wraith bloodlust to slow

batmanscar Member Posts: 466

I noticed that wraith level 1 bloodlust speed-boost is very slow compared to his add on that allows him to move faster when invisible , and currently he moves faster when invisible with the add-on then when he is in level 1 bloodlust . level 2 bloodlust is very slightly faster then when he has the add on that makes him go faster when invisible . considering he goes so slow in level 1 bloodlust the devs should just remove level 1 bloodlust speed and put level 2 as default 1st speed and for level 3 bloodlust make it about 10 percent faster .

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  • widescreen
    widescreen Member Posts: 49

    Wraith is severely bugged atm(among other killers, after the 3.7.0 up date), some of his add ons dont work, along with speeds for cloaking, uncloaking and movement; A similar post, wraith being bugged, was placed regarding his add ons and has been "acknowledged" awhile ago. hopefully a fix comes out soon \o/