A further explanation on the whole Jason/F13 situation. Update to my previous discussion.

So, first of all, I was torn on if I wanted to make this it's own discussion or add it onto my previous one. I decided on making it it's own thing because I believe it to be big enough for it. Onto the actual topic, so today, Riley from Slash n Cast really made a great video on this topic today. Please have a watch below, it really shines a better light on the situation. All credit goes to Slash n Cast!
So, it is possible BUT you would have to have absolutely ZERO connection to the original Friday. So, what are your further opinions on the matter?
I honestly don't care too much for Jason imo trapper fills his role quite well if not infact he seems to be molded with Jason in mind.
All he is really missing is a hockey mask. And as far as abilities go Jason could somewhat teleport. That's really the only difference.
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Imagine them Reworking Trapper and just naming him Jason. Trapper just went Super Saiyan God!
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Having no connection to the first does not rule out Jason. Just his mother. There may be a small argument that jason was indeed mentioned by name in the first movie. In fact while in the movie for less than a minute (i beleive) he is the reason the movie even happens.
That being, the jason we all know and love Didnt get his signature look until the 3rd movie, or his supernatural powers until the 6th.
Crystal lake would be off limits, although again there could be an argument that there really is a crystal lake but i doubt that would fly.
Yes trapper was their version of Jason but he just isn't. I would love to have a Jason in the game and really am hoping they got him.
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I disagree, the devs most certainly could find some unique powers for Jason and to be fair, yes, Trapper is most certainly off brand Jason and as much as I love him, I'd gladly take the real deal any day. Plus, like my friend @MegMain98 said, Trapper is really only Jason in aesthetic and lore wise because I can only recall Jason using traps in the remaake.
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It would be super hilarious to see, please do a joke event for April Fool's day BHVR! xD
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I remember one instance if someone caught in a trap. Never saw the remake.
Of course if they do get him it will probably be the remake version. With jared oadalecki (supernatural fame) as survivor
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You "Disagree" and then leave it up to the devs to make his powers? Please name some of his powers besides super human strength, regeneration, and a slight teleportation.
Trapper is already Jason lite. He would be a waste of development we could have on an original killer. So when I disagree with you ill gladly give you a reason. Not just
" I disagree the devs can come up with his powers"
Going off Jason the only power he could really have is to put a built in devoured hope that's modified. He would be a walking mori. Again imo a waste of dev time
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Yes, Trapper is based on Jason aesthetic wise, but he doesn’t fill the role of Jason because their powers would not be similar in the slightest. Jason only used bear traps in one of his movies and that was the 2009 remake. He always killed people in unique ways and didn’t need a bear trap. When you think of bear traps and slasher villains, you don’t think of Jason Voorhees. They both wear a mask, use a machete, and are big imposing figures but that is where the similarities end.
I’m pretty sure they took inspiration from Samara (The Ring) when making Spirit but that doesn’t mean down the line that Samara isn’t a possibility. Billy and Leatherface are another prime example.
Think of all the unique ways that Jason killed his victims and then look at Trapper’s power and especially his mori. Do you think that really does Jason Voorhees justice?
If ANYBODY were to fill Jason’s role, it would be Myers not Trapper. I would still love Jason though since alongside Myers, he is the most infamous slasher icon.
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I mean you can sit and tell me they are different all day long but in the end even in your post the only thing different is the powers. So going off your post 90% of trapper is already jason.
So please again enlighten me. Other then a built in mori, with dbd limits In mind what could Jason's powers be to make him a fun killer and diverse from trapper.
I'll wait.
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Why do you think that Trapper is anything like Jason in the first place other than "Look, a mask!!"
Wow, we just summed up like 85% of horror villains.
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He could teleport anywhere on a map as long as it wasnt within so many meters of a survivor or at least not in there sight. He was always popping up behind people.
I like the whole built in mori idea
His basic attacks could break walls and pallets. He does that a lot
He could have built in tracking through audio whispers. Kill kill kill kill....chop chop chop chop
He could also have to grab weapons found in lockers after every hook.
These are off the top of my head and probably pretty bad but im not a developer. I haven't had a year or so to come up with powers.
Point is trapper looks like Jason. He is NOT Jason.
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Also honestly the F13 Game fully represents what Jason is and does, along the F13 franchise as a whole. That person you responded to just described everything Jason does in the F13 Game and DBD will come nowhere close to respecting Jason like that.
It's would be a waste of a license character, would add nothing new or interesting, and they can't out do F13 anyway cause of DBD limitations on creative things/how the game mechanics work.
I love Jason but I dont want him in this game. Also dont want a repeat of Ghostface with no connection to its originally source.
For Ghostface okay that kinda works, but Jason is no random person besides in the 5th movie
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Thats why I said within limitation of dbd. Everything you named is pretty broken.
