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Should there be a counter to camping?

Kirby Member Posts: 26

I've been through this issue a lot where a pig, or Myers, etc is camping in a corner waiting for someone to save me, then swoops them away or slashes them to make them retreat and rethink their plan. I feel like there should be a counter to camping or at least a penalty. I think there should be a barrier of some sort surrounding the hooked survivor, that only other survivors can pass through. The barrier wouldn't stay up for long once the survivors unhooked, only for a few seconds (5-6 sec) for them to plan an escape. What do you think about camping? Should they just leave it the way it is, or should they try and find a way to stop killers from camping and ruining the game.


  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    Well there is one thing That sometimes works it’s called diversion.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    The counter to camping is survivors playing intelligently. It just rarely happens. I say that as a survivor main.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    There are both counters and penalties for camping - killers are penalised in the Chaser emblem for every second they spend in close proximity to a hooked survivor, and the main counter is to scare the killer away from the hook by doing generators, although things like Borrowed Time and Styptic Agents can also work. It sucks to be the hooked player, but if the survivors play it right, they'll only get one kill.

    The only reason killers camp, outside of personal vendettas, is because survivors feed into it. If survivors consistently refuse to reward them for camping, that killer is never going to rank up, so eventually they'll change their playstyle when they realise that this one isn't very rewarding.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    There is a counter, do gens

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    That is the worst idea ever. Do you know how easily abused that can be. Survivors could run in it to heal and get free unhooks as much as they want.

    Let me tell something to all you rank 20 survivors. The counter to camping is called doing gens. 2 minutes on a hook is enough for the other 3 do do the gens and escape

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    There is..... It's called Borrowed Time....

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2020

    The counter is doing gens, however at weaker ranks camping will usually net you a 3/4k pretty consistently.

    The reason is that weaker players are less likely to have the situational or strategic awareness to understand that a killer is camping and that the only counter is to ignore whoever is on hook and rush gens down, before it's too late. There's actually a pretty small window, especially if the players struggle to quickly find gens and sometimes miss skill checks. You will find problems like this all over DBD - that new player experience is a very different thing from what is experienced than elsewhere.

    The only real solution is just to keep on playing and rank out of playing with weak players, unfortunately.

  • Kirby
    Kirby Member Posts: 26

    i know but it just feels wrong to let the survivor hooked die without playing most of the game, or having any chance to get out of there. They'll just lose a pip and hate the game cause of people that camp.

  • Kirby
    Kirby Member Posts: 26

    So you're willing to sacrifice and leave a teammate behind. And i don't see how it's "overpowered" the barrier would only show up once you unhook the survivor and it'd only last maybe 5 to 6 seconds, definitely not enough time to heal.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    I mean, yeah. It sucks, but that's just the nature of online games.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    That's not a great idea tbh, with perks like DS or Borrowed, that's basically a free unhook with no extra thought required.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    I am absolutely willing to leave a teammate behind. This game is supposed to challenge when we act altruistically or when we should be selfish. Its not a "lets all get out and survive together." Its a "lets use each other and hopefully all survive but I'm willing to trip you to escape."

    Why should we expect killers to walk away when they are almost guaranteed more hits? That doesn't make any sense, it is like chumming the water for fish and then moving to a different spot before they come.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Yes. Weigh the cons here. Do you risk yourselves trying to save one person, so the killer gets more than one kill, or do you all do your objective, and get three escape and one kill?

    Your idea is highly abusable. A killer hooks somebody, and goes to leave. Now, a team can just swoop and for the save, and be protected by said barrier. They can then heal up in the six seconds with decent medkits, and especially with perks.

    Then what about perks that help in this regard, like Borrowed Time and DS?

    Third, do you know how much ground a survivor can make in six seconds? Survivors will simply throw themselves at the save, with the right perks, and get away 100% of the time.

    Camping sucks, sure, but there are counters. Get out of brown ranks, and it gets better. Camping is penalized already with point reduction, especially face camping. Killers just get away with it because survivors will throw the match in an attempt for the single save.

    Do gens, and bring Borrowed Time.