Make Decisive leave Survivors Exposed

Right now there's no real downside to Decisive Strike. You stun the Killer and get away for free.
All other Obsession perks have worse drawbacks:
Mettle shows your Aura to the Killer.
For the People injures you and makes you broken.
Object also shows your Aura to the Killer.
And Sole Survivor requires your teammates to die.
Personally, I feel like Decisive Strike would be a lot more balanced if hitting the stun on the Killer made you exposed until your next down. It's consistent with the harsh drawbacks of every other Obsession perk.
Also, Laurie's Survivor bio literally says "Her personal Perks grant her powerful survival abilities at the cost of leaving her exposed." so thematically it works perfect.
It can only be used once per trial for a total of 120 seconds spread out in 2 different occasions (60 seconds each) and you need to be picked up by killer in order to activate it after already having been hooked at least once.
There's already a mountain of conditions attached to it.
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Missing the skill check is a downside.
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But the survivor is injured anyway after using decisive.
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Ds is fine how it is
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It already are exposed to tunneling for the rest of the trial after you use it.
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why should the effect have a downside? It is working as intended.
It targets two “free” features that as a killer you can easily abuse: Camping and Tunneling.
So why would a perk that is meant to counter those two features (not perks) need a “downside”?
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At high ranks, missing the skill check is about is common as a kobe off the hook
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I’m a rank 1 and I miss it quite often. Also not everyone is a “high rank” so what about those people?
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The recent map changes prove the Devs are balancing around high ranks. low ranks Survivors don't know how to optimize loops.
Also, how are you rank 1 if you miss Decisive often? Honest question. I'm also rank 1 and miss it less than 5% of the time
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Because there are a bunch of situations where people get to use their DS on killers that are playing 100% fair?
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I'm rank 1 and i missed it maybe twice after getting to red ranks in 1.5k hours.
Hey lets give nurse three blinks, not everyone is as good as ardetha. See how that sounds?
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Because ranks aren’t based on how many times you miss a DS skill check. I usually miss it when I get worried that I might miss it.
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Well that’s great for you!
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Depends on your idea of fair
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Can we give a Downside to BBQ? Or a Downside to PGTW. Or a Downside to Discordance.
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I think its fine as is though i do think there should be some kind of action cancel on it. I hooked 2 people before downing and picking up a feng just now, still got slapped with decisive. I mean i got tge 4k anyway so maybe it doesnt matter. 🤷♂️
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Those aren't obsession perks...
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I would not classify DS as an Obsession Perk anymore since you might not be the Obsession right at the Start of the Match. You might become the Obsession, but this can already be a Downside because you might be a potential target for Rancor then.
Of course someone can argue that it can be a Downside that the Perk might not have any use. But this would mean the Killer did not tunnel and sadly this does not happen that often.
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I would personally classify any perk that places an obsession in the trial as an obsession perk. Less headaches that way.
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You're practically exposed to tunneling half the time in this game just for doing objective quickly. DS will only make 100% cause killers see it as toxic unfortunately. I myself will chew through it early if I feel I can without much punish.
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I mean yeah you downed 2 people and hooked them both within the 60 seconds of Feng being unhooked before downing her and picking her up within these 60 seconds also.
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As there are situations where killers camping and tunneling get to abuse these features on survivors playing 100% fair.
How is it any different and why should killers get special treatment?
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I give you an example: a person goes down. You hook the person. The person gets saves. You down the survivor that saved the person. You get DSed. Is that somewhat balanced in any way?
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You mean camping and tunneling? I ignore that both of those playstyles usually end up in a blackpip at best.
You could easily fix DS to work good against camping and tunneling. Just let it work on both hook stages and for two minutes. But unhooking, repairing a gen, entering a locker, healing or doing a totem instantly deactivates DS. The timer is paused while being in the dying state.
This change would only punish really sweaty campers/tunnelers and not fair killers. How bout that instead of sixty seconds invincibility?
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My God, yes. Thank you.
I've missed it twice yesterday. Rank 1.
It's an awful feeling but it's the gamble I take.