If he can basic attack a pallet he would have to be the slowest killer
Built in mori could work but only if it was a built in devour. Still pretty broken
Whispers we have that in the form of a perk
You can't make a good Jason in dbd and that is the point I'm trying to make. He is great in f13 but none of that works here without dumping all over the survivors.
@Bovinity please don't quote me again if you choose to be illiterate and not read the post lm replying to, as the person I replied to said the frame, the weapon, the strength etc thats all of my time you will get for that.
Again trapper is as CLOSE to Jason as it gets without screwing him up.
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Wow, such edge, much r/iamverysmart
The fact is that you're making some kind of comparison between Trapper and Jason just because of being big guys in masks. It's a silly thing to say when that's an incredibly shallow similarity in the world of horror and there's no reason that they can't be worlds apart in terms of abilities and gameplay. (If anything, it'd be Myers that would have the most apparent similarities in likely gameplay and kits.)
Hell, the existing killers already show that appearance doesn't have to translate to gameplay.
And yes, I know you're about to hit reply and say, "Oh, you like Jason? Name every possible well-designed ability he could have." as if my inability to live up to your assigned role of armchair game designer somehow proves your point.
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So because Trapper was loosely based from Jason that means Trapper is Jason? Is Billy also Leatherface? Or is Spirit also Samara? Legion, Ghostface, and Myers all have white masks, are they the same.
They are ONLY similar aesthetic wise and even that is a big stretch. Trapper has a mask (like half the roster of the killers) and a machete which is basically the only similarities those two share.
You’re asking the most uncreative person in the world what Jason’s power would be. Off the top of my head I can’t think of anything, but again...I’m not creative.
My point is that Trapper is not and never will be Jason, ever. Jason could definitely have a power that is diverse from Trapper (seeing how Jason has only ever used traps one time over the entire span of his movies).
Jason is still wanted by many people and even the devs themselves. I do understand your point though about coming up with a unique power that isn’t already existing. I wouldn’t want them to screw up Jason either.
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Uber Jason may not be the Jason everyone wants but he is the Jason everyone deserves.
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So jason drives the survivors around the map while charging exorbitant amounts of bloodpoints per ride?
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@Feiten trapper is NO WAY near close to Jason.
I have no doubt in my mind that the developers would love to add this iconic killer in the game and most certainly would do him justice. The developers are creative who dig deep and would definitely make him separate to trapper and definitely not a waste of a killer space.
Jason has killed 146 people (yes 146) in only 12 films In creative ways! He has more unique potential than any other killer and obviously lore would be different too.
There is no doubt in my mind that he would be a great addition to the DBD series
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Trapper actually like, uses a like, I'm cleaver, so like, that's NOT a like, similarity.
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" Jason in dbd? is it possible? "
Im not clicking that because they are not going to answer you that . All those click bait videos makes me sick already.
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@Bloodwebs yeah Ok buddy. In NO WAY close.
@MegMain98 mmhmm
@Bovinity again if you do not read my post or the discussion at hand please don't reply kid, ty.
Post edited by Feiten on0 -
What’s your point? I played the F13 game for over a thousand hours before playing DBD. I know he used bear traps, but the gameplay on that game is different than DBD.
The killer has one main power on DBD and in F13 the main killer IS Jason who has multiple powers and bear traps just added an extra layer to him to make him stronger. It was needed to make the objectives more dangerous for the counselors to complete so they did immediately fix the car or the phone box. It was for gameplay purposes not because it cannon to the movie series.
Doesn’t change the fact that his power (if he was ever added) should NOT ever be trap related and that he only used a trap one time in the actual movies.
When I think “how does Jason Voorhees kill his victims” I think either with a machete or with his bare hands in a unique way...not a bear trap.
I don’t see how Trapper and Jason are even comparable other than them looking very slightly similar.
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One of Trapper's default weapon is a machete, Jason's signature weapon. Throw on any one of his numerous heads that resembles a hockey mask and boom... He's Jason. And while Jason only used bear traps in the reboot, that didn't stop Gun Media as using them as one of his main mechanics in the game. Therefore, Trapper is Jason imo.
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You missed the point. Trapper uses a cleaver, not a machete.
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But where is this built in mori idea coming from. I don't see any other killer having a built-in mori unless it's a offering. No it wouldn't be fun if a killer could just go around with a free mori on survivors.
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Trapper's default weapon is a machete. I have not seen a meat cleaver for him. There are makeshift weapons, but no meat cleavers.
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I would say a power meter similar to devour hope. Every hit builds his power. After so many hits, 8 or so, he can mori someone. He would not be able to take out the final girl so to speak. But he would be unique in that the more people alive, the more threatening he is.
Again off the top of my head. I do like the have to grab a new weapon after every hook idea though
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He could even have a ranged instadown weapon that he has to collect from wherever it landed to use again.
Teleport between lockers
Walk through breakable walls or pallets on a cool down with little to no penalty
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in my opinion the new killer will be candyman, but i think jason also has a possibility, even if it is minimal
(Why do people suddenly get a little aggressive with this idea? "NO! I don't want Jason! He will never be in DBD! He is literally the trapper!" ... brother, relax ... if you don't like it the idea of jason coming in dbd, keep it to yourself, why wear yourself out with us? haha, just keep in in mind.)
