There Really Needs to Be A Face-Camping Penalty

I play both survivor and killer, I'm not talking about hooking someone and being in the general area. I'm talking about being face-to-face, deadass face camping where you refuse to leave the hook the entire time.
Not necessarily a time out or ban potential, but these players should honestly get a giant decrease in something. Lose a pip or two. I shouldn't be losing my survivor rank because a Killer matched in red-ranks has a hook fetish, or have to lose a fellow teammate because of an insecure player.
Edit to add: If they wanna block off windows for "abuse", as a penalty for looping something too much, they can do something about face camping.
There is. They lose points in the Chaser emblem (assuming other survivors aren't nearby) and will depip if the other survivors play smart by rushing gens.
Spoiler: They rarely do.
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There is. Its called losing 3 kills. Losing points. And depipping
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its time they changed the hook system to be more like last year or hide or die's. i cant believe in 2020 so many toxic playstyles are still condoned. stuff is already unfun enough with server issues and bugs and toxicity just makes it worse. il only pray with you OP for the day theres an anti camp system thats fair for both sides for actual skillful and fun games. at this point the devs have said f*ck playing well and just cheese anyway u can to win
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How are those games doing?
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What Orion already said.
This is what's happening when a killer facecamps:
(The trick is to not change his mind.)
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In a moment like that you are relying on your team to take this time to complete the objectives.
Unfortunately for the person on the hook this will be their game most likely. But complete the gens, then attempt the save.
Is what it is, and move onto the next round. :)
Goodluck out there.
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a games popularity doesnt mean their game mechanics and systems are bad. that is the most irrelevant argument you can make there is no correlation at all.
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Sure, if the Survivors are coordinated and competent. I've been face-camped at rank 1 with Kindred equipped, and my teammates will still not rush gens in time and the Killer still gets a 3K.
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Well that's just a case of git gud to your teammates
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It is, but I wish it didn't happen so often. Solo Queue struggle is real!
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So what else is there to a game, if not the mechanics and systems?
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I personally hate one hit down killers and add ons that face camp first down.
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Facing camping guts a killer's chaser emblem. Besides the fact that theyre naturally not gonna get as many points in the emblems to begin with...since theyre not being active, the chaser emblem specifically is lowered for being too close to the hook (as long as your teammates arnt also in the area).
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I don't know...
How about most of the popular Horror Franchise killers you can think of to hype up a game's popularity.
Hm............I don't know..............what else would there be?
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DbD started out with original killers only. F13th had Jason and still failed.
Maybe those games were just bad.
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Oh, I can tell you, Jason was awful.
Aside from Terrordome, Dead by Daylight has the largest Horror Franchise characters.
And Friday the 13th came out after Michael and Bill were already in the game and Michael AND Laurie alone pulled in numbers.
Freddy came out the same year so I doubt F13 could have kept up. But I'm not here to talk politics, F13 sucked.
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Sorry, you're totally right, lemme rephrase.
There needs to be a better system that discourages it entirely so people actually stop playing like this. Losing two pips every single game you camp would be ideal,
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In that case it's a hard "no". Camping is a valid strategy, according to the developers, and it has clear and effective counters. It's not the killers' fault survivors refuse to use those counters.
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Is it a valid play style? Because, I mean, I don't face camp and still average 3 or so kills per game, as do any other actually skilled players. The fun of the game is to be chased by killers as a survivor, and the fun of a killer is to chase the survivors. You're literally taking away all that when you're straight up hard face camping-- and not even gaining much yourself.
If we can block survivors from "abusing looping", we can block killers from face-camping.
How does "abusing a window" get a penalty but not walking away from a survivor for a single second not?
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They lose emblem but they’re still allowed to be red and purple rank killers? Apparently it doesn’t affect them negatively enough then.
Here’s a game ghost face put me in the basement and stood there on the stairs the entire match. Teammates came down and pulled me out but he just put more down there and stood there. It’s unfortunate that this is considered a legit “strategy” and is not being penalized hard enough. the killers emblems might be affected by face camping but what I don’t want to see is the killer getting bloodpoints for it either. Especially when the killer gets more bloodpoints than survivors do when I did a good share of the work on my end up to the point where I was cut off due to getting hook camped.
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Yes, it's a valid play style, recognized by the developers - the guys who literally decide what is and isn't allowed. You may claim killers who camp aren't skilled, but if they win by camping, whose fault is that?
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Okay, then they need to disable the penalty for survivors vaulting the same window over and over again. :) It's a valid play style. They could always just go to someone else and get all of them down, so there doesn't need to be a penalty for abusing a loop.
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I said "assuming other survivors aren't nearby". By your own admission, your teammates (plural) were swarming the basement (not just any random surface hook, but the Entity-damned basement), yet you expect the killer to be punished? How does that make any sense whatsoever?
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Except you don't decide that, the developers do. They make the rules. That's why the Entity blocker was added, because abusing windows is not a valid play style.
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Also making it so that the facecamped person actually ######### gains something for this happening would be nice.
