Death Slinger

Honestly in my opinion is the worst killer design ever, like the power is cool but the execution is terrible and he needs some changes that will probably never be done> his chain shouldn't go through objects, like it shouldn't cut through a wall. also I understand he has to reload after every shot but the fact he can just shoot instantly is kind of annoying and unfair, doesn't even give the survivor a chance to be able to dodge. but what I think is the worst part is the fact he is a ranged killer but also a terror radius so small and with monitor almost no terror radius that he is also practically a stealth killer, no other killer with some ability to close in distance or ranged attack is a stealth killer so why is death slinger.
I mean to wind up and fire its a 0.5 second window followed by a 40m/s projectile so if you dodged around 10 meters out you still have 0.75 seconds to react and could move 3 meters in any direction so its kinda on you if you get hit. His chain doesn't go through objects that's just latency pulling you around a corner and if he should instantly break chain then they would need some serious buffs to justify that. If you don't like his terror radius bring spine chill or bring sprint burst. Also the reload is the chance you get to run away his movement speed goes down to about 55% for 2.75-2.00 seconds just run away.
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I didn't say his chain should break i think it should get caught on the object but his chain cutting all the way through a wall as he goes around to the door is not latency, im not talking when he shoots im talking about after hes hit you and walks around while his chain cuts through every thing, how is it some ethereal chain that ghosts through objects but still able to pull a person
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It's easier than making it wrap around objects.
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There's no way it's 0.5s,something is wrong about that. It's alot faster than 0.5s,it has to be >_<
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i heard they just changed it so i guess it use to take a bit but it no longer does and he can shoot instantly
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I know its easier but nothing good comes easy, so if you want a good game you gotta work hard and go the extra mile to get it
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You can take a look at this vid. go to 1:40 and go to 0.25x You can tell the shot is around 200ms. Not 500ms at all. @bjorksnas
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I mean, it does its job. They could polish it in the future but i would rather they do other things first.
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Ads takes 0.125 seconds firing delay is 0.5 seconds
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You can slow down the vid and see for urself that,that info is wrong. Wiki can be wrong,just like how they are wrong about pallet stuns removing BL. If it was 500ms+ it'd be easy to react to,but it really isn't.
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I can see the delay and feel the delay ingame
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Yeah well if that was the case,everyone would easily dodge slinger. But it isn't,cause it's alot faster that 500ms+. If you can dodge his shots currently and the dodges are completely reactionary and not predictionary,then you sir have superhuman reaction time :)
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I was informed the ADS actually takes 150 ms, there was a typo on the wiki. However, the wiki's info comes from the literal game code.
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at a long range he is easy to doge there is even a sound effect played when he is aiming at you. so as long as you keep a lookout and don't give him a chance by running out into the open he is not that hard to deal with. sure his 1 vs 1 is great but his map pressure is almost as none existent as clowns. at loops you just drop the pallet early if he goes to break it run to the next loop and repeat and if he doesn't break the pallet it's easy to abuse his slow ass.
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Deathslinger needs to be fixed. He needs to lift his gun to his shoulder before firing. even if it is .5s, this is still too short. The deathslinger can fire his gun out of his chest because people dont have to lift their rifle to aim. This is BS if you ask me.