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Which character has the best movies/show?

Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

Out of all the licenced characters, which one has the best movie/show?

Which character has the best movies/show? 56 votes

FatelanceWhite_Owlzacmangamingliv071981AcesthetiicDelsKibaraKarl_ChildersRaven014EnderloganYTtenoresaxAwkward_FiendOwlzeyTheShape13_TDZPuxMartesa55ZolvezYeetusDeeletus 17 votes
Nightmare on Elm Street
SebaOutbreak 1 vote
BossCheersCashelP14IcewhisperDeath_Syko21BassTramCephalon_LebronChurchofPigIcerySkullKidprofrogZ1Nonlykingkoopa080 13 votes
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dr_Trauts 1 vote
Stranger Things
RaveanFog_KingTheRockstarKnightmusstang62TaigaAhoyWolfAuriellaMattie_MayhemOG0mikeya0BloodyHatchetBingBongBoi_69sourglobebigbucks76VeckmanBlazeknight0923TotemsCleanserFobbo 17 votes
Ash vs Evil Dead
SupernautSeiko300Jacoby2041DetailedDetrimentGreyBigfootNoire 6 votes
I haven't watched any of these
madradfox 1 vote
I dislike all of these


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Saw 1-3 were great, I really liked 5 although most don't, the rest were average.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The original Halloween 1 + 2 were great.

    That being said:

    The original Nightmare on Elm Street were pretty good as well.

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original) was pretty good. It is really short though.

    Stranger things isn't bad. But its later seasons are kind of ruining things a little.

    Ash is... alright. Never seen the original movies, but the show was alright...

    Saw 1 is more of a police drama than a horror movie, but that doesn't mean it is bad.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    scream, even though yes i know its been said a million times that this ghostface isnt the one from scream i know, but then again freddy isnt the freddy from the originals

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190
    I haven't watched any of these

    I picked the wrong option....

    The first NOES, TCM and Halloween are classics of horror cinema. My pick is the first NOES as it is still the only movie that actually scared me when I was a kid. I didnt sleep for 2 full nights.

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220
    Stranger Things

    It was between Halloween and Stranger Things for me. I went with Stranger Things because its not a movie.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Ash vs Evil Dead

    I'm gonna go prematurely against the grain and say Ash Vs. Evil Dead, I'll be honest I had some idea of who Ash was, some guy with an air of confidence who's got a chainsaw strapped to his arm and a sawed off shotgun in his free hand, but I never watched any of the movies or the show up until that point. But when he showed up in Dead By Daylight I was infinitely more curious so I watched the show and some clips of the movies that came before it and it's up there on some of my favorite shows I've watched. It's so sad the third season was cancelled and Bruce Campbell said he'd never come back to the character again

    But I mean, come on, how is this not badass:

    If Scream was an option I definitely would have voted for Scream though, it was what got me into slasher films and horror to begin with. The MTV series was actually really, good imo and I wish they had continued the original story for a third season.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    Halloween and TCM are both tied for me, their original titles are absolute classics.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    edited May 2020

    I liked Halloween 1, 2, H20 and the 2018 movie. The rest were eh.

    Mikey will always be my favorite slasher boi.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I've always been a huge fan of the Saw franchise. Although it's funny to think that if you removed all the traps from the movies that the first few movies could be played off as a medical drama

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Ash vs Evil Dead

    I'm counting the movies along with the show, but Ash is one of two licensed characters that actually feels human. Alongside Ghost Face, he is the only character that shows more than 1 set of emotions.

    Laurie - Fear

    Nightmare on Elm Street - Fear

    SAW - Completely lifeless

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Fear

    Stranger Things also has relatable characters, but the question is "most relatable CHARACTER."

    Ash shows remorse, happiness, bravery, and even some fear and uncertainty in the show and first Evil Dead movie.

  • Zolvez
    Zolvez Member Posts: 19

    Ayy! Let's go! I love Micheal Myers and Halloween (including the third one)

  • TheShape13_TDZ
    TheShape13_TDZ Member Posts: 41

    Halloween is one of the most influential slasher movies as it basically gave birth to the modern day slasher

    The score by John Carpenter is legendary

    and the first movie didn't bludgeon you with gore, rather it build atmosphere whilst still having solid kills

    It's lead is relatable, she's not overly confident but she is competent

    and it gave us Michael Myers, the embodiment of evil

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I genuinely loved SAW 1.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    I don't see the "I like all of this" option

  • BloodyHatchet
    BloodyHatchet Member Posts: 48
    Stranger Things

    I've only ever watched Stranger Things out of all if these that's why...

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited May 2020
    Stranger Things

    Halloween 1, 4, same 2018 were great movies IMO.

    All the others were pretty bad/not really worth owning or watching more than once.


    Stranger Things is pretty great, but in a different kind of way, being neither a pure horror experience (it reeks of 80s family sci-fi film - which is a good thing IMO) nor a film series.

    That said, it puts significant detail and effort into every character and their interactions with each other; which is really nice to see in a genre (horror) that tends to treat people as meat (an act that also robs the horror of any, well, horror).


    The Nightmare on Elm Street 2011 remake sucked. The only redeeming features were Kyle Gallner's performance as Quentin (who is also one of like three main characters that isn't more or less a copy of a character from the original, and he is the ONLY one that benefits from this, being much more interesting and involved then his counterpart Glen) and Jackie Earle Haley's performance as Freddy (despite not being Robert Englund, he does a very solid job as Freddy and does well with what he has to work with, which - unfortunately - is almost nothing).


    The first TCM is a well designed film and a decent watch. I'm not dying to watch it again though, and I haven't heard anything good about successive films in the franchise.


    The first Saw was great, but IMO the series should have stopped there. It was a very interesting, tense, and twisted horror movie with clever ideas.

    The second one was okay, but it didn't improve or build on the first at all. And the end twist doesn't come as a shock - we're expecting it because it is exactly what happened in the first film. There are more deaths, but the movie only suffers from that - the larger cast is more or less unlikable and expendable. Sadly, the only characters of interest are the antagonists.

    I never saw (hee hee) the third film or any successive ones besides the beginning and middle of Jigsaw (which I turned off before the end because I found it boring). But from what I've heard of the series it descends even further into being gorn with 'twists' and subverted chronology - both of which only occur because that's what the first film did.


    I've never seen Ash vs. Evil Dead; but the first Evil Dead was okay and Bruce Campbell is great.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Jigsaw is one of my favourite characters ever. Loved how he didn't target innocent people like in most other movies and shows. The traps were so inventive and were extremely cool.

    Also to me the best chapter they've released. Everything feels Saw from the ability to the map to Detective Tapp. Also that trailer for the chapter is my favourite by a country mile.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Saw III was great imo, and personally Saw V was highly underrated. Wouldn't reccomend watching the others.