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Does Nurse feel off to anyone since the hotfix?

edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,194

I waited a few days to post this because I assumed I just had an off night, and then a second off night, but after the third straight day of her just, I had to post here to see if anyone else is encountering some of these things. Like I said, I can understand having an off night or two, but when you lose as many games in 3 days as you've lost in the past 2 months combined, it begs some questions, so I jotted down some oddities since the hotfix:

She seems to be rubberbanding on blinks again. Not as severe as right after the rework, but enough that I'm consistently coming up a hair short on easy blinks where my muscle memory is screaming that I'm right but I'm not connecting, which leads to the second thing..

The hit detection on blink lunges seems way off, and it seems ping dependent on the survivors' end. Survivors on lower ping seem to have a much shorter acceptable lunge range than a survivor at 70ms ping. The hits I'm landing on higher ping survivors look like they have no business landing, but I'm somehow missing closer survivors on lower ping.

Perhaps the most noticeable and reproduce-able thing is that she's seemingly reverted to her post nerf inability to blink through many junk tiles without grossly overcharging the blink. I also managed to dead blink 3 times at the Ormond main building doorways tonight.

Like I said, I could just be playing like trash and losing my mind here, but most Nurse players will tell you that you develop a ton of muscle memory from maining her, and she just feels really off.


  • popcan115
    popcan115 Member Posts: 15

    Seemed alright to me I managed to get two merciless and adept nurse however I was on ps4 so maybe issue with pc or xbox

  • Splhitz
    Splhitz Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2020

    Nurse main here and she feels extremely off for me as well. I can't figure myself what is really off. Her blink distance just feels odd for me. They definitely changed something.

    As for dead blinking, she definitely has areas of certain maps where she simply cannot travel via blinking. I have a video of me simply trying to blink on chapel second floor and it was impossible. Even made my way up there and tried blinking one inch in front just to see if it was possible and she simply could not blink anywhere at all..

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,194

    The Chapel is definitely 100% bugged as of the hotfix. I can confirm the issue with blinking vertically in there. Also, it will put you in the basement no matter where you are looking if you blink near it.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    People still play Nurse after the nerf? That's masochistic.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    I am not Nurse main, but recently I tried really hard to blink to the temple basement in the temple of purgation. I've been using "blanket" which shows the place of next blink, but it was really had to place it into the basement floor

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Then the reason why I was teleported to the basement instead from where the survivor went in the last match was because of a bug... thanks for letting me know.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831


    I thought I was going crazy. I missed so many blinks by like a millimeter for some reason.

    I also have problems with blinking around those junk tiles.

    I am not going to play as her until they fix her.

  • JohnShark
    JohnShark Member Posts: 88

    I feel the same about other killers as well deathslinger, nurse, somewhat oni

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    As a (former) Nurse-main, Nurse felt worse and worse with each update.

    First it was dedicated server undercharging my blinks. Testing with the Plaid Fannel addon revealed to me, that apparently the charging and release of blinks is delayed according to the ping to the server.

    Then, around her rework, I noticed post-blink lunges being inconsistent in their distance. At first I thought I was going crazy with this one, but going against Nurses as survivor, I saw them sometimes doing proper full lunges, and then sometimes they go only lik 2-3 metres forward when lunging.

    And now we have this mess, where she just becomes borderline unplayable, because her power just doesn't function properly at all,

    Becoming a Spirit-main for the time being, I guess.