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Struggling mechanic QOL change

Member Posts: 104

We all been there where we reach 2nd state and have to start struggling. Too fast and the game won't recognize you're struggling. Too slow and it's the same result. And then the new players who think they can just hold it will die super early cause they didn't know any better. Then due to how Dbd is (sorry devs) sometimes the servers screw you over and have a small lag surge thus killing you unintentionally. Had it happen to a couple friends before.

And when you play survivor alot you really give your finger a workout when you reach struggle phase multiple times a game session.

What if, instead of mashing the button you have it set to, the game struggles for you and you have to press a button to let go early/or holding down the button rather than mash. It would help cause it isn't a direct buff, just a quality of life change to this mechanic to help survivor players.

The only negatives I can see are people not remembering the new struggle and thus accidentally let go or an afk player struggling for too long and gets another surv sacrificed cause they couldn't get hatch in time.

What are your thoughts? Are there any negatives I didn't take into account? I personally would love to see a QoL change to how struggling works as it's been the same since Dbd came out.


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  • Member Posts: 590

    "Clicking a button is too hard, pls fix"

    It's fine as it is. I really wish survivor's would learn to play the game, as opposed to crying for various mechanics so they can still win without using any skill or strategy at all.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    Two taps per second. That's all it takes. I usually go for twice that (so four taps a second) just to be on the safe side, but I have done it slightly above two taps per second and it went well.

    EDIT: To be clear, I agree with the suggestion. I'm just providing more information to (hopefully) help those who are struggling with this (no pun intended)

  • Member Posts: 14,901

    I am playing with a controller so me and my A-button approve for this change! (Or any change)

    if they need us to do something engaging give us jigsawbox- or snap-our-of-it skill checks or something

  • Member Posts: 19

    When even the slightest intermittent lag spike can cause you to die during the struggle phase, the entire mechanic becomes pretty indefensible.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That sounds like a terrible idea. Just let it be automatic with a button to give up.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Use a macro if you can. I have a macro set to repeatedly spam A and D for wiggling, and in the game settings, I've changed struggling to A so that the macro works on it as well. So if I wanna wiggle or struggle all I have to do is press ONE button on the mouse ONCE xD

    PS Even if the macro is set to spam A and D, it still works if you only need to hit A (Struggling).

  • Member Posts: 169

    On console, auto struggle would make me consider survivor more, because I don't want to mash a button every time I get hooked.

    It makes sense on QTE on other games, because it would mean you need to mash enough once to pass it once and never see it again if you don't start the game over, but not on Dead By Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Hello and welcome to 2016. Yes, we suggested this in 2016 already and as you can see: nothing done.

    The more I think about how the devs treat us the more I hate them, ngl.

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    100% killer main who never or rarely plays survivor. And probably a bad player aswell, I would bet 100$ on this one.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Why? If you're going to say my idea is "terrible", I'd like some reasoning behind it. 🙂

    Numbers are just placeholders, I'd like you to focus on the idea rather than the numbers. 😄

  • Member Posts: 476

    As someone that has tendinitis in both wrists from working with fork lifts and pallet jacks for many years... I would obviously love a fix to the stupid button mashing in this game. I don't see why anyone would think that it's a fun thing in the game. But it's never going anywhere. And if you wanna play it'll be something you have to accept. Lol trust me I wish they'd do something else instead myself.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    It doesn't matter how much time you buy yourself, you still need to be rescued by a teammate. Someone still has to stop whatever they are doing just to unhook you (that's your pressure).

    Sorry to disappoint you, but not every survivor are these Godly beings who can land every great skill check. The majority of the playerbase will only hit a few greats here and there, but nothing crazy. If a few extra seconds on the hook will cost you the game, you aren't applying enough pressure, sadly. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I didn't think it needed to be explained why giving survivors the ability to extend their time on the hook is a bad idea, especially with no way to just give up, but @Entity_Hugs already did it for me.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    You can still give up by pressing a button.

    Anyways, it wouldn't hurt to give survivors a few seconds for hitting greats. C'mon, it's not going to be the end of the world if survivors can potentially stay on the hook for a few more seconds. 🙂

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You do remember that survivors potentially being able to stay on the hook longer was already tried, right?

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I play on PC with a controller. If I struggle for the full second stage, my wrist is on fire -- I have carpal tunnel. So I'm all for this annoying mechanic to scram. Not to mention, if I accidentally knock even slightly the left joystick, it kills me. Kind of hard to look around and see what others are doing, which is a lot more engaging than pressing A / X. I just don't get it, they say it's so we pay attention, but then what's the logic of us sitting and doing nothing in the first phase? Unless everyone is about to die of course, then we might try for that 4%.

    It's silly and I don't truly believe it has a useful purpose.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Actually the idea of having the button be held or "auto struggle" extends far deeper than simply "Git Gud". There are many people who physically cannot keep pace with the button tapping and this would be a QOL change for them. I also dislike how dedicated servers can screw you over even while you are hitting the button.

