.

    YOU allow them to use their 4th.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    thing is survivor already easy mode and DS shouldn't be active on more then one person at a time.i don't use ds and i get on just fine don't say i don't die sometimes but i get out 3 out of 5 match which i think is good.

    btw with 4 survivors with DS not a 5 second stun more like a 20 second stun one for each survivor with in egc really sucks with why i eat ds before egc doesn't make it less of a pain.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've never seen a killer get stunned 4 times.

    EVER in my 4k+ hours of playing. Not even me, Pre-Nurse.

    Please, don't give me situations that literally never happen.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's silly that survivors have to play really hard around camping/tunneling killers but I'm not going to sit here and complain something be done about that.

    Also as I point out in my previous comment it's not that hard.

    Furthermore I find it a lot harder to play around less meta perks like Iron Will and Spine Chill. Iron Will makes tracking really difficult, and Spine Chill you'd have to moonwalk everywhere to avoid it, that's if you can even tell they have it which takes time to figure out. I spend way more effort countering either of those perks than I do DS.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's not immunity though. I really don't get why people say this. It doesn't make you invincible. You can still be slugged. You can still be mori'd. You just can be picked up or grabbed for 60 seconds. If someone has DS and does a gen in your face, slug them. If you grab them you just took the bait and got outplayed, it's really that simple.

    Like if the killer has Haunted and you just rush the totem without checking to see if something like Ruin is active, you took the bait and got punished for it (or more likely someone else got punished for it). Grabbing someone with DS that wants you to grab them is no different.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    then you one of the lucky ones but really why people bother with these topic DS/noed both perks OP and tho defending it are like taking to stone walls.