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My Steam account was stolen and now I've almost 100M Bloodpoints

Draneth Member Posts: 18


My Steam account was stolen yesterday and I've noticed it many hours later since I was sleeping + working. I finally recovered my account and I've a lot of issues with it not related with Dead By Daylight (like missing items in the inventory of Steam exc...). Besides that and back to DbD, I logged in since I've seen the game was played during that timeframe to check if everything is alright and it's not. I've almost 100M Bloopoints on my account right now. I've checked on the internet, thinking about a visual bug, but I found out about exploits to break the 1M bloopoints mark so I would rather speak about directly with Behavior than being banned later. I've almost 400 hours into the game and I've no interested in this kind of bullshit.

What can I do now, since I've got that huge stash of Bloodpoints? Can I spend them till I wait u for a rollback? Should I not play all together? I've opened a ticket but what should I do for now? There is any way to tag a dev here to let them know that this kind of exploits exists?

It's not the first time one of my accounts get stolen (I remember one time where the thieft got my Ubisoft account for months, since I was uninterested in it and didn't use it) and simply played every game in the library to the end but this is the first time someone actually use cheats on an account of mine (for selling it I guess? I've more than 600 games in my Steam library).



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The best people to contact, not only to get your account rolled back but to notify them that the exploit exists, are the Support team, which it sounds like you've already done. Tagging a developer here probably won't help, since they will almost certainly tell you to contact Support.

    If I were you, as far as not taking advantage of the exploit goes, I would still play but make sure that you only spend bloodpoints that you personally earn and ignore the extra 100M. Of course, if you do that, bear in mind that you may or may not lose any progress you make in that time, depending on what method the team use to rectify the issue.

  • Draneth
    Draneth Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2020

    First of all, thanks @Fibijean for your reply^^ As u said I had already contact the support team about the issue but let say that... They are not really helping. At all. I copy-paste the reply:


    Thank you for contacting us.

    As much as we would like to help, I am afraid to inform you that we are unable to provide you with any help on this. Please note that the security of an account is the responsibility of its owner. I really am sorry about this, but we are unable to give any assistance in this case.

    Thank you for your understanding. If you have other concerns, please let us know and we'll be happy to help.

    Stay safe out there...

    The Dead by Daylight Team"

    I mean, I know that security of the account is my concern and I already activated Steam Guard to deal with the problem now. I've learned my lesson. But are they really going to let me keep that bloodpoints? I don't want them and more importantly I don't want to get banned for something in which I was already the "victim" (besides DbD, they damaged my Steam account in other ways, for example). Right now I'm avoiding to play altogether even if I would like to but this is ridiculous.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Hm, I see what you mean. It almost sounds like Support misinterpreted your request and thought you were asking for them to help you recover your account, when I'm guessing what you were actually asking was for them to remove the hacked bloodpoints?

    I might tag @Peanits in here after all, to see if he can help. He used to work on the Support team, I believe, so he has some personal experience in what they will and won't be able to do for you, and can probably therefore advise you on whether it's okay to keep the bloodpoints as things stand.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    If you're lucky they'll let you keep it. The grind is rough enough as it is.

  • Draneth
    Draneth Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2020

    @Fibijean thanks a lot :) Actually it's strange that they didn't understand the problem since I basically copy-pasted my ticket to create this post, editing out only sensible informations and pieces in which I was referring directly to the costumer support. I replied trying to clarify but I'm actually quite worried now that they will not be able to fix the issue and my account will be banned because of it :/ Also I don't actually now if I should play or not right, since I don't want to spend bloodpoints. Also, thanks for tagging @Peanits. I hope they can give some insight about the issue.

    @IamDwight believe me, it's not very fun. I mean, I already had all killers at 50 and the perks I need on Nancy, I was about to start to grind prestiges. Even if they let me keep the bloodpoints that will take some of the fun out of the game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Honestly, when I started reading the post I thought you were asking for help retrieving your account at first, so maybe the Support people just skimmed it and missed what you were actually asking. They do get a lot of reports every day, so it's certainly plausible.

    Worst case scenario, if your account does get banned, you should be able to appeal it since you've done nothing wrong. If you happen to have any evidence of your account having been stolen (such as emails from Steam Support, for example) I would hold onto that just in case you need it to prove your innocence. If it helps, though, I don't think that's likely to happen.

    Hopefully Peanits will have a spare moment soon in which he can help you sort it out 😊

  • Draneth
    Draneth Member Posts: 18

    What do you mean with "I don't think that's likely to happen"?

    Anyway, I opened this thread and the ticket as soon as possible so I hope it will help eventually.

    I've decided to play the game the game right now, by the way, since I've some spare time and I would really like to do so :) I'm not gonna spend any BP until this situation is sorted out unless I really need items to play. I'll go with the bare minimum.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Sorry, I meant I don't think it's likely that your account will get banned. Didn't mean for my pronouns to be so ambiguous there, I apologise!

    Probably a good call with regards to the bloodpoints. Best to play it safe for now.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Useless support being useless? Nothing new. :/ Only way to get it sorted it to try again and hope you actually get someone willing to help.

  • Draneth
    Draneth Member Posts: 18

    So, I've news... This was the reply I just received from the customer service:


    We're glad to hear that your account is secured now. However, I'm afraid that we cannot reverse what has been done to your account as we do not have the means to do so. We hope you understand.

    Stay safe out there...

    The Dead by Daylight Team"

    Still, no informations about how should I deal with the thing. I don't know if I can spend them (I'm not getting Bloodpoints either right now, since I'm over the 1M limit) nor if my account is gonna be banned or not. Any idea?

    No problem^^ I just didn't understand what u meant. Thanks again for the help.

    I never been critical against Behavior but I guess in this case I've to agree. If I'll get banned for this inconvenience I guess I'm done with the game or any other game from the company. I would be really upset.

  • Draneth
    Draneth Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2020

    I've got one last reply and the ticket closed and honestly I can't fu*king believe it...


    You may play the game normally at your own risk, but this means that you can be suspended for having a hacked save file. Again, I'm really sorry but we are unable to help you further with this. We'll be closing this ticket now.

    Stay safe out there...

    The Dead by Daylight Team"

    I mean, are we serious? One of my accounts of a third party program used by DbD as a launcher get stolen, they mess with my in game account, I "self-snitch" myself to do the right thing since I don't want anything to do with it and the reply is basically "we will do nothing, we can play the game (as if I can get legit bp now, meaning that I can't spend the hacked BP to get items) at my own risk of being banned because they can't rollback my account... Are we legitemaly serious here? How is it even my fault if for technical reasons they can't do nothing about it? I paid for the dlcs, the cosmetics, the Rifts and I've invested hundred of hours in this game and now I risk a perma ban because Behavior can't do nothing about something that is not even my fault? Is it an out of season April fools joke?

    I'm genuinely surprised by how unprofessional this situation is getting.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230

    wow ok this is just surprisingly stupid, im sorry to hear that man. @Peanits is there really no way to remove his bloodpoints by request? i mean i know that you can add bloodpoints on a account so removing them should be working to or not?

    im sorry for my bad english, im still learning this language.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,585

    As Support has answered your question I am closing this thread. Unfortunately, as Support has advised we are unable to remove anything from your account and whilst we appreciate your circumstances I am afraid that there is nothing we can do.

    I do advise everyone to make sure their Steam accounts are as safe as possible and to enable as much security as possible around their accounts, it is the account holders responsibility for what happens with your account.

This discussion has been closed.