    The OP is far from alone in wanting to see this change as it should have been implemented ages ago, not just because the server can mess you up but for those who cannot physically press the button as required.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited May 2020

    I've set two macros in my mouse, one for struggling other for wiggling. They make exactly what you are hoping for.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Obviously there would be a maximum amount of time you can gain xD

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    This is a great idea. Just need to cap out the bonus amount of time, probably make struggle 45 seconds at base with a good skill check granting 4 seconds up to a 16 second bonus. A great skill check could grant 8 seconds and capping the same way. Skill checks could occur at 10 second intervals kind of like snap out of it checks. It would keep struggle engaging whilst removing the need to mash.

  • Member Posts: 826

    As always with every anti button mash struggle thread I'll throw my support. I hate that mechanic and me and my friends all die accidentally all the time.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I'm totally with you guys and I don't know why the devs are struggling so hard to finally change something (no pun intended). Ancient things like "thumbstick yanking" or "button mashing" shouldn't be in this game...or any other. These so called "mechanics" are unnecessary and just annoying, they wear out your hardware (controller, keyboard etc.) and they cause trouble for people with physical disabilities. I personally would like to see a change from the actual mechanics to something like "hold down button" to wiggle / struggle and "release button" to give up.

    As someone said before: People asking for a change since 2016. Why are the devs ignoring their playerbase for so long ? They are not asking for game-breaking stuff. It's not a survivor buff or a killer's just a QoL change...nothing more, nothing less...and a simple change like this is probably implemented in less than 5 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I have my struggle binded to mousewheel down and I've never had it kill me for struggling too fast. Maybe I just haven't played enough.

    Regardless, I do think the buttonmashing should be removed.

  • Member Posts: 590

    Doing a gen? Hold the button, and press the occasional skill check.

    Healing? Hold the button, and press the occasional skill check.

    Mending? Hold the button, and press the occasional skill check.

    Searching a chest? Hold the button, no skill checks

    Cleansing a totem? Hold the button, no skill checks

    Hook Phase 1? Do nothing, just chill. Make yourself a cup of tea if you like.

    For real, how much less involved could survivors possibly be in the game that you want to eliminate a mechanic that forces you to pay attention?

    Interesting, you hit the nail right on the head, and then completely missed the fact that you did!

    You said it yourself... you've missed on occasion (as have I) and that caused your untimely demise. It does affect what happens in the game, and you just affirmed it, right after saying that it doesn't. Make up your mind.

    There's a number of ways to already get around this, the easiest one being to assign the struggle to your mouse-wheel and let it rip.

    But if we're seriously going to go down the route of "I can't physically perform to the demands of this PvP game", then can we add in auto-aim 'cos I can't aim that well, and make survivor's auras visible all the time 'cos I'm a little hard of hearing, etc, etc. Where do you draw the line?

    Pay up, I play both at red rank, these days more survivor than killer. You could have done the smallest bit of research and checked either twitch or youtube to see the evidence for yourself. Please make a donation to a registered charity, ideally a child-related one, and post confirmation of such, thanks.

  • Member Posts: 215

    You do not have to press the button as fast as you think... If you think you messed up by missing, it was probably lag because that's usually when it does it. It's happened to me twice since owning this game. The struggle feature does not need changed. Maybe switch your struggle button up.

  • Member Posts: 236
    edited May 2020

    Just set a macro to spam A/D and [SPACE] ... Almost all keyboards come with a utility for it.

    For sensitive games, just have it record you actually spamming those keys, so it looks more legit.

    To me, manually hitting the same button over and over for an extended period of time is not feasible. I do have Carpal Tunnel, and it really hurts like hell doing it so much. A macro eases this tremendously.

    Also, mouse wheel isn't possible, as my mouse wheel stops spinning the very second I let go of it. It's not one of those free-spin wheels.

  • Member Posts: 712

    It should go like this

    Great: Don't have great skill checks

    Good: +0 seconds

    Failed: -20 seconds

    You receive a skill check every 4 seconds

    It's seems people forgot that the struggle phase is the STRUGGLE phase and not the peaceful relaxation phase

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    Paying attention to mash a button? Funny how you assume everyone has a single digit IQ number and has to 100% concentrate on mashing a button lol

  • Member Posts: 933

    I agree it should be changed. Mashing a button like a maniac shouldn't be so punishing. (If you screw up, you just instantly die. There's no real "Tolerance" for not mashing fast enough. Even Metal Gear Solid's various sequences where you're being tortured and need to mash to stay alive gives you a health bar and an oxygen gauge which drains before your health starts dropping)

    At the very least, they could change it so not mashing fast enough makes you get sacrificed at a faster rate so a missed press doesn't instantly kill you.

    At the most, axe mashing completely and change it with holding space, or holding a button to die and have struggle be automatic.

    The worst part is on console, status effects often make the game hitch or stutter, (That's why people complain about bloodlust lag. It happens with ALL status effects the first time they get applied) and when struggling, something like NOED activating can cause you to die even if you are mashing.

    We're not playing a 90's arcade game and button mashing feels like an outdated mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 590

    Well, you've yet to explain how people have managed to miss... :P

    Btw, did you pay up yet on your previous failed claim?

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited May 2020

    "There's a number of ways to already get around this, the easiest one being to assign the struggle to your mouse-wheel and let it rip."

    Thanks for the tip, I'll keep this in mind when I play on my PS4.

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