Is The Pig a good killer to play ?

Hello , i want to know if The Pig is good as a killer , it's worth it ? A friend of mine say is usless in the game , but on yt i saw it's very OP ! It's ok to buy that DLC ?
She is a fun Killer to play.
Not necessarily OP, but her power, the RBTs basically works as a constant stall for the Survivors unless you get really unlucky with the RNG.
Her ambush is also great for mindgaming short and medium pallet loops.
If you think her playstylle sounds fun to you, go ahead and buy her.
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Fun killer but not particular strong. Far from beeing very OP.
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Best killer without perks. Getting a head pop is the best feeling in the game. Not OP but not weak. I'd say if you can master her then she will be very good against a lot of teams.
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NOT a Killer OP. It can be ok for you if you like:
- strategy
- ambush (same opinion of @DelsKibara )
Her playstyle requires:
- more strategy than standard killers (you cannot spam Reverse Bear Traps
jigsaw boxes, choose carefully who you apply to and when) - attention (surveillance and make your choice)
- not tunneling (you have make your choice, dont tunnel, you dont need it, just stay away from hook and the savior is 1shot)
You are not a high mobility Killer so you need to end a chase fast. Not great control map, POP almost necessary.
Funny Killer ? OFC, like all of them.
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She's one of my favorites.
So to me, yes. Great to play.
Why are you using myc on pig?
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I assume because people tend to heal on the hook, so MYC tend to get the Pig easy downs since she can just crouch walk to the hook.
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I use MYC, Haunted Grounds, NOED, and another insta-down perk I can't recall (I think Rancor). It's hilarious.
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ok ! So isn't OP , but it's fun to play with this killer ! Thank you guys for helping me !
Post edited by Parazitul on0 -
Make your choice is nice, not only with PIG. If you stay away from Hook, the surv who does the unhook is 1shot.
It's a good perk for Killers that don't 1Shot or slow Killers. And you can unlock the PERK for every killer you have, OFC.
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Its not to good at pig in my opinion.
Spirit, Billy and Hag with the add on that doenst spawn the decoy if a trap is triggered.
Those are very very strong with that perk.
Pig was the first killer i bought and like already said, she can slow the game down, but with bad rng its almost useless. You have to understand, that the traps arent made to kill, they are made to slow.
The lunge attack when crouched is good for mindgames and sneaky hits, like already said.
The crouching can be a huge advantage, but also your vision gets a little bit darker and while crouched you cant see over obstacles, in short it needs practice and its a bit harder to find survs.
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Why the ""? We literally answered your question. She isn't op, but it's very fun. Useless characters, aren't fun to play.
If you want extra info, you could ask.
Myc is not good on slow killers. You're slow and there's a lot of ground to cover to hit the unhooker. You might get some, but there are a lot of perks you'll get more use of.
Slow killers=no faster movement option
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Sorry about the ""! I'm really glad you guys helped me with this problem ! Thank you again..
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She is equal parts skill, as she is strength. She strongly stands near the center of the meta.
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I have one last question ! Does reverse bear trap kills the survivors ?
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Yes, after a Generator is completed, they will turn on flashing red, this gives the Survivor a timer for how long they have before the RBT pops their head wide open.
An RBT takes 150 seconds before it explodes, meaning they have to get that thing off their heads and fast. This is why she is an amazing Stalling Killer, because they force a second objective onto the Survivors.
Edit: to add, an RBT will not tick down if the Survivor is in a chase or is downed.
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The Pig is a more professional Ghost Face
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Yeah by the time pig crouches to the hook, the survivors are healed and gone. MYC is terrible on Pig.
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Seems like most survivors continue to pop generators now, even when someone has a bear trap on. It doesn't slow down gen rushing like it used to.
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Her being considered OP by Youtube would have been more on release.
As someone who's mained her since Darkness Among Us when I started, here's some things to note if you want to play my beloved:
- You are a TOOLBOX stealth killer. There are a lot of elements to your kit that you will need to learn.
- NEVER, EVER target someone with an RBT on them. They have other priorities. If they are healthy, hit them and make them injured if they're in your path. Slug them if you want to apply a bit more pressure.
- Add-ons that affect the Jigsaw boxes are generally harmful to you more than they will help after you go past rank 17 survivors.
- Protecting your generators IS YOUR OBJECTIVE, not hunting kills. You get kills through protecting generators.
- She is very reliant on the player's skill, which relates back to her being a toolbox killer. You have everything you need to do well with her, but it's up to you to be able to use it effectively.