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Why should failure be rewarded? Are we gonna start handing out pity points to killers who're ######### by matchmaking too?
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Even a "face camped" achievement similar to the extra disconnection points that killers get.
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It's not failure to be downed once, what the hell are you talking about? Obvious troll.
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this Borrowed Time doesn’t make it okay Though. You can’t come up with a solution because there currently isn’t one. Borrowed time doesn’t do enough you’ll just get grabbed 😂 this a terrible defense for something that should net the killer negative points at the end of the match instead. You can’t just list a perk for everything. There’s only 4 slots and every time people complain it’s “oh use this perk to counter that, problem solved” no.... it’s not solved. The topic is about DISCOURAGING that type of behavior. Not presenting a solution by listing a perk survivors can use when they already have a million to choose from. Yes BT is great, but quite honestly, I’d rather my teammates do gens if I’m getting face camped. What I don’t want is the killer getting rewarded for that. Because if I lose pip you should too :)
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It's losing a chase, by the game's definition. "Losing" and "Failing" are synonyms.
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Alright, let's make it so that if anyone loses pips, everyone depips. After all, either both teams win, or no teams do. That's how it works in every PvP game.
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Except the fact that people playing the game and continue to play the game are allowed to give constructive criticism, which is what I'm doing. I don't want to hear a single tear from bullshit killers who cry about looping and agree that face-camping is "legitimate".
They can make the games all they want, but if it fails, it fails, and it was time and money and energy wasted. Especially, especially when their players pointed out the hypocrisy time and time again.
They wanna make a fair game? You can't have an entity blocker while validating face-to-face camping.
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I mean, survivors already get blocked for looping and yet killers don't get anything for hook fetishes, so I mean, the game already isn't fair.
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Learn how to unhook without getting grabbed.
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The game is literally designed that the killer will always eventually down the survivor, no matter what. That you would suggest eventually succumbing to such mechanics is failure or losing is questionable.
That someone can run the killer for 10 minutes to then depip/gain very few points to put into various characters because they then got facecamped is incredibly unfair. If we aren't going to actually penalise the scummy player then the person having their ability to play/earn anything from that particular game needs to be compensated, plain and simple.
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Can anyone say "non-sequitur"?
Infinite loops and camping are not comparable, at all. The former made it impossible for the killer to catch someone if the survivor just followed certain routes. The latter gives three survivors a free escape, should they take it.
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BT also doesn't work against a number of killers, to boot!
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There are gens to protect so yes the killer should get punished. It sounds like You’re defending the killers right to face camp by coming up with excuses such as survivors nearby 😂 I don’t think the penalty for camping is strong enough. I’ve literally had killers tell me at the end of the match “at least I got points”.... and yet these are red and purple rank killers.... how are they even still red and purple? Like I said, the system doesn’t penalize them enough to discourage it.
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The survivor can also win the chase by learning to play stealthily instead of looping. Of course, that takes more skill than just memorizing loops...
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meanwhile this game becomes less and less interesting. Last I checked video games were meant for fun. This game isn’t fun a lot of the time. If I’m going to suffer I want to know that my opponent is suffering too because he’s not doing his job which is preventing survivors from escaping. You’re not doing that by standing next to a hook :)
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Gens to protect from whom? Your teammates were right there, is the killer supposed to pretend he doesn't see them?
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If the game isn't fun, you can stop playing. Nobody's forcing you to stick around.
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You're right, they're not the same. A person being camped has literally no options, while the killer being looped can either go find a different killer and leave them alone, or stay there until they move, or get killed by the entity for not finding hatch or a door and looping past time time.
Absolutely not comparable.
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They aren't comparable, because a hooked survivor has no options, but a killer chasing a looper has several, lmfao.
What's next? Demand every survivor begin without legs? Make it real easy on you?
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The person being camped isn't supposed to have any options. They're on the hook, they're at the mercy of the killer and other survivors. It'd be like that even if they weren't being camped.
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what?! “Entitled survivor mindset”? 😂😂 is that all anyone can ever say? No I play killer too. But I don’t stand near a hook nor does demanding harsher penalties for it make me “entitled” in any fashion. It’s not about playing the way I don’t like, it’s about playing the way the game is MEANT to be played. It’s not meant to be played standing next to a hooked survivor. Has nothing to do with me being “entitled” to anything. Killers are ez to play. It sounds like you’re really bad at playing them though. There are so many crutches and ways to slow gen speed and kick survivors out of the game really fast like using an ebony Mori that it really blows me away after all the nerfs and map size shrinks through various updates you people still complain about Being the poor ole killer. Aweeee.
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oof, except, not other survivors either, because the unskilled killer who is somehow magically still in red/purple ranks despite not making the game fun for anyone is making sure of that.
Either put infinite loops on everything, or penalize face camping far more harsh. I shouldn't be in red ranks getting matched with people who belong to rank 20.
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If it weren't intended, it would've been removed, just like infinite loops.
Way too many people in this thread think their opinions on what's "valid gameplay" or "how the game is meant to be played" matter more than those of the guys who literally make the game and decide which mechanics to include.