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Need I say more?
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Those are not meat cleavers....need I say more. I even said he had makeshift bladed weapons. You have some reading comprehension issues, yeah?
I do love how you conveniently left out his default MACHETE! I'm looking at my Trapper right now and loaded up his Machete. I'm going to go get some survivors with it. Enjoy your day.
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My point is you're wrong 😉
You made up a conversation that translates into jason using bear traps as an ability for dbd..no one said that.
They are indeed similar. If you can't wrap your mind around it idk what to tell ya, kid.
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As Always when this is brought up, every month, the ORIGINAL friday didnt have jason as a killer. Or in a mask. Or with a machete. So that is obviously not the hangups with this franchise...
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About the fact that you omitted his machete weapon that he has as base? Nope. Just that one major point.
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The fact that you said “Other then a built in mori, with dbd limits In mind what could Jason's powers be to make him a fun killer and diverse from trapper“ insinuating that you think he can’t be diverse from Trapper both aesthetic and power wise and I gave you all the reasons I believe he is VERY diverse from Trapper.
Even going so for as to dig up his bear traps from F13 the Game with has nothing to with DBD or what Jason ACTUALLY did in his movies.
I don’t believe anybody is “right or wrong”. It’s just a discussion but apparently you’re too worried about being the correct one.
Maybe similar to YOU but they aren’t to everybody.
And the fact that you end it with “kid” trying to demean somebody like you’re some kind of big shot is honestly laughable and pathetic boo.
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I'm not gonna pretend I'm super familiar with the Friday the 13th movies. Its probably been 20 years since I seen any of them. I can tell you though, I in no way associate Jason with traps. I haven't seen the new movies. If he was in game, I imagine brute strength would be one of his things. Perhaps kills with his bare hands. There's a ton of room for creativity though.
I liked the idea someone had about him using random weapons from lockers. Not the mori thing though, ew.
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What's with your attitude? Jeez, calm down.
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You... you can see emotions on a tile of text? Holy ######### batman.
I run a company and own cars people dream of, I have no attitude at all bub xD I'm all good, very Zen infact. Seems people are irked by me tho.
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Theres no point in arguing with someone who can't take people having their own opinions & just has to be right in all aspects of a discussion. I would just dead the back and forth with that guy lol.
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I mean...did we ask if you owned a company? Sounds like your just trying to show off to people who really don't care what you own since this is a discussion about a f13th chapter.
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Most people can, actually.
And a handful of people see a condescending attitude from your posts. So maybe, when multiple people point something out, some self-reflection is necessary.
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Look when you make a point and debate it over the obvious information its a pitfall to see what is infront of you
I've said in my opinion trapper is dbds version of Jason and that they are infact very similar. This dates back to the same post from 2017.
F13 used beartraps cause thats all jason can really do in a video game world. He fills a brute role. When I ask what powers can you name that jason has that u can implement into the game they just say " they are not similar " I can't think of the powers the devs can"
Why do you think f13 went with beartraps. Cause Jason is not all that diverse from trapper.
I think the devs should back away from licensed killers and make some more original ones
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I think it's more complicated than that. I mean he wrote the first movie. If im not mistaken, its the only movie he wrote. Yes he names Jason but only that. Hockey mask and what not was not him and im not sure how he could be given ownership of it.
Plus, how did the recently created board game get permission? Im nit arguing with you, these are just questions I would live to know the answer to
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Well apparently, at least what is said in the video(please watch it, seriously) Victor has basically won but only the rights to the og film and only in the US market, at least to my understanding.
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Alright, thanks, this entire thing is super wonky. :/
The board game and 40th anniversary box set throws a huge monkey wrench into it as well.
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Did either of you even read the short passage besides look and say "uuuuuhhhhhhh that is ma sh et e! Pic ture is ma sh et e!!!"
The base weapon's name is The Cleaver. Not The Machete.
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Honestly, I'm just happy to be receiving ANY F13 content, like, at all.
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But they do answer it and it is possible...
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Why does it matter what a game developed by people unrelated to dbd chose to do in that game? Also if i remember correctly, bear traps were A power not his only power in game.
Yes, i do beleive the devs admitted when they created trapper they took inspiration from Jason. That in no way diminishes their ability to come up with a power that seperates the two and makes each distinctive.
I get you could care less if jason was added. I respect that. I however would love to see him in this game. What are his powers? Well Ive listed a couple. They may not be great but i haven't thought much about it. The developers on the other hand, if they were to attain Jason would have to him justice. They would take more than 5 minutes to list ideas.
Also telling someone that their opinion is worthless because they can't come up with creative powers is nonsense. In the end all any of us can do is have faith that the developers can create fun unique powers regardless of original or licensed killer.