- DON'T use your traps before the first generator completion. Save them for the mid-game, since that is where your ultimate strength lies.
Generally speaking you will need tracking or chase perks in order to deal with survivors effectively. Hex: Ruin is still very effective if it doesn't get cleansed within 30 seconds, and especially combined with Surveillance. Surveillance on it's own is just an incredibly useful perk, as you can monitor what generators are being complete. RBT's can also help stem the tide of generator completion as some survivors don't like to finish generators when someone has an RBT on them.
Gen-Rushing is also one of your biggest weaknesses, since you have no real mobility options. Dash is very useful, especially in mind-games, or just run John's Medical File/Video Tape/Combat Straps in any combination and just score an easy first hit.
It is up to YOU as a Pig player to control the flow of the game, and that is actually very hard. Especially with higher ranks knowing exactly how to beat you, and your only benefit in a chase is Dash, which can be predictable. You have no real chase power and must be able to adapt as such.
She is incredibly fun to play, and nothing in DbD feels as good at perfectly tipping a Dash attack into someone's spinal column. However, your first few games will not be pleasant. Pig is a hard killer to master, and I'm still finding out new things about her.
My current perk build is Ruin, Nurse's Calling, BBq & Chilli and Surveillance. Not the greatest build, but you have tracking and stall in there. I prefer the Dash add-ons, but the Gears add-ons, Tampered Timer and the Last Will (extra RBT) add-ons can help too.
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Yes but don't expect to get any. Treat it like a stall mechanic nit a kill mechanic.
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No, shes in a real bad place at the moment. But I still love my piggly wiggly, she is my favorite. Which is why I am sad that she is so low on the tier list.
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Depends on rankings. If you're down near the lower ranks, the chaos of solo play is a fantastic playground for Pigs.
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Buy her if she seems like fun. I enjoy her, as do a lot of other people, but it depends what sort of playstyle you personally find fun. Pig is good at stealth, passive slowdown, and mindgames at most loops. If that sounds like fun to you, go ahead and get her!
The one thing I would recommend against is buying anything because you think it's powerful, since this is a live game and everything in it has the potential to be buffed, nerfed or reworked in the future.
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Probably one of the best killers if you don't have gen regression perks. Seriously a solid stealth and anti loop character. Best to learn things like moon dashing to make the most of her. She'll make every game long enough to actually enjoy which is more fun.
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She's a solid killer... she's a jack of all trades but not a master of them
As far as a build is concerned... I will tell you to first learn how she plays, then get perks/addons to compliment it or strengthen her weakness of being a victim of the time crunch
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I don't think she is very good. I used to main her because she was one of the only killers who could really attack out of stealth (pre-buff wraith was too telegraphed most of the time), her and myers. But then ghostface came along.
The RBTs are little more than a time waster, unless you are running purple add-ons; or are absolutely decimating a team to the point where the people with active bear-traps are forced to go for unhooks.
The dash attack only works at some short loops and even then it's more of a 50-50 if you are going to land it. It's always better to just uncrouch and M1 instead of dash attack at gens because sprint burst screws over a dash attack so hard.
She does have some of the best cheese in the game in that you can force head-trap pops, but you can usually only afford to do that if you are very ahead.
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She's the only killer I seriously play (100+ games on her) and I find her fun enough. She has a complex kit with more of a swiss army knife of tools, so that more dynamic playstyle may or may not appeal to you. She has three mechanics that are all unique and have to be mastered to do well with the killer, vs. the one that most killers have (even if none of them are super complex or anything).
The one warning I give is that she does have built-in RNG, and games will be won or lost based on it sometimes, though it's not as often as you might think. If you wanna get into her definitely check out scorpionz on twitch to see how the top Pig plays.
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Pig is fun to play and great if you want to tunnel t-baggers out of the game. And survivors look so cute with their little RBT party hats on.
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I love playing miss piggy. She was the first killer that I mastered enough to reach Rank 1. Her RBTs are amazing to slow the game down just a little bit. STBL can be really good, you can even hit the obsession with the ambush attack without losing stacks. She is a really good m1 killer. I don't play so stealthy with her on red ranks because she is so slow when crouching and I can't spent 2 slots for the combo whispers+m&a.
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I hate getting head pops, they rob me of my sacrifice points
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I understand that but as a massive saw fan I love how the trap works.
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RBTs should give you 2000 sacrifice points instead of just 500
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Ya it's a shame beartrap kills steal so many points. Still, it's satisfying to get them just for the sake of getting them. Can turn a tough game into an easy one if the first trap actually lands a kill.
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Definitely. It's so rare that you deserve a lot more points