Question for rank 1 survivors.

Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

How often you get to paired up with red ranks?

Is it worth to rank up?


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Almost all the time.

    Hard to answer that question. I would say yes, because at least you have a chance to get decent teammates every now and then, which is normally not that case in purple or green.

  • List_of_concerns
    List_of_concerns Member Posts: 182


    1.) I'd say most of the time 2 of the 3 possible randoms are also red ranked. (I solo queue.)

    2.) How do I say this as clearly as I possibly can? Absolutely not ######### worth it! Matches in the red ranks are typically decided (won or lost) in an uncomfortably short amount of time. Almost every Killer at every rank tries to cheese a victory (if they have access to cheesy builds), but it's especially prevalent in red ranks (because they typically have all the perks unlocked). Mistakes will be punished the fullest extent, even if that means the match is over in less than four minutes. Blood points and Pips are not a concern for red ranked players. It's either play the hero all match (flashlight saves/sabo saves) or get four kills (proxy camp/intercept anyone that dares look at a hooked survivor) ... period.

    I guess what I'm getting at is there is either very little mercy or none at all for the other side. It's not a very pleasurable experience unless you like being trolled 75% of the time. 🤢🤮

    P.S. 2000hrs+ play time on Steam/PC

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    1. Almost all the time. Occasionally a purple.

    2. I'd say yes. The matches are much more competitive and fair which I enjoy. You also usually get good team mates.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225
    edited May 2020

    I get paired with lots of red ranks in solo. I'd say about 70% of them also do belong there.

    The games are much better imho as everbody knows what they are doing. On purple I feel I get very tryhard killers and the mates are often potatoes.

    PS. You get insanely good killers with strong perks once in a while where there is not even the slightest chance to survive longer than 4 minutes, but still... Red ranks are the funniest imo

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428
    edited May 2020

    Mostly red ranks, sometimes purple ranks, but it feels like I'm playing with rank 20s.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    No, it's not worth it to be on rank 1.

    1) Sweaty killers and survivors.

    2) No variety of killers. You will see pretty much Freddy, Huntress, Spirit, and 1-2 others every game. 5 killers out of 19.

    3) You will be disappointed from potato red rank survivors. They are there because it's so easy to rank up.

    Rank reset making the things worse because you dropped down 1 color every month. Red rank for life with no skill.

    3) Solo red rank survivor is a nightmare.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    As rank 1 solo survivor I think it's ok. Mostly red rank teammates or purple, most are ok or good/very good. I like how you go in to a game and don't really know about your teammates. You always have to adapt somehow but that is good. The killer is most of the time pretty good but sometimes not good enough, and it also happens that you go up against a god tier killer and lose hard even with a good team of survivors. It's how it should be.

    So overall I like how every game is something new, you don't really know who you play with and how good they are and same with killer. I still have fun.

  • Creepy_Chloe_lol
    Creepy_Chloe_lol Member Posts: 22

    For me it usually depends. Most of the time I get paired up with red ranks but sometimes the game will like to pair me with rank 20s. This is if I'm playing by myself.

    If I'm playing swf then it's most likely we will get any ranks

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    When I solo queue, everyone even the killer is Red Rank.

    When I SWF with Red Ranks, killer is always Purple or Green Rank.

    When I SWF with Purple or Green Ranks, we always either get Green or Brown Ranks.

    Red+Red queues doesn't = Red Rank Killer.

    Red Solo Queue = Everyone is Red Ranks.

    In my current experience.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Its worth ranking up since you get better teammates, but the same baby killers which sucks because i hate looping rank 20s

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    It is not, you get better killers (when the game works properly and puts you with players of the same rank). Sweatier games, but I would say it is a much more rewarding feeling if you manage to escape from a game with a very good killer. When the old rank reset was occuring I was put in games with unexperienced killers (was fun sometimes but begane to be boring very fast). So if you want to challenge yourself against better killers go and climb the ranks, if not just stay wherever you feel comfortable.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I don't even care to look at the rank of my teammates anymore because 95% of the time they play like rank 20s anyway.

    It's really not worth it,you don't get anything for reaching rank 1

  • Maievh
    Maievh Member Posts: 62

    Mostly depends on when im playing. Peak hours? The majority is red, some purple. Off peak? Rainbow.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I'm a killer main, but I think I can offer a meaningful contribution.

    1) It depends on time of the day. Late afternoon and after, it's usually red ranks. Before that, you can see purple and in the mornings it's the absolute worst, with rainbow ranks.

    2) I don't actively try to rank up, even though I usually make it to rank 1, especially with new rank reset. I can tell you that at rank 1 and 2, if you play in the time window I mentioned, you can get decent teammates, at least on PC EU. Rank 3 and especially 4, it's a gamble, because you get a lot of potatoes who basically bounce up and down red and purple ranks.