The entity has consumed the small town of Riverdale and has brought it into the fog.

echo Member Posts: 15


The entity has consumed the small town of Riverdale and brought one new killer; The Gargoyle King and two new survivors; Jughead Jones, and Ethel Mugg's, and two new maps, and realm; Sunnyside trailer park, and The Sisters of Quiet Mercy, in the realm of Riverdale.

The Gargoyle Kings perks “Pulling the Strings”, “Obsessive Games”, and “Dead Light” allows you to slow down the survivors generator project and gain more positives from chases.

Jughead Jones's perks “Strength in Numbers”, “Rule Number Four”, and “Never Give Up” allows him to save his fellow survivors and keep them in the fight for as long as possible all the while benefiting yourself. 

Ethel Muggs perks “Call for Help”, “Checkmate”, and “Wronged” allow Ethel to keep the killer busy and stay strong while doing it.

Maps: SunnySide Trailer Park, and The Sisters of Quiet Mercy

The one to the left is what I thought the Sunnyside Trailer Park map would look like in shape and to the right is what I thought the Sisters of Quiet Mercy map would look like in shape. The green means that it's an outside part and the red means it's an inside part, the exit gates are blanks. 

THE KILLER: The Gargoyle King


 The Hallucinating Mist; the hallucinating mist inflicts a new status effect the fear status effect. The fear status effect at tier one makes the survivor hallucinate skill checks that are quite obviously fake, tier two fear will give you the blindness status effect, and last but not least tier three fear will give you the oblivious status effect. In order to get rid of the fear status effect you can go around the map and find a campfire which will get rid of all three tiers of your fear status effect after 10 seconds, the campfire becomes inactive for 120 seconds after someone has used the campfire and gotten rid of their fear status effect. The fear status will not go away passively. 


“Pulling the Strings”

Every time you hook a survivor Pulling the Strings activates, after you regress a generator it stays regressing for 20/30/40 seconds, and if a survivor starts working on the generator Pulling the Strings time pauses until the survivor completes the generator or leaves it causing the generator to start regressing again. Pulling the Strings has a cooldown of 60 seconds after you regress a generator. You can only use Pulling the Strings on one generator at a time.

“And every cult has its king.”- Jughead Jones

“Obsessive Game”

You become obsessed with one survivor, Whenever you chase your obsession Obsessive Game starts to charge up, it takes 60/50/40 seconds for Obsessive Game to fully activate, once Obsessive Game is active one random survivor becomes marked, this survivor cannot be your obsession. A survivor will stay marked for 30/50/70 seconds, once that timer is up that survivor becomes your obsession. You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.

“I’m going to be with Dilton now. We both flipped the coin. He was scared to ascend, but I’m not.”- Ben Button

“Dead Light”

Survivors in your Terror radius gain no great skill checks and the regression penalty for failed skill checks are 1%/2%/3% worse than normal. You kick generators 30%/40%/50% faster.

“Who doesn’t want to be king? Who doesn’t want blood sacrifices in their name?”- Chic

THE SURVIVORS: Jughead Jones, and Ethel Muggs

Jughead Jones


"Strength in Numbers"

For every survivor in a 10/15/20 meter range you gain a 1%/2%/3% speed boost in opening exit gates, cleansing totems, opening chests, and sabotaging hooks.

“In unity there is strength!”- The Serpents

"Rule Number Four"

Every time you unhook, heal, or take a protection hit for a fellow survivor you gain a token you can have up to 2/3/4 tokens at a time.

1 token: All altruistic action speeds are increased by 10%

2 tokens: All altruistic action speeds are increased by 15%

3 tokens: All altruistic action speeds are increased by 20%

4 tokens: All altruistic action speeds are increased by 25%

Every time you are downed by the killer you lose a token.

“No serpent is left for dead.”- The Serpents

"Never Give Up"

While you are 16 meters from a hooked survivor the survivors hook timer is paused for 26/30/34 seconds.

“That’s the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely have a happy ending.”- Jughead Jones

Ethel Mugg's


“Call for Help”

Whenever you are hit by the killer and put into the injured state your aura is revealed to all other survivors for 30/40/50 seconds, all other survivors while healing you, they gain a 100% healing speed boost while Call for Help is active.

“In all seriousness though, who cares about anything? We’ll all be dead soon.” - Ethel Mugg's


After you unhook one survivor you gain a token, you can have up to 2/3/4 tokens at a time,

1 token: 5% luck increase

2 token: 10% luck increase 

3 token: 15% luck increase

4 tokens: 20% luck increase

You don’t lose any tokens.

“There’s a higher power that will judge you for your indecency.” - Ethel Mugg's


After you are hit by the killer all stuns last 10%/20%/30% longer at the expense of a 3%/2%/1% decrease in generator repair speed.

“For your crimes against the town of Riverdale, for everything you and your family have done, and continue to do, we find you guilty. Your sentence is this.” - Ethel Mugg's

This all I have so far but I don't have any lore on how they were sucked into the entity's realm and I went with Ethel because I really, really didn't want to do Veronica or Betty, but honestly it wouldn't be a Riverdale DbD chapter without Jughead.


  • Macymj6
    Macymj6 Member Posts: 93

    I love this!

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538

    Riverdale's a ######### soap opera don't bring it to dbd. I watched 3 episodes and hated the entire thing

  • CornMoss
    CornMoss Member Posts: 538
    edited May 2020

    The killers power is boring, his perks are useless, pulling the strings is a way worse ruin and dead mans switch, obsessive game encourages tunneling and it should be the next survivor you see that is not your obsession becomes marked as there is a huge chance the killer will never find the randomly marked survivor, and dead light is only good against weaker survivors who cant hit skill checks. Dead light would be good on "impossible skillchecks doc" though but that build is considered 'toxic'. Wronged is way too good and encourages bad gameplay from the survivor and the only debuff is a 1 second regression on a gen which is incredibly insignificant.

    I do have to admit those other survivor perks are pretty well balanced and I would definitely put them in some of my builds, strength in numbers would need a buff though

  • echo
    echo Member Posts: 15

    Lol I can see them just adding random skins like that if they were to get the licensing

  • echo
    echo Member Posts: 15

    Well this is more based on season three when they added cults and a huge kill count turning it into a semi horror show for some reason.

  • echo
    echo Member Posts: 15

    The killers power is quite boring cause your just pressing a button but I was thinking getting a Freddy like treatment and being able to teleport to generators and make the mist into a more skill based idea like when you teleport to a generator the mist comes out of the generator and instead of adding a new status effect make it into the madness status effect so or you can teleport to generators and survivors in your terror radius build up madness or fear status effect at different rates depending on were they are in your terror radius but giving you a smaller terror radius and probably Freddy like speed. Pulling the strings could probably just be speed based and give you a boost of speed over a set amount of time so you can punish body blockers and such. Obsessive game should have the obsession changing every X seconds as to avoid constant tunneling, and maybe instead of marking the survivor you just gain more speed and it gives you a bloodlust effect. As for dead light I was just thinking that it would increase the amount of skill checks for those in your terror radius and honestly I really don’t think it matters that it will add to the “toxic” “impossible skill checks doc” in a way that will greatly effect the already build to much. As for wronged I’m just think scrap it throw it in the trash bin and I’ll get back to you on that one. Strength in numbers could probably have it with 5%/6%/7% increase and a set range rather than a small increase like the first version.