What is the point of sabotaging hooks?

You take the time to destroy a hook but if you get caught the killer will just take you to another one 10 ft away. 

Is it just to farm bloodpoints? To distract the killer from your friend on a generator? I don’t get it. On paper it sounds cool but in reality it’s like... well that’s that. 

Best Answer


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    This should answer your question. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tsulan said:
    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

    Yes because Marth is a good representative of the DBD community average gameplay. Oh and 4 top gamers worldwide on voice comms already having discussed pre game what they're going to do.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

    Yes because Marth is a good representative of the DBD community average gameplay. Oh and 4 top gamers worldwide on voice comms already having discussed pre game what they're going to do.

    Top gamers? That is debatable
    4 SWf discussing pregame what to do, everyone can do that.

    And yeah the game is balanced when solo survivors play casually at medium ranks, but SWF at high rank.....

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

    Yes because Marth is a good representative of the DBD community average gameplay. Oh and 4 top gamers worldwide on voice comms already having discussed pre game what they're going to do.

    Uhmm... I don't want to belittle marth, BUT there are survivor mains, that are 10 times better than anyone of his team is. Marth is a killer main, so are his friends. They are very good at what they do, but there are survivor mains which can loop you for 5 gens without breaking a sweat. This means, that others can do the same things and even better.

    Survivors said, those things are not possible. Gen rushes are a myth, bla bla. Then marth showed how it is indeed possible. Now they turned to "no one plays like this"
    But the fact is,  that there are swf deathsquads which play like this. 
    So it's not only marth and his friends.
  • marth88gaming
    marth88gaming Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2018

    Heavens no I don't take offense in anyway.. I am a crap survivor compared to many others out there. The thing apparently people don't tend to understand is we did the ONLY thing we are supposed to do is GENS. You know that one objective that is the only objective.... The thing that apparently according to many survivors don't do and because survivors don't DO the objective they die and then they call us try hards for killing and when we fail they call us losers and ######### players etc? It is funny coming from them because they are the power role. They either let us beat them by making enough mistakes for us to capitalize or they didn't make mistakes and dominated... A lot of killers have to get good at capitalizing on the mistakes when presented to them. THIS is what makes a great killer.

    Edit: Also you don't have to be a SWF group to do what we did... Just play smart and do oh whats the word..... GENS!!!!!! Here is a little tip for what we taught one of our members that was not a diligent as slamming gens... Being chased? Run the killer. Not being chased? Do gens! No one hooked yet? Do gens!!! Someone Hooked and you see someone else going for save DO GENS!!! it is really not that HARD lol. Now you will get boosted animals as survivors that will just go down over and over again.... farm the benevolence and move to the next game.. A lot of solo ques survivors play stupid, but trust me I have seen my fair share of death squads too in solo play.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @marth88gaming said:
    Heavens no I don't take offense in anyway.. I am a crap survivor compared to many others out there. The thing apparently people don't tend to understand is we did the ONLY thing we are supposed to do is GENS. You know that one objective that is the only objective.... The thing that apparently according to many survivors don't do and because survivors don't DO the objective they die and then they call us try hards for killing and when we fail they call us losers and ######### players etc? It is funny coming from them because they are the power role. They either let us beat them by making enough mistakes for us to capitalize or they didn't make mistakes and dominated... A lot of killers have to get good at capitalizing on the mistakes when presented to them. THIS is what makes a great killer.

    Edit: Also you don't have to be a SWF group to do what we did... Just play smart and do oh whats the word..... GENS!!!!!! Here is a little tip for what we taught one of our members that was not a diligent as slamming gens... Being chased? Run the killer. Not being chased? Do gens! No one hooked yet? Do gens!!! Someone Hooked and you see someone else going for save DO GENS!!! it is really not that HARD lol. Now you will get boosted animals as survivors that will just go down over and over again.... farm the benevolence and move to the next game.. A lot of solo ques survivors play stupid, but trust me I have seen my fair share of death squads too in solo play.

    Thanks for the response and wasn't trying to be rude just that as a Streamer you're held up to a God like standard. This isn't fair to you nor the community as a whole since you're considered representative of us all. Some people on both sides have put you on a pillar so they can use you as a backdrop for their arguments.

