Chapter 16 - Siren Head

Made this discussion as a somewhat poll, I made this for people who would like to see as much as I do a Siren Head addition to the game, I don't think any other killer would freak me out as much as Siren Head. Anyways let me know your opinions on this :)
Am I the only one who doesn't find Siren Head even remotely scary? The concept is interesting but at the end of the day it's a giant stick figure with a warning siren taped to it's face.
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A killer that manipulates sound to confuze survivors , intresting.
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Siren Head would be way too tall for the game.
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Yeah it was cool at first. Then Sirenhead went mainstream, and it all went to hell.
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So if a 40 foot tall creature blaring distorted tornado sirens and people's voices (potentially ones you know) you wouldn't be scared
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No, because it looks like something from a cartoon and is just the current Slenderman, give it a couple months maybe a year and I guarantee we'll never hear of it again.
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a siren head killer so cool
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literally another slenderman on duty, it will pass.
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It is really creepy. At leas I woudn’t be happy to see this at 8PM when I walk past the forrest.
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I think that siren head is scary if he's crawling at you 30 miles per hour it would be a funny meme more that scary with him blending into the trees
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LMFAO What is that?
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i agree he would be a instant giveaway. unless the entity made him a dwarf
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To be honest I think the possible lore behind him (The one the SCP Community made up for him) is more disturbing than the design itself.
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Willing to share? I don't care much for flavour-of-the-day horror things but a good scp? Yes please!
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Here's one from Tales from the Foundation
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Well, now BHVR have taken a firmer grip with gaming franchises and cemented the movie worlds, maybe the next is to dive into the worlds of Creepypastas and SCP. If that ever happens, my God the possibilities!
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Go walk through the woods at night and hear a loud ass siren out of nowhere near you, followed by heavy footsteps.
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While I don't think that it could be implemented mechanically due to its size (if they chose to keep it so tall), I think the idea is interesting, and it could really make the game quite different! Sirenhead looks similar to the lights on top of the gens, so perhaps they could do something with that? Alternatively, just a sound-based killer, who uses various audio cues to possibly trick survivors and steer them in the direction the killer wants?