Could the next killer be Pyramid Head from Silent Hill?

Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

"Pyramid Head or Red Pyramid Thing is a monster (and in two cases, a duo of monsters) that debuted in Silent Hill 2 as one of the primary antagonists. Since its creation, Pyramid Head has become one of the most well-known and iconic monsters in the franchise, turning into something of a mainstream and flagship figurehead for the series. They are usually portrayed as, at the most basic, violent monsters. A deeper meaning given to them explains their existences as deliverers of punishment and executioners of sinful humans. In Silent Hill 2, one Pyramid Head proves his acts of aggression are not aimed solely at humans, as he has also brought harm to the other creatures that inhabit Silent Hill." -Silent Hill Wiki

I personally would love to see Pyramid Head (in-game title: The Shadowed One, possibly?) as the new Killer. I think he would fit into the theme of the game very well, and I'm excited to see what they would do with him in regard to his abilities and how he interacts with the world and the Survivors. He's scary, he's powerful, he's unique, and he has CHARACTER!

The Survivor could be James Sunderland (from Silent Hill), of course--which would be great, since we haven't had a new male Survivor in quite some time!


  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    They said iconic to horror since he was released. What makes you think Pyramid head is iconic to horror since release?

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Well, "horror" doesn't just apply to movies, it can apply to games as well. With this in mind, I'm sure that horror game fans who have been playing for quite some time can agree that Silent Hill is a pretty iconic and spooky franchise, and Pyramid Head is (as the wiki stated) one of the most iconic monsters in the franchise! And it would be a very unique Killer as well.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Good point but plenty of the other killers people have been talking about are much more icon it both in video games and movies. Except for maybe pennywise at least.

    I would be disappointed if it was Pyramid but I guess plenty of others would be excited

  • hanibel
    hanibel Member Posts: 164

    Well the skull was black and gold and the box from hellraiser is black and gold so bettin on that

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand! I personally would be super excited for Pyramid Head (since he's different and unique), and I'm really loathing the thought of them adding anything like Pennywise or "Candyman" (never heard of him until recently, and he looks boring). But it all boils down to personal preference, of course 😏

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I honestly hope it isn't him, just for the sake of my shorts. Most likely will wet them from how scary he is.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Lol! He would be pretty darn scary, but I'm personally craving some Big Scares! It is a "Survival Horror", after all 😏

    I love facing Killers like Ghostface and Myers (since they can creep around and catch you unawares), and I'd love for them to add another scary baddie to the roster to make it even more spooky!

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't think so just because silent hill is more of a cult classic.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    as much as i would love that to be truth, no theres just no way, we'll have to just get used to candyman even though i honestly never heard or seen any of that franchise

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514
    edited May 2020

    No way. Taking into account that Konami buried the series by cancelling Silent Hills and pulled out its husk as a Pachinko game, I highly doubt they are going to be licensing out anything. Even if they were, it would be a questionable move to partner with them given their history.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    While I would love for Pyramid Head to be in dbd, I don't think he'd work very well. If they bring him in, he'd either wield a giant sword or a spear. In your first encounter with him, back in sh2, you're in a stairwell landing about 100 sq ft give or take. The encounter consists of avoiding him in that small space with no obstacles. So essentially, the sword slowed him down so much that he could be endlessly looped without any obstacles. Not to mention that it's a huge sword. Thing's massive. Devs are making sure that every killer has the same range with their basic attack, so it wouldn't feel right. And with the spear, I'm not sure he has the same impact. Not to mention that he sprints through that corridor after James and Maria. So he's either super slow. Like, 2.5 m/s speed killer, with a massive weapon, or he's a super mobile killer while loosing a major part of what made him so iconic in the first place.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    well DBD is a Satanic-Iluminati game as much as Pyramid Head is... so that's feasible

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    Honestly i'm not a huge horror enthusiast, but when I heard theories it was him, it vaguely rang a bell and I actually had to look him up, still had no idea where he came from to begin with. Iconic really depends on who you ask. When I think horror, I think Nightmare, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Alien, Scream, and (to be frank) FNAF. But that's just what I think of when someone says iconic to horror

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Have you never heard of Silent Hill? I know it kinda died out because of Konami, but for a while, it was one of the most well know horror game franchises. Up there with Resident Evil. In fact, Re7 feels like it took some themes from Silent Hill. Pyramid Head ended up being so we'll received that the developers of later installments and even the movie decided to put him in even if he didn't quite fit the same theme he was originally intended for.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    They could make him slower than average speed, make him have a shorter lunge range than other Killers (Nurse herself has a shorter lunge range ((according to the wiki)), and T1 and T3 Myers have altered lunge ranges as well), and make his weapon hitbox longer to match his big weapon! And maybe he could have some kind of knockback to his swing, like if you hit a Survivor near a wall they would get launched into it (or if you hit a Survivor in general, they get knocked back a little ways, and can use less of their post-hit speed boost)! He could also be able to charge and swing his weapon around him, so it would be impossible to 360 around him once he caught up to you.

    These are all just ideas, but I think BHVR could easily adapt him to DbD gameplay, without sacrificing too much of what he is in his own games. I mean, they added Freddy, Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface and Pig.... I'd love to see what they could do with Pyramid Head.

