Why developers can't just get rid of moris and swf?

The most butthurting things of Dead by Daylight imo.
Both of them provide players with completely unfair and overpowered advantages preventing any fun for opponents.
SWF allows extreme coordination and trivializes certain Killer mechanics like stealth, Blindness, the entire team is totally aware about what Killers do. Mori just cuts off the majority of gameplay stealing interest for both sides.
Just remove it. Block swf. Delete moris. It is very simple. it is anway impossible to ever reduce the gap between solos and swf, and mori being nerfed (for instance killing after hooking twice) would be a trash.
"Block swf"... You dont want to play DBD anymore, do you?
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Well moris and KEYS need reworked, not SWF. Removing SWF would most likely kill the game as playing solo survivor is hell the majority of the time. What the devs need to do (and have stated that they would do ages ago but we have yet to see any progress) is buff solo up to SWF level. This would allow killers to be fairly balanced around SWF while not screwing over solo players, making both the solo and killer experience more consistently enjoyable.
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This game is unique, and it can be very enjoyable, but I am tired of swf and moris, both of them are extremely unfun to go against.
I am kinda addicted.
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Mori's were put in the game because the Dev's wanted a cool kill animation for Killers, instead of all of them just having the same hook animation to kill survivors.
SWF was put in the game so it's easier to play with friends, and stop players from dodging lobbies till they get with their friends.
Both will be staying because they were both added to make the playing experience better for most players.
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Moris could be changed/reworked but not removed really, work goes into making the animations and while you could accomplish any achievement or challenge involving "killing someone by your own hands" with Devour Hope or even Rancor with some truly ascended obsession juggling, in one way or another they should probably exist.
SWF because it's an expected feature in modern multiplayer games featuring any form of team play. Expected on a level that's simply "above" game-specific and genre-specific balance concerns, it's an expectation that essentially exists on an industry level.
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Swf is fine. Buff Solo queue and adjust the different killers to make them viable against good swf teams.
Also, remove moris
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Why can't they get rid of moris? Because there isn't an easy mode for survs afraid to die to a KILLER.
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To be fair the devs said that according to data 4man sweaty ass SFW are only like 1-3% of the player base thus getting rid of them wouldn’t hurt the game at all. On the other hand, when it comes to removing them the same arguement pops up every time that the majority if players are SFW and getting rid of them would kill the game. (which is both self opposing and stupid because the game is large enough to keep going even with like 40% of it’s current playerbase)
If the rest of that 97% is nearly all swf than it’s most likelly 2 mans that should be the only way to play together imo. And I don’t think anyone has a problem with those. Only the 3-4 gangs has to go.
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SWF's are an important part for every multiplayer game. In nearly every multiplayer game you have groups of friends that come together, to play also together.
Also, I don't think that any multiplayer game can ban swf's. There are far to many third party programms for it out there like teamspeak and discord as example.
So. TL:DR it would make no sense and it would be too difficult I guess.
What moris matters... I would have nothing against it, if moris would be gone as a game mechanic, but I would be sad because I love many of the mori animations.
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Neither has to go because being in an SWF does not make someone a godlike player.
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And yet the nature of the game allows bad survivors to still get easy wins even against good players just for being in SWF.
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Removing SWF will definitely kill the game. No one actually wants to play solo survivor.
Keys and Moris should be reworked, but not one without the other.
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Because those things are in no way related to each other.
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I do. And about half of the flex/survivor mains does too. The other half should be reminded that it’s a horror game where random things supposed to happen and you only have limited information often coming from perks to work with and not a forking SWAT team organizer simulator.
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Nearly no SWF-Team si a SWAT.
But ok, I will stop playing with my friends.
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The game was dying when it didn't have SWF back in 2016. SWF saved the game lol.
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If they tossed SWF on out we would go back to Survs dodging lobbies until they get their buds in, lengthening already long queue times. Plus more survs are in SWF than are not.
As far as the comms part how would you even accomplish this? On Xbox the party chat is separate from any game, and Microsoft mandates any game they accept cannot interfere with party chats at all.
I play both sides. I could part with Moris if Keys are gone too, or both reworked. I also can sometimes feel coordinated teams working against me when hunting (be they SWF or just good survs) but the answer is to bring solos up and then balance around that.
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Cause it could effectively kill over 50% of the playerbase.
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I'm pretty sure swf barely makes up 50% of survivors, let alone the playerbase.
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I said could, not would.
Such a change couldn't just affect those who only play SWF.
The decision itself could be seen as one of the stupidest moves by players who don't regularly play SWF.
And then the potential fear that removing SWF could lead to more radical decisions that could hit them next.
Then there's also the Killers that leave the game cause the waiting times just became too atrocious due to the SWF-only players leaving, and living in an area without many players could lead to even longer wait times + potentially very laggy games.