    I play both sides and even when going up against full 4 man sfw that can loop me endlessly I still have some fun. I learn from those experiences on how to counter it better and when to break off that chase. I learn how to be a better survivor and not make mistakes. I suck at looping and if i try it i'm usually caught within a minute or less. It doesn't fit my playstyle t all and there's others who're the same.

    I've been in full solo queue games where we just destroyed the killer and no one got hooked and or sac'd. We just flat outplayed the killer. But i've been in other games where the killer just flat outplayed us, it wasn't due to mistakes they just chose the best killer and perks. They took advantage of the map and gen locations, they knew where every pallet and safe spot would be.

    I'd love for their to be something besides just gens to do so that both sides get longer games and more enjoyment but that hasn't happened.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I sabotaged a hook near a generator that was next to the exit because I knew the Killer would come for me eventually, and I wanted the safety of not having that hook around in case I was caught. I failed to see the second nearby hook, but had I 99% both and dropped them almost simultaneously, I wouldn't have been hooked. Just the time spent to carry me from one to the other was enough for me to almost completely wiggle free.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    On my entire journey to Rank 1 as killer, I can't recall a single time anyone effectively used sabotage. It's kind of RNG for the survivor to make it work. You have to sabo a hook to like 99% and hope he carries a survivor from far away to that specific hook, then you can sabotage it and the survivor can escape.

    If you're with a SWF, you can make a killer's hooks pretty miserable if you combine sabotaging with body blocking. IMO the average SWF team can't do this because it takes a lot of coordination.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Tsulan said:
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:

     @Tsulan said:

    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

    Yes because Marth is a good representative of the DBD community average gameplay. Oh and 4 top gamers worldwide on voice comms already having discussed pre game what they're going to do.

    Uhmm... I don't want to belittle marth, BUT there are survivor mains, that are 10 times better than anyone of his team is. Marth is a killer main, so are his friends. They are very good at what they do, but there are survivor mains which can loop you for 5 gens without breaking a sweat. This means, that others can do the same things and even better.

    Survivors said, those things are not possible. Gen rushes are a myth, bla bla. Then marth showed how it is indeed possible. Now they turned to "no one plays like this"
    But the fact is,  that there are swf deathsquads which play like this. 
    So it's not only marth and his friends.

    The really sad part about Marth's efforts is that he unintentionally teaches survivor mains new strategies making every survivor stronger with each video. For example, I used to think that having multiple people on a generator would cause total repairs to happen faster. Marth showed us that by splitting up we can get three generators done at the very start if someone loops the killer. Now more people know about and do this sort of thing.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peasant said:

    @Tsulan said:
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:

     @Tsulan said:

    This should answer your question. 

    Always funny when marth uncloaks the "balance" of DBD

    Yes because Marth is a good representative of the DBD community average gameplay. Oh and 4 top gamers worldwide on voice comms already having discussed pre game what they're going to do.

    Uhmm... I don't want to belittle marth, BUT there are survivor mains, that are 10 times better than anyone of his team is. Marth is a killer main, so are his friends. They are very good at what they do, but there are survivor mains which can loop you for 5 gens without breaking a sweat. This means, that others can do the same things and even better.

    Survivors said, those things are not possible. Gen rushes are a myth, bla bla. Then marth showed how it is indeed possible. Now they turned to "no one plays like this"
    But the fact is,  that there are swf deathsquads which play like this. 
    So it's not only marth and his friends.

    The really sad part about Marth's efforts is that he unintentionally teaches survivor mains new strategies making every survivor stronger with each video. For example, I used to think that having multiple people on a generator would cause total repairs to happen faster. Marth showed us that by splitting up we can get three generators done at the very start if someone loops the killer. Now more people know about and do this sort of thing.

    And thats good.
    The more survivors use it, the better, and the devs finally have to get out of their hole and do sth about it

  • Cass
    Cass Member Posts: 47

    I would LOVE sabotage to be worthwhile. But sadly as a killer it only happened a couple of times they dropped a hook right before I could hook a survivor. Very very very very rare.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Cass said:
    I would LOVE sabotage to be worthwhile. But sadly as a killer it only happened a couple of times they dropped a hook right before I could hook a survivor. Very very very very rare.

    Sabotage is worthwhile. However, now it requires some thinking, whereas before it was just mindless hook breaking.