  • LiquidSwordsman
    LiquidSwordsman Member Posts: 50

    They said it's going to be a classic license that has "marked the world of horror since it's inception." So it has to be a person or figure that has created a cult following, sparked up some media buzz and have people still talking about til this day. There's an extremely low chance any ordinary person has heard of Pyramid Head.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Well, from Wikipedia: Silent Hill 2 is often considered to be among one of the best video games for its narrative. It ranked first on X-Play's list of the scariest games of all time in 2006. In 2009, IGN listed it as one of the five best horror video games created after 2000, and one of the twelve greatest PlayStation 2 games of all time. It ranked again in IGN's list of the top 100 PS2 games, and again in 2018, on IGN's list of the 100 greatest video games ever made. In a retrospective by Gamepro, it was the 26th best game for the PS2. In 2008, Gamesradar placed it on its list of the 15 best "videogame stories" ever, describing it as "a punishing tale not easily matched". In 2009, Wired News listed it as the 11th most influential game of the decade for its emphasis on psychological horror and exploration of taboo topics such as domestic abuse, rather than gore. In 2012, a top video games of all-time list by G4 television network ranked the game in 85th place. That same year, the game's narrative was ranked first on GamesRadar's list of The Best Videogame Stories Ever. Silent Hill 2 was listed as the number two top horror game of all time in the October 2014 issue of Game Informer, and number eight on GameTrailers's Top Ten Twos list of the best second franchise games in 2015.

    According to the Silent Hill Wiki, "Silent Hill 2 is often called one of the greatest works of art in the survival horror video game medium."!

    I also think that we're to assume that when they say "marked the world of horror since it's inception", they're meaning a franchise. Silent Hill has definitely marked the world of horror through games since it's inception, and it definitely still has a cult following and has reached the attention of media (they even made movies!). And I'm aware that many younger gamers probably wouldn't know about Silent Hill, but that doesn't really mean much, considering the fact that Silent Hill 2 was released in 2001.

    I'm assuming that the Killer for a Silent Hill Chapter will be Pyramid Head due to the fact that he is (as I said in my original post), "One of the most well-known and iconic monsters in the franchise, turning into something of a mainstream and flagship figurehead for the series.". It would definitely make sense!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I hope it is but I'm nearly certain it isn't.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I just watched this video ( of someone talking about the clues that we have in Pyramid Head's favor! I think it's alright to be hopeful, it might not be him but it's definitely possible! :-)

    I think it would be pretty sneaky on BHVR's part to put out red herrings like the candy tweet, while being far more subtle with clues as to what they're actually planning! But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally the world of Silent Hill would make for an extremely cool chapter. I'd love to see what sort of map they could create. The problem is the license isn't iconic enough and that's why I don't think they will do it.

    I don't think it's Candyman either, I think it's too on the nose. My pick has been Pennywise for the last while though I made a joke the other day about it being a Matilda chapter lol

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The true question is: SHOULD it be Pyramid head?

    And there is only one correct answer: HELLL YEEAA!

  • LiquidSwordsman
    LiquidSwordsman Member Posts: 50

    But that's all in the gaming media, it's not rest of the world. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discrediting Silent Hill, it's a classic successful gaming franchise and I'm sure people may familiar with the name in the mainstream, but just because it was popular enough to put out a few movies, it didn't leave that same huge impact like Physcho, The Shining or Child's Play did.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    A Silent Hill based map with insane fog would be amazing and Pyramid Head would be way more terrifying than Candyman imo.

    If it isn't PH then I'm hoping it's Jason (may be unlikely but apparently it's possible)

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Well, the devs have already stated that every killer they make will have the same basic attack range. However, I can see them making the spear his basic attack, and have his sword be his power. Sort of like the Demogorgon's shred. Maybe a charge up while he gets it ready, followed by a charge attack where he drags the sword along the ground and swings upwards at the end. Like, anchor him in place for a second. Could be useful in certain situations, but useless in a loop. Of course, that hotel would have to be the map, with James as the survivor. Though I could see the city itself being the map. Wouldn't even need an outer wall then. Could just have those parts where the ground is missing like in Silent Hill 2.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Well, it did sell extremely well in North America, Japan and Europe, so that's close to "world-wide", don't you think? ;-)

    And I understand that movies like the ones you listed might have a bigger impact (since they reach a wider audience), but I think that Silent Hill had an equally as powerful impact, except mostly in the gaming world. I would venture to say that Silent Hill has been the inspiration for many, many horror games that have been released and are still being released to this day!

    I think what's happening is that there hasn't been a character from another *video game* implemented into DbD, only movie characters, so people automatically assume that there will only be movie characters added to DbD. I think that adding a character from another video game like Silent Hill, which has a legendary status among horror gaming, would be an extremely smart move on the devs' part, since it appeals directly to gamers. Imagine getting to play as your favorite horror GAME enemy!

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I see.... that could work, alternating between sword and spear! Maybe they could make it so his basic attack hits all Survivors in front of him.... even better anti-hook bomb Killer than Leatherface? 😏 I was thinking maybe he could have a cool ability where he thickens the mist in a certain meter-wide radius around him.... and his terror radius goes away.... and he switches to using his sword (which is a one-hit down)! I think it'd be really cool and I'd love to play as and against him!

    Either way, I'm sure they'd come up with something good for him! I mean, Demogorgon is a cool Killer, and they really did a good job with him! Very unique and all that. I have high hopes for Pyramid Head, if they decide to add him!

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Main thing I'm trying to get across is that, outside of using the killer's power, their basic attack will always be and work the same. It'll only ever be animated differently.

    Yeah, I thought of the sword being a one hit down. I didn't think of the mist though. Hm. Mist could spread out, and give you some kind of notification or something while someone is in it. Use the sword in the mist, slow movement. Only thing I can see bringing this down would be that it would be perfect for camping, and camping killers aggravate me more than tunneling.

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    No, because Konami.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I'd love some pyramid head and I've never even played or watched silent hill stuff. One look at him is enough to love him.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Pyramid head would be so cool, I'd love to see him and I'm not even a big fan of silent hill. If we didn't already have a nurse killer id probably prefer the nurses from silent hill movies (contemporary nurses from the 2 movies)