Removing Moris could have the same effect on the playerbase as well, just to a way lesser degree.
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Changing Mori to this is great, but there's something we all need to understand about SWF to keep the game alive.
Ebony - Kill all survivors on last hook
Green - Kill 2 on last Hook
Yellow - Kill 1 on last hook (remove last survivor condition)
Now SWF- It's INSANE to think this game would live if you couldn't play with friends. That's just nuts, no normal online game could exist like that. EVERY Game should instead be treated like it is a SWF with friends game. Give survivors the ability to text chat in game, or at the very least more emotes/a ping system to communicate.
THEN you can balance the game. It's impossible to balance a game when half the games could be completely random individual survivors, another being chill SWF just memeing or another elite swat team.
Give EVERYONE the chance to play like that elite swat team, then balance Killers to meet that challenge.
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I won't say that SWF doesn't create an imbalance, but without it this game would probably die. A lot of people enjoy playing games with their friend and getting rid of SWF essentially cuts out a chunk of the playerbase. I honestly think the best way to fix the issue is to buff solo survivor and killers accordingly instead of getting rid of SWF. As for moris, I actually like the animations for them so I don't think we should get rid of them. Maybe change them though.
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No one thinks from a business perspective. Removing SWF probably would destroy their game. People want to play games with their friends, get over it.
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Ah ok. Queue times could drive away players.
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The old "Buff solo to swf" argument.
So are solo getting squad order radials and are able to mark the killers location? Lmao. Solo will never reach swf standard without breaking the game.
You guys just want another Predator, or Friday the 13th, or RE Resistance where you can bully the power role to death.
Buff solo, give survivors guns. Rip DBD.
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First killing SWF would probably kill the game. Only way you can really kill SWF is stop the ability to form groups. And you couldn't stop a dedicated team from just lobby dodging until they found their desired group of survivors which was how it was done way back in the day. Moris are fine and if you are really annoyed by them just kill the game before it loads in as 90% of the time when a secret offering appears it will be one of the moris. If they want to remove anything remove insidious it simply encourages some low skill loser to camp as there is a 100% chance someone will go for the save and now that guy has two on the hook. Had one of these "highly skilled" killers the other day but thanks to the killers favorite friend SWF I knew what he was doing, did gens, did my 50/50 routine at the gate and waited for him to close the hatch, opened the gate and escaped and then let him know what a god as a killer he was. He never did reply to my high praise for his be brain tactics...not sure why really.
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Most SWFs aren't Task Force Blue though. Mostly in my swfs it is just me and one other. As much as I'd love to be on a Task Force Blue squad and bully some killer into the ground...that just isn't us and it's not the case for most swfs. A small minority are 4 man teams, the majority are just two-man teams.
And on Xbox everyone already has the ability to be on chat--assuming you aren't comm banned at the moment. Someone can simply invite the others into a group and preferably everyone in the group is on mic.
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"If the rest of that 97% is nearly all swf than it’s most likelly 2 mans that should be the only way to play together imo. And I don’t think anyone has a problem with those. Only the 3-4 gangs has to go."
Few SWFs even the 3 and 4 man teams are Task Force Blue. You aren't going to stop SWFs even 3 or 4 man ones. SWFs the major part of this game...kill SWFs you kill the game simple as that.
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I have always loved this Mori idea. Just make Mori's so either all survivors need to be hooked once or dead on hook to mori, Killer's could still potentially tunnel the player to death which is why I kind of like the all survivors need hooked first for Ebony. Green could be 1 who is dead on hook without that, and yellow just lets you kill the last survivor in the trial or at end game maybe.
Keys could also still be around but I feel like regardless of how many survivors are left you can only use them once all gens are done and/or an exit gate is opened. I'd be totally fine getting rid of them since even if you nerf keys further to open the hatch it's going to be unfair for all involved. I'd say just rework keys to have more aura reading to them like the addons do now, maybe just add time to the purple key to offset not being able to open the hatch with them anymore.
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What if they changed lobbies to only allow two people? Let's be honest, if you're defending four-man SWF groups, then you're most likely one to play that way. Which is fine, but is it really that fun? I think SWF four-man groups are difficult to play against. I feel true four-man groups get gens quicker, not using the term gen-rushing, and games are generally shorter. Personally, I like the challenge as it makes me a better killer main... as long as it's not a group of toxics, then it's no fun. I'm anxious to play this new patch today as I've been getting stuck as Wraith on top of pallets. I had to dc early in one match as there were still 5 gens not done and it happened within the first few minutes. All four survivors were tbagging/clicking their flashlights and farming points. I messaged them asking them to work on the gens and escape, so I could move on to the next game, but that was a mistake as they just messaged me back saying, "ez baby killer, uninstall, #########". So, the five minute ban was worth it as who knows how long they would have kept that up.